The leaderboard thing isn't all that bad *IF* the DX wants to allow it and
encourages it. If you're running an operation like HK0NA, 7O6T or T32C --
big, loud and there for a long time, I don't see the harm in it. Some
operations are looking for a new DXpedition record. On the other hand, a
couple of guys on rocks off the Brazilian coast may not want that level of
activity. But it's up to the DXpedition leaders to set forth the goals and
communicate them to the world before and during the operation.

I'm a big greenie-hunter. I like fighting pileups and I'm glad the Clublog
structure is there. But with that said, I *do* see the downsides and I would
implore both Clublog and DXpedition leaders to come up with a  way to show
contacts but not a full matrix if that's the wish of a DXpedition. If I had
a say in a big DXpedition, I'd welcome all comers on all bands, but if It
was just me and a couple of buddies heading off to a less-common entity in
the Pacific or Asia, I wouldn't want that same goal.

Peter Dougherty, W2IRT

 Barry wrote:

B> The other big factor is the "need" for so many to work every 
B> band-mode combination.  While I can understand wanting a QWSO on each 
B> band and mode, is EVERY combination necessary?  For example, if you 
B> worked them on 20 SSB, 40 CW, and 15 RTTY, do you also feel obligated 
B> to fill in the
B> 20 CW and 20 RTTY slots, too?  If so, why?

 Not  only that but even working EVERY DXpedition on EVERY slot. Thats  what
the  Clublog  is  provoking with its "leaderboard", thats why I  call it

 R8TX (ex RX9TX)

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