No so fast. If I am not mistaken, this does not become effective until 30 days after it is published in the Federal Register.

73, Doug W4OX

On 11/20/2011 1:14 PM, Crownhaven wrote:

If anyone is interested, 60 meters now allows 100 watts, SSB, CW, PSK-31 and Pactor III. There is a new channel replacing one that already existed that was carrying some kind of government data stream since the band's inception. This was effective Friday.

Allowing Pactor III on the band seems to affirm the commission's intent that the band be used for emergency and disaster comms.

New channels are:

5330.5 5332.0
5346.5 5348.0
5357.0 5358.5
5371.5 5373.0
5403.5 5405.0

Dial frequency in left column.

Steve, N4JQQ

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