
I highly doubt that it is possible to get licensed via internet, especially
since CR has a new license fee tax.

The good news is that obtaining a license is fairly easy if you have a US
license. The agency that issues the license is SUTEL. You'll need two copies
each of your license, passport and two color photos. You'll also need model
and serial numbers of your equipment as well as any antennas you need to

Your best bet is to contact Radio Club de Costa Rica (their national
society) for help.

http://ti0rc.org <http://ti0rc.org/wordpress/>

<http://ti0rc.org/wordpress/>You can use Google translate to navigate their
website (Google Chrome has this feature built in).

They're also on Facebook:


Ryan, N2RJ

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 1:00 PM, David Kozinn, K2DBK <dkoz...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm going to be on vacation in Costa Rica in July for a week and I was
> wondering if anyone has any information about licensing beyond what's here:
> http://www.qsl.net/oh2mcn/ti.htm?
> While I would like to get on the air, my trip is a vacation with friends
> and we're staying about a 5 or 6 hour drive (each way) from San Jose (we're
> flying into and out of Liberia) and I didn't want to give up a whole day
> just to get the license. On top of that, other than knowing how to ask for a
> beer and a few other essentials, my Spanish is non-existent. From what the
> web page says, that might be a problem.
> I was wondering if anyone knows if perhaps it's now possible ot get
> licensed via mail or the Internet? If not, I guess I'll just have to take a
> pass this time.
> 73,
>      David, K2DBK
>      k2dbk.com
>      k2dbk.blogspot.com
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