Everybody's worthwhile comments are on the money, but at the end of the day 
it's just plain common sense. 



On Oct 23, 2011, at 8:20 PM, Don Berger <dberger...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Shhhhhhhhhhhh! All this helpful information will take it harder for the 
> "deserving" who have already figured it out.
> Don
> K1vsk
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Gomberg" <da...@wcf.com>
> To: "DX Chat" <dx-chat@njdxa.org>
> Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 6:02 PM
> Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Up
>> At 14:17 10/23/2011, Elmar PD3EM wrote:
>>> A lot of chances to work a DX or DX-pedition are ruined by "hams" that 
>>> don't listen before they TX.
>> Here's a mail I sent to my local club and NCDXC a few days after Pacificon:
>> The reminder to LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN that I was given at Pacificon worked 
>> great for me this AM.
>> T32C was on 40m SSB and had a pretty good pileup.  40m does not work well 
>> for me, I think it is a feed-line
>> issue because my screwdriver tunes beautifully on all bands but 40m. Anyway, 
>> hearing the pileup made me
>> think my best strategy was to listen, and I started to hear him complaining 
>> about his QSOs getting QRMed
>> by other deserving calling and calling.   Then he said, "Give me a second, I 
>> am going to check around".  He
>> had been working simplex and I took this as a clue he was planning to start 
>> working split.  So I set my radio
>> to split and VFO A to his old frequency, and the mouse cross hairs (I run a 
>> flex3K) to VFO B.  When he came
>> back he said "I am going to start working split, QSX 7180" and in 2-3 
>> seconds I clicked on 7180 and hit the
>> foot pedal, he came back as I was the only one that fast and I got him first 
>> call (can't use my amp on 40m,
>> the SWR is too high).   It was a delight and a triumph for LISTENING. Thank 
>> you all.....
>> -- 
>> Dave Gomberg, San Francisco   NE5EE     Programming since 1959
>> All addresses, phones, etc. at http://www.wcf.com/ham/info.html
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