8 Feb 2006 0245UTC:  "The Eagle Has Landed"!  The first helicopter
load landed on Peter I Island at 1830UTC 7 Feb.  All but three
members of the Team are ashore; the last helicopter trip for the day
was at 0230UTC.  80% of the gear has been transferred; the rest (and
the remaining three Team members) will be flown ashore in the morning
(local).  All the shelters are up except OP Shelter A.
We will go on the air with two stations at around 0400UTC 8 Feb. I.

Two SteppIR antennas are up along with a 40M vertical.  This is a
beautiful place but visibility is presently poor.  We've seen the
tops of volcanoes but only for a brief period.  The camp is located a
bit north of the 1994 location, closer to the sea.  Snow is slushy
and you sink in about 6" with every step; makes moving around tiring.
 Temp is 30°, wind 30 knots and visibility is low.  We expect to have
8-9 stations on the air in the next 24 hours.  Let the fun begin!

Editors Note:  IF, like your editor, you had worked the 94 3y0
operation, stand by for a few days or so and let those that need a
NEW ONE get it

After that, no holds bared

Here's hoping to a successful, SAFE Dxpedition

Steve KF2TI

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