Yeah, I wrked some VK's on 10M this weekend Tom with my homebrew vertical.
I said it is more difficult this time
of year (compared to other times of year,
such as early summer, and summer). All you have to do is look at the Gray
Line to figure this out.

Ref:  Anatomy of a List Net, by Larry
Published: DX-Chat 20Jan03
Rule # 1: "At least 1 person will try to prove you wrong, just for the sake
proving you wrong"

----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 12:45 AM
  Subject: Re: Fw: [DX-NEWS] VK9LA

  In a message dated 10/10/04 9:21:23 PM Central Daylight Time,

    Subject: Re: [DX-NEWS] VK9LA

    My time was a little off. My ARRL DXCC map says Lord Howe
    is EST + 15 Hrs and 30 mins. It is hard to hit this time of year
    from east coast USA, unless 40 or 30M in wee Hrs of morning,
    or you get lucky with some SP on 20M just after daylight or
    some SP/LP in evening. Check W6EL Prop.    73,  Larry

  Larry -  What makes you think VK9 is so hard to work at this time of year?

  This weekend was the Oceania DX Contest weekend.  I worked VK's on 80, 40,
and 20 Meters after my Sunrise and on 15 and 10 Meters in the mid to late
afternoon.  Good signals on all 5 bands in Alabama.

  Tom  N4KG

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