Hi Boris.. thanks all the QSO's 73, Gary K7ZD

No, only current "entities".. from the ARRL Web

The DXCC Challenge Award is given for working and confirming at
least 1,000 DXCC band-Entities on any Amateur bands, 160 through
6 meters (except 60 meters). This award is in the form of a plaque.
Certificates are not available for this award. Plaques can be endorsed
in increments of 500. entities for each band are totaled to give the
Challenge standing. *Deleted entities do not count for this award*.
All contacts must be made after November 15, 1945.
QSOs for the 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 meter bands
qualify for this award. Bands with less than 100 contacts are
acceptable for credit for this award.

On 2/19/2011 10:54 AM, Boris Knezovic E73Y wrote:

Can not find anything in DXCC rules. Are deleted countries counted
towards DXCC Challenge?

73's Boris E73Y

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