Art RX9TX wrote:

> Sounds  reasonable  for  me,  what  kind  of  proof should a brasilian
> researcher  propose  to  the  DXCC  Desk? Landing permission? I do not
> think Joaquim was requested of that by PY authorities. Ticket? I doubt
> DXCC    Desk    ever    requested    a   ticket   from   Chuck   3Y0C.
> Helicopter/airplane/ship  master  signature?  Weird.  Just wonder what
> kind  of  evidence  do  they  want.  I  think no one doubt Joaquim was
> operating  from  the  rocks,  and  he has a proper license, that's the
> keyword.

All of a sudden we have DXers questioning polcies of the DXCC Desk. Had 
some you been in the DX game some 40 years ago you would understand!

73 de John N6JM

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