*                    W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program                    *
*            Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and Peri-Antarctic News              *
*                                                                          *
*                  Bases, Activities and Informations for                  *
*            Amateur Radio Stations and Antarctic Enthusiasts              *
*                   Bulletin nr.196 (21 December 2005)                     *
*                                                                          *
*                      Edited by members of WAP Staff                      *
*    Gianni Varetto I1HYW, Massimo Balsamo IK1GPG, Betty Sciolla IK1QFM    *
*                                                                          *
*                   WEB Page : http://www.ddxc.net                         *
*                   WEB Page : http://www.ddxc.net/wap                     *
*                                                                          *
*            Others Antarctic WEB Pages with our WAP Bulletin              *
*                http://www.qsl.net/f5nod/antarctica.html                  *
*                                                                          *
*                         Antarctica Mailing List                          *
*             http://groups.yahoo.com/group/antarctica_list/               *
*                          W.A.P. Special Edition                          *
*                      Now, 18 numbers are available !!                    *
*              W.A.P. - W.A.D.A. (Worked All Directory Award)              *
*          Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and Peri-Antarctic Directory           *
*                       (Fourth Edition - April 2005)                      *
*    List of more than 420 Bases, Camp, Hut, Refuge and Station used in    *
*                           Antarctic since 1945.                          *
*                                                                          *
*           W.A.P. - W.A.C.A. (Worked Antarctic Callsigns Award)           *
*          Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and Peri-Antarctic Directory           *
*                       (Fourth Edition - April 2005)                      *
*      List of more than 3.040 Callsigns used in Antarctic since 1945.     *
*                                                                          *
*                      are available from our WEB site.                    *
* Information, reports, suggestions and/or comments could be sent to:      *
* Packet BBS:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                             *
* Packet Cluster:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         *
* Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                    *
* Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         *
* For this number we thank: Dominik DL5EBE, Gil F5NOD, Maurice F5NQL,      *
* Francois F8DVD, Carlo IK5DHM, Egidio IZ8BRI, John WD8MGQ, OH2AQ Kolumbus *
* Cluster, Bob K4UEE and Ralph K0IR.                                       *
* South Pole Polar Net      :00.00z every day on 14.243Mhz by Larry K1IED  *
* Antarctic Net             :19.00z every Saturday 14.290MHz by LU4DXU     *
LW8DOH/Z   (ARG-??)
Operator is active now.
* QSL --> LU4DXU (Horacio E.Ledo, P.O.Box 22, 1640 Martinez, BA, Argentina)
* WEB pages: http://www.qsl.net/lu8adx/antartida/antartida.htm
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
PY2ZY-@    7085.0 LW8DOH/Z    ANTARTIDA - QSM LU4DXU        0302 30 Nov 2005
K2ARB      7085.0 LW8DOH/Z                                  0314 30 Nov 2005
LU1ZAB     (ARG-01)- Teniente Benjamin Matienzo Base (Air Force)
Operator is active now.
* QSL --> ?
LU1ZV        (ARG-04) - Esperanza Base (Army)
Operator is active now.
* QSL --> LU4DXU (Horacio E.Ledo, P.O.Box 22, 1640 Martinez, BA, Argentina)
* WEB pages: http://www.qsl.net/lu8adx/antartida/antartida.htm
LU1ZG        (ARG-06) - General Manuel Belgrano II Base (Army)
Jose Luis is active now.
* QSL --> LU4DXU (Horacio E.Ledo, P.O.Box 22, 1640 Martinez, BA, Argentina)
* WEB pages: http://www.qsl.net/lu8adx/antartida/antartida.htm
LU1ZD        (ARG-08) - General San Martin Base (Army)
Gustavo is active now.
* QSL --> LU4DXU (Horacio E.Ledo, P.O.Box 22, 1640 Martinez, BA, Argentina)
* WEB pages: http://www.qsl.net/lu8adx/antartida/antartida.htm
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
F5PFP     14290.0 LU1ZD       SAn Martin also               1920 17 Dec 2005
F5NOD      7093.0 LU1ZD       San MArtin Base , Still on    0205 18 Dec 2005
ON5JY     14290.0 LU1ZD                                     2053 18 Dec 2005
XE2JSP    14290.0 LU1ZD       via LU4DXU                    0013 19 Dec 2005
LU1ZB      (ARG-13) - Destacamento Naval Melchior Base (Navy)
Mario is active now.
* QSL --> LU4DXU (Horacio E.Ledo, P.O.Box 22, 1640 Martinez, BA, Argentina)
* WEB pages: http://www.qsl.net/lu8adx/antartida/antartida.htm
LU1ZA        (ARG-15) - Destacamento Naval Orcadas del Sur Base (Navy)
Diego is active now.
* QSL --> LU4DXU (Horacio E.Ledo, P.O.Box 22, 1640 Martinez, BA, Argentina)
* WEB pages: http://www.qsl.net/lu8adx/antartida/antartida.htm
LU1ZS        (ARG-16) - Teniente de Navio Juan Camara Base (Navy)
Operator is active now.
* QSL --> LU4DXU (Horacio E.Ledo, P.O.Box 22, 1640 Martinez, BA, Argentina)
* WEB pages: http://www.qsl.net/lu8adx/antartida/antartida.htm
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
F5PFP     14290.0 LU1ZS       Camara also on dx net         2202 11 Dec 2005
F5PFP     14290.0 LU1ZS       Camara base,std by on freq    1917 17 Dec 2005
K6MM-@    14290.0 LU1ZS       QSL via LU4DXU; QRX until 01  0031 20 Dec 2005
LU1ZR      (ARG-17) - Destacamento Naval Petrel Base (Navy)
Ricardo is active now.
* QSL --> ?
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
F5PFP     14290.0 LU1ZR       Petrel base,Dundee isl        2159 11 Dec 2005
LU3HY     14290.0 LU1ZR       by list                       2355 17 Dec 2005
F5NOD      7093.0 LU1ZR       Petrel , NET                  0122 18 Dec 2005
LU4DX     14290.0 LU1ZR       Petrel Base & LU1ZD NET       2336 18 Dec 2005
LU1ZI      (ARG-20) - Teniente Jubany Base (IAA)
Mario is active now.
* QSL --> LU4DXU (Horacio E.Ledo, P.O.Box 22, 1640 Martinez, BA, Argentina)
* WEB pages: http://www.qsl.net/lu8adx/antartida/antartida.htm
LU4ZS      (ARG-21) - Vicecomodoro Gustavo Marambio Base (Air Force)
Jorge is active now.
* QSL --> LU4DXU (Horacio E.Ledo, P.O.Box 22, 1640 Martinez, BA, Argentina)
        * WEB pages: http://www.qsl.net/lu8adx/antartida/antartida.htm
Variuos    (ARG-23) - Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island)
Different resident stations are active.
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
W4FOA      7007.5 LU3XPM      "Dima"                        0242 09 Dec 2005
EA4CJI    14040.0 LU8XW       CQ                            2110 08 Dec 2005
OZ5MJ     14040.0 LU8XW       TIERRA DEL FUEGO              0955 17 Dec 2005
N9BX      14040.0 LU8XW                                     2329 20 Dec 2005
VK0JLX     (AUS-03) - Davis Station (ANARE)
Paul, VK2JLX is active and until December 2006.
* QSL --> VK2JLX (Paul Dudley, 121 Henderson Road, Wentworth Falls, NSW 2782
* WEB pages: http://vk0jlx.bmarc.org/
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
ZS1Y      14203.0 VK0JLX      Paul heard in QSO             1409 30 Nov 2005
ZL2AL     14183.0 VK0JLX      on the ANZA Net               0525 04 Dec 2005
IK2IQD    28473.0 VK0JLX                                    1032 04 Dec 2005
VK2UW     14270.0 VK0JLX      5/3 into VK                   1059 17 Dec 2005
CE9/VP8PJ  (CHL-new) - Teniente Arturo Parodi Alister Station (Air Force)
Alan Cheshire (Ex VK0LD, VK6CQ, 9V1DX, 9V0A and VK0MM) will be active.
* QSL --> DL5EBE (Dominik Weiel, Johannes-Meyer-Str.13, D-49808 Lingen,
* http://www.geocities.com/vk0ld/home.html
CE8EIO     (CHL-13) - Magallanes Province
Luis is active now.
* QSL --> CE8EIO (Luis Fierro Andrade, P.O.Box 1512, Punta Arenas, Chile)
DP0GVN     (DEU-02) - George Von Neumayer New Station
Torsten, DD1TG, is a geophysicist working for the Federal Bureau of Natural
Sciences and Ressources (BGR) is active now.
* QSL --> DD1TG (Torsten Grasse, Schumannstr.2, D-30177 Hannover, Germany)
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
AD1C      14195.0 DP0GVN      is Antarctica, beam SOUTH     0101 08 Dec 2005
W6ZJ      14195.0 DP0GVN                                    0007 18 Dec 2005
FT5YH      (FRA-01) - Dumont D'Urville Base (TAAF)
Jean-Paul, F5BU (ex FT5WJ) will stay at the station only a very few days.
So, he will not be able to activate FT5YH callsign.
* QSL --> F5BU (Jean-Paul Gendner, 182 Route de Mittelhausbergen, F-67200,
               Strasbourg, France)
VP8DJB     (GBR-12) - Station "R" Rothera
Mike VP8DJB is active now and for the next eighteen months(until March 2007)
* QSL --> ?
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
WX3B      14200.0 VP8DJB      QSX 14195.0                   0128 12 Dec 2005
CT1ITZ     7093.0 VP8DJB      Antartica                     0109 18 Dec 2005
VP8BKF     (GBR-25) - Stanley (East Falkland Island)
Chris is active now.
* QSL --> VP8BKF (Chris Harris, P.O.Box 708, Stanley FIQQ 1ZZ, Falkland
                 Islands, British South Atlantic)
VP8DIA     (GBR-25) - Stanley (East Falkland Island)
Mike GM3EIY  is active from 29 September 2005
* QSL --> GM3EIY (Michael John Joyner, 1 Spey Walk, Holytown, Lanarkshire,
                 ML1 4ST, Sscotland, U.K.)
VP8DIZ     (GBR-25) - Mount Pleasant Airport (East Falkland Island)
Richard is active now.
* QSL --> G7KMZ (Richard Paul, 1 Celestine Rd, Yate, S.Gloucs, BS37 5DZ,
                England, U.K.)
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
N4AWU     14194.0 VP8DIZ                                    0112 30 Nov 2005
W6TK      14185.0 VP8DIZ                                    0054 05 Dec 2005
W6TER     14197.9 VP8DIZ      Falklands CQ                  0016 08 Dec 2005
KA1ALN    14205.0 VP8DIZ                                    0027 11 Dec 2005
LU7YZ     14205.0 VP8DIZ      59 in LUland                  2330 11 Dec 2005
VP8LGT     (GBR-25) - Stanley (East Falkland Island)
Don was active from Cape Pembroke Lighthouse for two days to celebrate the
150th anniversary of the first lighting of its lamp.
* QSL --> VP8ON (Donald W.Betts, P.O.Box 233, Stanley, Falkland Islands,
                British South Atlantic)
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
JR3NZC    14197.0 VP8LGT                                    2341 02 Dec 2005
PT2FE      7063.0 VP8LGT                                    0156 03 Dec 2005
W1VJ-@    21283.0 VP8LGT      SPEC EVENT lighthouse         1346 03 Dec 2005
N4THG     14200.0 VP8LGT                                    2318 03 Dec 2005
VP8LP      (GBR-25) - Stanley (East Falkland Island)
Robert is active now.
* QSL --> VP8LP (Robert McLeod, P.O.Box 474, 75 Davis Street, Stanley,
                Falkland Islands, British South Atlantic)
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
ND8F      14200.0 VP8LP                                     2307 30 Nov 2005
W7CE      14194.2 VP8LP       cq dx                         0017 01 Dec 2005
K4XZ      14192.0 VP8LP                                     0046 11 Dec 2005
YV5DSL    14196.2 VP8LP       GOOD SIGNAL                   0023 14 Dec 2005
IK2IQD    14195.0 VP8LP                                     0936 17 Dec 2005
LU3HY     14199.8 VP8LP       59 in LU                      0013 19 Dec 2005
KG6TT     14186.2 VP8LP                                     0046 20 Dec 2005
VP8ML      (GBR-25) - Walker Creek (East Falkland Island)
Charles is active now.
* QSL --> VP8ML (Charles A. McKenzie, P.O.Box 121, Port Stanley, Falkland
                Islands, British South Atlantic)
VP8NO      (GBR-25) - Stanley (East Falkland Island)
Michael is active now.
* QSL --> VP8NO (Michael Harris, P.O.Box 226, Stanley, Falkland Islands,
                British South Atlantic)
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
ON4AXU    18075.0 VP8NO                                     0912 12 Dec 2005
VP8PTG     (GBR-25) - Walker Creek (East Falkland Island)
Fred is active now.
* QSL --> G4RFV (Brian Adams, 14 Foxcroft Drive, Wimborne, BH21 2JZ, UK)
VU3BPZ/A   (IND-03) - Maitri Station
Bhagwati VU3BPZ the Communications Officer for the XXIV Indian Antarctic
Expedition is active now.
* QSL --> VU3MKE (Mr.Manoj Kumar Dhaka, Trupati Valley No 7, D-Lane, Kewal
                 Vihar, Dehradun, Uttaranchal 24001, India)
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
IK2IQD    14285.0 VU3BPZ      start in 10 myute loking for e1826 01 Dec 2005
ZS1Y      14230.0 VU3BPZ      heard trying to break here    1831 07 Dec 2005
F5PFP     14280.0 VU3BPZ      Maitri Antarctica             1721 12 Dec 2005
ZS1Y      14165.0 VU3BPZ      CQ Europe, from Antarctica    1642 17 Dec 2005
II0AMZS    (ITA-01) - Terra Nova Bay Station (Mario Zucchelli)
XXI Italian Antarctic Scientific Expedition.
Carlo, IK5DHM is active now and until February 2006.
* QSL --> IK5VLO (Paolo Ceccarelli, Via del Piano 10A, I-51020 Piano Ontani,
                 PT, Italy
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
F5PFP     14280.0 II0AMZS     Antarctica M.Zuchelli base    1810 01 Dec 2005
JA1LNZ     7084.0 II0AMZS     Antarctica                    1026 04 Dec 2005
IT9MUO    14280.0 II0AMZS     CARLO QSL VIA IK5VLO          1723 08 Dec 2005
I1HYW     14280.0 II0AMZS     cq cq good signal today       1809 11 Dec 2005
VK3EW      7080.0 II0AMZS     antarctica                    1027 17 Dec 2005
VK6CJL    14280.0 II0AMZS     Charlie  QSL VIA IK5VLO       1104 18 Dec 2005
8J1RL      (JPN-03) - Syowa Station (NIPR)
Masa is active now.
* QSL --> JA QSL Bureau
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
JR0JCB    14006.9 8J1RL       CQ                            1337 03 Dec 2005
HL2AEJ    21012.0 8J1RL       qsl via JARL buro             0937 06 Dec 2005
JR3IIR    10106.0 8J1RL       599                           1341 11 Dec 2005
OE3GSA    10105.0 8J1RL       cq                            2203 15 Dec 2005
UA4CR      7012.0 8J1RL       op MASA via JARL              2035 16 Dec 2005
DT8A       (KOR-01) - King Sejong Station
Sang Hoon Lee DS4NMJ will be active from 1 January through 30 December 2006.
* QSL --> ?
VP8PJ      (MNB-02) - Patriot Hills Station
Alan Cheshire (Ex VK0LD, VK6CQ, 9V1DX, 9V0A and VK0MM) is active now and
since 30 January 2006.
* QSL --> DL5EBE (Dominik Weiel, Johannes-Meyer-Str.13, D-49808 Lingen,
* http://www.geocities.com/vk0ld/home.html
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
W3KB       7003.1 VP8PJ                                     0231 21 Dec 2005
OE3SGA     7002.9 VP8PJ       Base Camps Patrio Hills, up.  0301 21 Dec 2005
3Y0X       (NOR-08) - Peter I Øy Island
The team will be active from 6 February 2006 and for 16 days.
* QSL --> N2OO (Robert W.Schenck, P.O.Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ-08087, U.S.A.)
* WEB pages: http://www.peterone.com
ZL5KX      (NZL-01) - Scott Base (NZARP)
Bede is active now.
* QSL --> ZL4KX (Bede P. McCormick, 39 Moana Crescent, Dunedin 9001, New
* http://www.antarcticanz.govt.nz/
HF0POL     (POL-01) - Henryk Arctowski Station
Marek is active now.
* QSL --> SP3WVL (Tomasz Lipinski, Ul.Paderrewskiego 24M 1, 69-100 Slubice,
R1ANF      (RUS-01) - Bellingshausen Station
Alex UA1PAW and Oleg UA1PBA are active now and until April 2006.
* QSL --> RK1PWA (Nick Shapkin, P.O.Box 73, 164744 Amderma, Arkhangelskaja,
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
JR3NZC    14020.1 R1ANF                                     0027 08 Dec 2005
N3ST      14020.0 R1ANF                                     0000 12 Dec 2005
HL4XM     14020.0 R1ANF       SP, on freq.                  0007 14 Dec 2005
KU5B      14016.0 R1ANF       579 Houston                   2333 20 Dec 2005
KG6VVK    14015.8 R1ANF       599 in San Diego              0055 21 Dec 2005
R1ANT      (RUS-07) - Mirny Station
Mike RW1AI is active now and until 8 January 2006.
* QSL --> RW1AI (Mikhail Fokin, P.O.BOX 2, St.Petersburg 195009, Russia)
* WEB pages: http://www.qsl.net/ua1ake/logs/
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
DL0RW     18071.0 R1ANT       loud                          1513 30 Nov 2005
IT9AUA     7005.1 R1ANT                                     1750 01 Dec 2005
F5AQB     10107.7 R1ANT       up 1                          1713 04 Dec 2005
W4VQ      18072.6 R1ANT                                     1407 06 Dec 2005
JA3EJG    18081.5 R1ANT       cq                            0718 08 Dec 2005
OK2PAY    14081.5 R1ANT       RTTY...                       1550 10 Dec 2005
OK1ADM    10109.3 R1ANT       CQ..                          1619 12 Dec 2005
DF1CH     14160.0 R1ANT       5/7 Mike                      1617 14 Dec 2005
G4XRV     10116.7 R1ANT                                     1628 16 Dec 2005
PA5CW      7008.4 R1ANT                                     1712 19 Dec 2005
DL5EBE    10102.5 R1ANT       will QRT in 10 days!          1642 20 Dec 2005
RU3HD/ANT  (RUS-09) - Novolazarevskaya Station
Vlady RU3HD is active now and until April 2006.
* QSL --> RZ3DJ (Dmitry Ttsyplakov, P.O.BOX 5/3, Pushkino 5, 141205, Russia)
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
K5SWW      7005.0 RU3HD/ANT   qsx up 1, tnx                 0022 03 Dec 2005
N2UN       7005.1 RU3HD/ANT                                 0010 04 Dec 2005
K3RV       7002.9 RU3HD/ANT                                 0023 05 Dec 2005
K4CL       7004.0 RU3HD/ANT                                 0148 05 Dec 2005
R1ANN      (RUS-09) - Novolazarevskaya Station
Vlady RU3HD is active now.
* QSL --> RZ3DJ (Dmitry Ttsyplakov, P.O.BOX 5/3, Pushkino 5, 141205, Russia)
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
K3NC       7007.0 R1ANN                                     0110 06 Dec 2005
W3WH      10105.0 R1ANN                                     0023 07 Dec 2005
UA3QDX     7005.0 R1ANN                                     0046 11 Dec 2005
9A5ZP      7004.0 R1ANN       NICE SIGS                     2103 13 Dec 2005
DJ5AV      7004.0 R1ANN       cq cq                         0229 15 Dec 2005
UA4CR     10105.0 R1ANN                                     2032 17 Dec 2005
PA5A       7004.0 R1ANN                                     2002 18 Dec 2005
HA1DAE     7005.0 R1ANN                                     1907 19 Dec 2005
R1ANP        (RUS-11) -  Progress Station
Aleksej UA1PAC will be active from the 01/01/2006.
* QSL --> DL5EBE (Dominik Weiel, Johannes-Meyer-Str.13, D-49808 Lingen,
R1ANC        (RUS-13) - Vostok Station
Aleksej Turkeev, UA1ZEK is active now.
* QSL --> UA1ZCK
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
HA7UG     10105.6 R1ANC       cq                            1623 30 Nov 2005
UA4CC     10104.1 R1ANC       qrz                           1738 02 Dec 2005
SV1CER    10102.0 R1ANC                                     1730 05 Dec 2005
DL2HWT    10102.4 R1ANC                                     1852 08 Dec 2005
OZ7C      10103.0 R1ANC                                     1836 09 Dec 2005
OK1AUS    10102.6 R1ANC       cq                            1816 15 Dec 2005
YO9HP     10103.4 R1ANC       CQ                            1752 18 Dec 2005
SK7AX     10102.4 R1ANC       rst579                        1747 20 Dec 2005
KC4AAA     (USA-21) - Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
Nick is active now.
* QSL --> K1IED (Larry F.Skilton, 72 Brook Street, South Windsor, CT-06074,
* http://mitglied.lycos.de/mapu2001/nsf.html
KC4USV     (USA-22) - McMurdo Station
Mike is active now.
* QSL --> K1IED (Larry F.Skilton, 72 Brook Street, South Windsor, CT-06074,
KC4AAC     (USA-23) - Palmer Station
Operator is active now.
* QSL --> K1IED (Larry F.Skilton, 72 Brook Street, South Windsor, CT-06074,
Willy ON5AX will be again on route in the Antarctic waters again. He will be
QRV onboard of the vessel "Europa" touring around the Antarctic Peninsula /
South Shetlands between 28.12.2005 and 18.01.2006. Willy will be QRV on CW &
SSB on all bands up to 10 MHz signing VP8DII/mm using an ALINCO DX70,SGC 231
antenna tuner and a longwire antenna.
Willy will look for western EU  especially on Saturday and Sunday afternoons
on 14020, 14220, 21020 and 21220 kHz.
* QSL --> ON5AX.
Alirande Irizar Ice Breaker is on (S 63°24', W 56°54') more exactly anchore
of LU4ZS Marambio Base.
Last spots in the Packet Cluster:
LU4DXU-@  14290.0 LU2AIB      ICEBREAKER ALMIRANTE IRIZAR   2215 04 Dec 2005
LU4DXU-@  14290.0 LU2AIB      Icebreaker on antarctic area, 0132 06 Dec 2005
F5PFP     14290.0 LU2AIB/MM   Almirante Irizar icebreaker   2240 11 Dec 2005
11/12/2005 by I1HYW
3rd Antarctic Activity Week (20-26 February 2006) UP-DATE
We are proud to see such a great sharing to this Event,  launched  by W.A.P.
(Worldwide Antarctic Program) in 2004 and immediately caught by  WW Ham Com-
munity. Another nice news, is represented by an idea born among the ARI(Ita-
lian Amateur Radio Association) of the Region of LAZIO, whose Management has
just informed us to have prepare an interesting new WAP Award, which will be
presented next week during the Regional Assembly.
WAP A.S.E.A. (Antarctic Special Event Award), will be managed by ARI Cassino
and more information will be given on due course.Purpose of this Award is to
give credit to the Antarctic Continent and its surrounding Sub  & Peri areas
land and islands),  by acknowledging those who are working in Antarctica and
for Antarctica, which best expression is the so many celebrations,anniversa-
ries and special events. Not last, LR50U, which has just been referenced,for
this Award as WAP-27. On the WAP Directory 2006’s edition, Antarctic Special
Event section, will be updated, with the insertion of the recent new entries
and their relevant WAP reference numbers. This Antarctic Special Event (ASE)
section, will be the base directory, for the WAP A.S.E.A Award as mentioned
18/12/2005 by I1HYW
Information posted by Pavlo Tarasovich UT1KY
The activity will be carried out to celebrate the 10 th.  anniversary of the
Ukrainian Antarctic station, the Academic Vernadsky, in Antarctica,which was
officially opened the 7th of February 1996.For this event a special callsign
has been issued by the Ukrainian authorities. EM1ØKY (op. Paul UT1KY-EM1KY).
Date of activation : 3 through 12 February 2006.
QSL manager: IK1QFM direct or bureau.
Being a Special Event to celebrate Antarctica, EM1ØKY will be referenced for
WAP as WAP-33, though valid for WAP Awards.
ANTARCTIC ACTIVITY WEEK 2006 (20-26 February 2006)
WAP-02  IR1ANT   by  I1HYW
WAP-08  TM0ANT   by  F6KDF'S Radio Club
WAP-10  IR0ANT   by  IZ0EGC,IK0JFS,IW0HP & A.R.I. Formia
WAP-12  II7ANT   by  IZ7AUH & A.R.I. Taranto
WAP-14  TM8ANT   by  F8DVD
WAP-18  II8ANT   by  S.R.T. Campania
WAP-21  VU2ANT   by  VU2UR
WAP-22  IO2MET   by  IK2IWU & IAF Base Gallarate
WAP-23  4O3ANT   by  YZ1SG
WAP-24  UE6ANT   by  UA6HPR
WAP-25  II5ANT   by  IZ5BTC & S.R.T. Toscana
WAP-26  TO2ANT   by  F6HML
WAP-28  IO6ANT   by  IZ6FZS
WAP-29  TM5ANT   by  F5NOD
WAP-31  TM6ANT   by  F6ELE
WAP-32  II1ANT   by  IZ1GJK
73s John I1HYW, Max IK1GPG and Betty IK1QFM

Egidio Settimio, IZ8BRI
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