Last night at 00:12Z The packetcluster reported XV4D  on 14009.1  I worked him 
longpath. Could not get him at all on shortpath. I assumed it was XV4D since 
that's who the packetcluster said he was. I heard him sending CQ NA and read 
that much, but  I did not read his call, which I am prone to do when working CW 
DX, since I can only copy solid at 20WPM.  I can copy my call and 5nn at 40WPM. 
  Later by only 5 minutes there was a spot on the same frequency for XV2RZ.  
Can any of you people in the 6th or 7th call area verify which XV station it 
was who I worked?  I know I can QSL them both and get a card from one of them, 
but I want to know who I worked from South Carolina.
Email me direct and save the criticizms of me not copying his call for next 
Jim N4JA

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