The 40th Anniversary Edition of the  IOTA Directory will be published  around
19 April  and  will  be  available  from  RSGB  HQ  shortly  afterwards  (see
www.rsgb.org/shop/ or telephone  Sales at  +44 (0)1707  659015). Larger  than
ever with 136 pages, this anniversary edition features an historical  review,
much of which  has never previously  been published as  well as Geoff  Watts'
original IOTA list of 1964, fascinating for  what it includes as well as  for
what it omits. It includes all you have come to expect of the Directory - the
latest IOTA island listings,  DXpedition stories, the  Most Wanted List,  and
articles on how to get started in IOTA.

Readers, who have been active on the bands for several years and want help in
identifying operations  that  count, will  find  the  listing  of  operations
accepted for credit quite invaluable. This  list was first introduced in  the
2002 Directory and is now updated and  expanded to cover the 650 rarest  IOTA
groups. Using it could save you hours in preparing your application. And  for
the first time  the Directory  includes the  current year's  Honour Roll  and
other performance listings.


The first of two major events to celebrate IOTA's 40th Anniversary will  take
place at Friedrichshafen in southern Germany during Ham Radio 2004. We cannot
offer an IOTA operation there but we can do the next best thing and celebrate
IOTA's 40th  Birthday Party  afloat on  Bodensee  (Lake Constance).  We  have
chartered one of  the Lake's famous  steamers for a  Buffet Dinner Cruise  on
Saturday 26 June to a nearby  port. Participants will assemble at 1900  hours
at Friedrichshafen Harbour ready to set sail at 1930 with an expected  return
time around 2230. It will be a real occasion to remember!

Tickets are GBP24 or 35 euros each, a price that covers the cost of the  meal
and the cruise. Payment in dollars will be charged at the equivalent exchange
rate on  the day  of payment.  We prefer  you to  book on-line  via the  RSGB
website at www.rsgb.org/shop/ (after 20 April please). Those of you paying in
euros may be able to purchase tickets via your eurozone checkpoint.

This  is  an  ambitious  event  for  the  IOTA  Committee  to  organise  with
significant cost liabilities up front. To  assist proper planning we need  to
have a firm idea of the number of people wishing to participate by the end of
May. We cannot leave the sale of the bulk of tickets to the time of the  show
in late June.  Those of  you wishing to  join us should  book early to  avoid
disappointment. There may only be a  limited number of tickets left for  sale
on the RSGB stand in the Convention Hall. At this stage, even expressions  of
intent are  welcome -  please address  them  to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  for  the
attention of Teresa Baker. Book early,  get your tickets  and come and  enjoy
the party with us.

The second major celebration will be at the RSGB HF and IOTA Convention to be
held at a hotel near Gatwick  Airport on 22-24th October  2004. More on  this



AF-095/Pr  TJ    Cameroon group (Cameroon)
AS-169     VU    Maharashtra State group (India)
NA-226     XE1   Colima / Michoacan State group (Mexico)
OC-265     VK9   Coral Sea Islands Territory South (Australia)


AF-095/Pr  TJ    Cameroon group (Cameroon)


AF-009  TO4E       Europa Island (November/December 2003)
AF-009  TO4WW      Europa Island (November/December 2003)
AF-037  9L1MS/P    Banana Islands (January 2004)
AS-017  JL3SIK/6   Zamami Island, Okinawa Islands (November 2003)
AS-049  JA6PSE     Takara Island, Tokara Islands (February/March 2004)
AS-049  JA6PSI     Takara Island, Tokara Islands (February/March 2004)
AS-147  JA8DZV/8   Yagishiri Island (August 2003)
AS-147  JR8KJR/8   Yagishiri Island (August 2003)
AS-149  RA0FU/P    Moneron Island (September 2003)
AS-149  UA0FZ/P    Moneron Island (September 2003)
AS-169  AT0BI      Elephanta Island (March 2004)
NA-128  N1VF/VE2   Orleans Island (September 2003)
NA-166  XF1K       Pajaros Island (February 2004)
NA-189  XF1/F5TYY  Las Tres Marietas Island (January 2004)
NA-189  XF1/F6AOI  Las Tres Marietas Island (January 2004)
NA-189  XF1/F6BFH  Las Tres Marietas Island (January 2004)
NA-189  XF1/F9IE   Las Tres Marietas Island (January 2004)
NA-226  XF1/F5TYY  Pena Blanca Island (January 2004)
NA-226  XF1/F6AOI  Pena Blanca Island (January 2004)
NA-226  XF1/F6BFH  Pena Blanca Island (January 2004)
NA-226  XF1/F9IE   Pena Blanca Island (January 2004)
OC-026  N1VF/KH2   Guam Island (November 2003)
OC-078  V63MB      Mog-Mog Island, Ulithi Atoll (May 2003)
OC-079  FK/AC4LN   Art Island, Belep Islands (September 2003)
OC-137  VK2IAY/4   Lamb Island (December 2003)
OC-158  H44VV      Nggela Island, Florida Islands (August 2003)
OC-160  VK2IAY/4   Hook Island (November/December 2003)
OC-171  VK2IAY/4   Dunk Island (December 2003)
OC-258  P29VVB     Karkar Island (August 2003)
OC-265  VK4GL/P    Cato Reef, Coral Sea Islands Territory (December 2003)
OC-265  VK4WWI/P   Cato Reef, Coral Sea Islands Territory (December 2003)
SA-032  CE6TBN/8   Wellington Island (January 2004)
SA-055  LU1EDX/D   Martin Garcia Island (December 2003)
SA-055  LU8DCH/D   Martin Garcia Island (December 2003)
SA-088  ZY5X       Santana de Fora Island (July 2003)
SA-091  CE6TBN/8   Riesco Island (January 2004)

Note:  This   list  includes   operations  where   validation  material   was
volunteered, ie not  specifically required  for credit  to be  given. In  all
cases, cards  now submitted  will be  accepted by  Checkpoints if  they  meet
normal standards. This means that the  island name should  be printed on  the


AF-095/Pr  TJ3MC/P   Mondoleh Island (April 2004)
SA-074     OC3I      Los Chimus Island (February 2004)
SA-089     YV5ANF/1  Sal Key (April 2003)

Note: Checkpoints are  not authorised to  credit QSL cards  for an  operation
where validation is required.


After more than ten years of  checking cards Phil G4WFZ has relinquished  his
post as  checkpoint for  England (prefixes  G0 &  M0), the  rest of  the  UK,
Channel Islands, Isle of Man and all British SWLs. Thanks, Phil, for all your
help over the years. We welcome  as his replacement John Butcher, G3LAS,  who
is well-known as currently the Chairman of  the CDXC - The UK DX  Foundation.
His appointment takes effect immediately.

Members are asked to note the new checkpoint details:
                      John Butcher, G3LAS
                      Westland Green
                      Little Hadham
                      Herts SG11 2AJ
                      E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


WABA Directory  2003 is  the  official source  of  information for  the  IOTA
Programme on Antarctic  Base stations. It  acts as an  extension of the  IOTA
Directory, providing  the  IOTA reference  number  as well  as  a  wealth  of
detailed historical information on each base.  The Directory is  downloadable
from the 425 DX News website at http://www.425dxn.org .


The IOTA Directory includes rule clarifications on:
   a. operation of a station by remote control (not allowed),
   b. validation requirements for operations by yachtsmen with an on-board
      operational amateur radio station (requirements extended) and
   c. requirements for outgoing SWL reports and cards submitted for credit
      (requirements tightened).


The Directory also includes an up to date list of charges. Although there has
been NO increase in the GBP figures (beyond changes in postage for the higher
priced items), recent currency fluctuations have  meant a rise in the  dollar
equivalent figures,  effective immediately.  Members paying  in dollars  will
need to check the correct fee.


The new Directory  announces the addition  of three new  certificates to  the
programme's current  range, for  contacting 800,  900 and  1000 IOTA  groups.
These will be of  the same design  as other certificates  in the 100  series.
The 1000  Islands certificate  will be  sent free  of charge  to each  member
reaching that level whether or not the 1000 Islands Trophy is requested.  The
800 and 900 Islands  certificates will be  charged for on  the same basis  as
other certificates.  To ensure  fairness of  treatment in  the issue  of  low
number 800 and 900 Islands certificates,  a period of  several weeks will  be
allowed for members to apply through  their checkpoints. At  the end of  that
period the  certificates  will  be  issued, numbered  in  the  order  of  the
applicant's score on the central IOTA  database. So, if  you qualify and  are
interested,  please  apply  before  1  August   2004  via  your   checkpoint.
Certificates will be despatched in September.


Some of the  regularly activated island  groups counting  for premium  points
during May to August 2004. For  further information on this current  activity
programme, see the  CDXC web-site at  www.cdxc.org.uk (follow  the IOTA  2004

MAY 2004
AF-013  5R      Madagascar
AF-016  FR      Reunion Island
AF-024  S7      Seychelles
AF-032  5H      Zanzibar Island
AF-049  3B8     Mauritius Island
AN-015  8J1     Queen Maud Land group
AS-002  A9      Bahrain
AS-004  5B/ZC   Cyprus/UK Sovereign Bases
EU-019  R1F     Franz Josef Land

JUNE 2004
There are over 100 European counters in June. Look also for:
AF-018  IH9     Pantelleria Island
AF-019  IG9     Pelagie Islands
AF-023  S9      Sao Tome Island
AF-044  S9      Principe Island

JULY 2004
In addition to many European counters look for:
AF-003  ZD8     Ascension Island
AF-004  EA8     Canary Islands
AF-005  D4      Cape Verde, Leeward Islands
AF-014  CT3     Madeira Islands
AF-022  ZD7     St Helena Island
AF-029  ZD9     Tristan Da Cunha Islands
AF-030  ZD9     Gough Island
AF-086  D4      Cape Verde, Windward Islands
AN-016  Various Antarctica

EU-089  CU8/9   Flores Island
NA-018  OX      Greenland
NA-021  8P      Barbados
NA-027  VO1     Newfoundland
NA-032  FP      St Pierre & Miquelon
NA-063  CY0     Sable Island
NA-094  CY9     St Paul Island
SA-002  VP8     Falkland Islands
SA-003  PY0F    Fernando de Noronha Archipelago
SA-026  PP5     Santa Catarina State Centre group
SA-046  PY7     Pernambuco State group
SA-068  8R      Guyana group

Roger Balister, G3KMA Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ RSGB IOTA Manager RSGB IOTA Committee Member 14 April 2004 14 April 2004 http://www.g3kma.dsl.pipex.com http://www.425dxn.org/iota

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