-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] RP65 callsigns
Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 10:02:58 +0400
From: Alex Kolmychek RN6AH <rn...@yandex.ru>
Reply-To: Alex Kolmychek RN6AH <rn...@yandex.ru>
To: <jjreis...@gmail.com>

Hi Jim,

UA     - A very large number of Russian stations  using  special  prefix  RP
        (where the letter  P  stands  for  "pobeda",  i.e.  "victory")  are
        expected to be QRV on 1-10 May to celebrate  the  65th  anniversary
        of the end of World War II. The Michurinsk Contest  Group  will  be
        active as RP3RQ, RP3RTG, RP3RZK and RP65RTK (QSL for all  callsigns
        via RN3RQ; e-mail rn...@tamb.ru for  information  on  the  relevant
        free or charge award). The  long  list  (in  Russian)  of  stations
        expected to participate in the Victory-65 Memorial can be found  on
        the    Russian    Amateur    Radio    Union's       web        site

73's & GL, Alex RN6AH
  RN6BN AR-Cluster Node in Krasnodar, Russia
  telnet://RN6BN.73.ru:23   or   telnet://

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