It's not a matter of catching the same fish twice.

ST0 is a different country before and after they split. What if you worked
ST0 and they were operating from what is now South Sudan (but which was
Sudan before)? Which country did you really work, Sudan or South Sudan?
 DXCC doesn't keep track of exact location within an entity, just that you
worked a particular entity. If the entity changes from what it was, you'll
need to work it again  because that old entity no longer exists.

Let's say Texas annexes Northern Mexico and secedes from the USA. If you
worked USA contacts in Texas or northern Mexico, will they now be part of
the USA? No, they will not. Should you get credit for working those
entities? No because they did not exist as DXCC entities at that time.

Your total entity count does not go down, but the number on the current list
does. And it's the number on the current list that determines eligibility
for HR and #1HR.

Ryan, N2RJ

On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 8:31 PM, Fred Stevens K2FRD <> wrote:

> Yes, Bernie, there are several explanations for catching the same fish
> twice. In my own world as a wildlife biologist, it's called
> "catch-and-release" and "mark-and-recapture"; the fish (or other wildlife
> such as rabbits, deer, mice, insects, crustaceans, whatever) is caught, then
> tagged before release. Subsequent catches of the tagged fish or other
> animals are measured against catches of the same species which are not
> tagged. After a certain number ("N") are caught and again released, a
> formula called the Lincoln-Peterson Index is applied to determine population
> numbers.
> Now, one might reasonably ask, how does a Lincoln-Peterson Index apply to
> recapture of a long gone, then reappearing DX entity such as South Sudan, I
> have no idea, at least not yet. Working on it... I'm still trying to
> recapture QSLs from QSOs in the early 1990s. For example, I made contact
> with only a single station from Rhode Island during my 2001 and 2004
> mini-dxpeditions to VO2 despite repeated efforts. This one station responded
> to my CQ RI but never responded to my repeated QSL requests (I sent him
> SASEs, green stamps, even $5 GS, and letters) but no response thus denying
> me WAS from VO2. Using the Lincoln-Peterson Index (N=1), I would calculate
> that Rhode Island no longer exists, has gone extinct, HF-wise. Yet,
> insists that RI has a ham population of 2263. Such are the vagaries of both
> wildlife and ham radio populations and contacts.
> You win some, you lose some, but you keep playing the game.
> 73 de Fred Stevens K2FRD
> Previously VO2/K2FRD
> VO2FS to be QRV in summer 2012
> At 7:00 PM -0400 9/7/11, Bernie McClenny, W3UR wrote:
> >Professor Cass taught before the DXCC 2000 rule change, but I suspect
> >there must be something that explains catching the same fish twice.  The
> >man was a genius!  Guess I'll have to re-read the book, again!
> >
> >Bernie
> >
> >Bernie McClenny, W3UR
> >Editor of The Daily DX, The Weekly DX and How's DX?
> >Get a free two week trial of The Daily DX and The Weekly DX
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: [] On Behalf Of Don Berger
> >Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2011 6:18 PM
> >To:;
> >Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] South Sudan
> >
> >
> >I still have all the West /Coast DX Bulletins but couldn't find the
> >reference to catching the same fish twice!
> >
> >73
> >K1vsk
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