Dave may have overlooked that BP's oil from the colony shall be washing  
ashore in the mother country just  in time for the Brit's need ......   ;>)

In a message dated 6/16/2010 2:55:40 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
mausop...@btinternet.com writes:

I think to be fair that the Telegraph is a British  newspaper so reports 
from a British point of  view.


After the absence of any sensible  energy policy for about the last 25 
years, Britain will have plenty of  blackouts coming, and not related to solar 
flares - merely due to lack  of generation capacity.  As recent governments 
have played the  "eco" card and pursued the myth of wind, wave and solar 
energy and  climate change they have neglected the core generating capacity 
 needs to sit behind them.  Britain's generating capacity relies  
over-heavily on gas, the stocks of which are dwindling in the North Sea  and 
will soon have to be imported in large qualtities.  This  problem is 
exacerbated by lack of investment in infrastructure:  we  can store only a few 
worth of gas whereas many other EU countries  can store weeks' worth.

The "green" agenda pushed by politicians  and other non-scientists has 
caused us to lose sight of energy  security.  Britain has huge coal stocks 
though lack of investment  in (a) mining and (b) power stations to burn the 
mean that we're  in no position to use it.   Many of our power stations are 
 coming to the end of their lives, and nothing new is being built to  
replace them.  Wind turbines cost more to build and maintain then  they ever 
generate - they exists merely because of political pressure  and due to the 
various subsidies (much of which are paid for by YOU via  your gas/electricity 
bill, BTW) that HMG pays landowners to install  them.  Solar panels have a 
distinct limitation when you want power  at 10pm on a Sunday night in January.

I'd buy a diesel generator  if I were you.  They also come in useful for 
field day  contests...

Dave G0OIL
(an Energy Sector  professional)

--- On Wed, 16/6/10, tom wylie  <thomaswy...@sky.com> wrote:

From:  tom wylie <thomaswy...@sky.com>
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT]  Warning-Get Ready
To: bhw...@hughes.net, "DX-CHAT"  <dx-chat@njdxa.org>
Date: Wednesday, 16 June, 2010,  8:17

What - only Britain?????  Thats not  fair......


Bill Hawkins  wrote:
>   Nasa warns solar flares from 'huge space  storm' will cause devastation
>   Britain could face widespread power blackouts and be  left without
>     critical communication  signals for long periods of time, after the
>   earth is hit by a once-in-a-generation “space  storm”, Nasa has warned.
> *Senior space agency  scientists believe the Earth will be hit with 
unprecedented levels of  magnetic energy from solar flares after the Sun wakes “
from a deep  slumber” sometime around 2013. *
> ** Read the whole story here  
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--  I am fully aware that my youth has been spent
That my get up and go  - has got up and went
But I really dont mind when I think with a  grin
of all the great places my "get up" has  been!

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