I am now looking at a copy of an official letter from an office in the India Ministry of Communication and Information Technology which states that "India and foreign hams" can operate amateur radio from VU4, Andaman and Nicobar Islands for the period of April 18-20, 2006 in conjunction with the NIAR Hamfest held there in Port Blair on those dates.

All hams anywhere can help this effort very much by registering email interest in attending this event. You can do that by contacting [EMAIL PROTECTED] When you register your interest in attending, you are not at all bound to attend, but if there is even the remote possibility of attending, PLEASE send an email stating your interest. The more of these messages received by NIAR, the greater is their "clout" with the India officials and the better is the stance of India ham radio and thus DX activities there.

Please help promote DX ham radio in India this way. I will post more detailed information on DXCHAT to hold down on traffic on DX-NEWS.
Thanks, 73,

Charles Harpole      VU3CHE

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