----- Original Message ----- 
From: John Kennon
To: Oreste 
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 5:52 AM
Subject: Midway Update

As published elsewhere......

The entire team is in Honolulu. On Thursday when the first members were to 
depart to Midway we were informed of a problem with the plane involving an oil 
leak. We were assured it was fixable. Friday several test flights were made 
that determined that the repairs were unsuccessful. We are frantically 
searching for alternative means. We discovered yesterday that there are no 
available planes on the Island that are either certified to fly to Midway or 
large enough for us. We are negotiating with a company in California for a jet 
as well. The plane we original chartered is about to take off on a test flight 
to determine if the repairs made overnight were successful.

The team is not giving up and exploring ALL options to make this happen. Fish 
and Wildlife is being very supportive of our efforts but in no way will they 
extend the end date of our operation beyond the 19th due to the return of 
migratory species that have already begun to return early.

We will update the website in 5 or 6 hours when the plane returns and is 
checked out. We are as frustrated as you.

73, John N7CQQ/kh6
702-498-1369 cell

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