QST: VU2RBI, Bharathi, just notified me (Nov. 19, noon EST) that she now has in her hand all permissions necessary to do a legal operation on Andaman. The permission allows the following hams to transmit from VU4---VU2: RBI, DBP, MYH, RSB, and DVS, only. The permit period is for December 3, 2004 to December 31, 2004.

Any and all donations that come to me will be completely used to assist this DXpedition via the National Institute of Amateur Radio in India, the umbrella sponsoring agency who, BTW, is allowed to receive foreign funds.

Charles Harpole, VU3CHE
3100 N. Hwy. 426
Geneva, FL  32732 USA

This is truly an exciting moment for ham radio DXing, activating an entity silent for about 17 years. Please be on your best on-air behavior when calling. We want to show ham radio to the India government and the world regulatory bodies that we are a disciplined and worth while activity, fully deserving of precious spectrum space.

There are no firm answers yet as to what bands/modes nor what rigs/antennas. This DXpedition is not a mass group of crack operators arriving with tons of gear. However, there is some possibility of a continuing re-newal of permits to VU4 by many India hams, thus, we have the hope of more contact opportunities in the future.

Warm up the rigs ... here we go ! 73,

Charles Harpole

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