Ron, I think I can answer that question without need for an investigative 
reporter: politics. I worked very closely with USFWS in my years with the US 
National Park Service as a wildlife biologist. Given the constantly changing 
political climate and the consequent usually dramatic changes in policies 
(e.g., should FWS change wolves, polar bear, grizzly bear, salmon, bison, 
Island Marble Butterfly, etc, etc from Endangered to Threatened or take them 
altogether off the List? Should mining and drilling be permitted in a National 
Wildlife Refuge?), the US Fish & Wildlife Service personnel, usually at the 
professional mid-management and field levels, are scared to death of doing or 
changing anything which might come back to bite them in the rear end one to ten 
years down the road. The "do nothing" option is the only choice they feel they 
have which will permit them to keep their jobs (and I know personnel who have 
lost their jobs by actually taking action on something). FWS is caught in the 
middle between hardcore environmentalists and committed open pit and petroleum 
miners. Most of the personnel can't be fired but if someone makes a decision 
that it would be OK to permit ham radio ops on Navassa or Desecheo Island, the 
risk is that someone might suddenly find their job has been eliminated. Thus, 
don't expect to see permitted operations on either island anytime soon. I hope 
I am wrong.

I believe it will indeed require an act of Congress before we see further 
DXpeditions to KP1/5. Good thing for me since Caribbean contacts are difficult 
from my particular Arizona QTH under current propagation conditions :-( .

73 de Fred Stevens K2FRD, VO2FS
Certified Wildlife Biologist, Retd

At 7:55 AM -0600 2/3/11, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
>I think we need an investigative journalist to find out WHY Fish & Wildlife 
>staff for the Caribbean has ben so against ANYONE not with the agency ever 
>officially landing on "their" islands.
>One wonders if they are covering something up, or merely... overly 
>enthusiastic, if not zealous, about doing their jobs.
>There's been innuendo for years about how some of the staff uses the islands 
>for their own purposes
>Mar 2, 2011 07:18:43 AM, wrote:
>There was an attempt to get Congress to open up KP1/5 but the bill
>died in committee. That is one avenue to pursue if we can't persuade
>FWS but it needs enough support.
>Ryan, N2RJ
>Via iPhone

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