I have always thought it would be interesting to be a billionaire and be able 
to go on a DXpedition to the number 1 most wanted entity. W4?, hmm that sounds 
like a call of someone who called me a _____ because I defended not using 
phonetics on the county hunter's nets back in 2012. "Sorry OM, too much qrm and 
qrn, maybe you can work the next DXpedition to get the last one you need for 
top of the honor roll, QRZ". Seriously though, I really don't need to subscribe 
to any of these forums. I could bash myself to death. I am a DXer, 
DXpeditioner, County Hunter, Net Operator, ARRL OO, ARRL VE, occasional 
echolink operator, contester, etc. So, if my various personalities ever split, 
I will be in trouble. "You work DX on a net. That's pathetic, expecting to be 
"spoon fed" all your contacts" "Bam, Bam, Bam". "Oh yea, well it's better than 
you're pathetic bleating out your "last two" for 2 days straight" "Bam, Bam , 
Bam". "Echolink, that's not even ham radio" "Bam, Bam, Bam" "Well, at least I 
can talk to my friend in Australia, You have to repeat your call 10 times 
before the DX can get it right because you're so weak, then he gives you 59" 
"Bam, Bam, Bam" "You're a contester? All they do is hog the band and call CQ 
Contest with a machine, and I can't operate the only day of the week I have 
off. There is a contest every weekend". "Bam, Bam, Bam" "Too bad, it is such a 
waste of band for you to talk to the same guy every day for the last 20 years 
talking about you're gout. Get a life" "Bam, Bam, Bam" "All you Dxpeditioners 
care about is getting money. Trying to extort us to buy a qsl" Bam, Bam, Bam" 
"Well my XYL is ready to kill me because I had to charge 3,000 qsls on the 
Visa, after already putting $3000 on there for the trip. Now I have all these 
Buro cards, which will be coming for the next 10 years, and US request with no 
SASE. I will have to put envelopes and stamps on the Visa too. And what am I 
supossed to do with this request which has a $20 bill in it, but the guys not 
in the log? Cheap DXers" "Bam Bam Bam" "County Hunting. They get their contacts 
like fish in the barrel, and the NC tells them the callsign. That's not even a 
contact in my book. "Bam, Bam, Bam" "You gave me an OO notice for 45 minutes 
with no id? Why don't you get a life? Don't you have anything better to do? 
Brown shirt OOs anyway" "Bam, Bam, Bam". I could go on, but, man, I am getting 
sore. My various factions could beat themselves into oblivion! 73, Duane, WV2B  
"You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it
 will be too late."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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