Finally we have the first batch of logs. At the time you are reading these
lines they have more than 5000 in their logs.

They have set-up the following antennas: C3 (10-12-15-17-20Mts), C3SS
(10-12-15-17-20Mts), a vertical HF2V (40-80Mts), a Cushcraft dipole (12-17-30),
an Alfa-Eco dipole (12-17Mts) and a 4 elements for 6Mts. As soon as posible
they will add the 160Mts. kit for the HF2V and also a long wire for the same

The CW station is running with only 100Watts, the linear amplifier is QRT.

They still have no internet access from the shack, they are sending the info
from a ciber powered by fuel-engine, if they can enough time they will send
some pictures.

Today at 00:00Z on 20Mts, they have worked a lot of NA-west coast stations,
they will be listening there again tomorrow at the same time but alternating
SSB/CW. Also at 23:00z on 40Mts.

They have no big problem working EU and JA despite the signals are weak, and
ask a little bit of calm, they will be there until 16 of January and they have
2 stations 24hours on the air.

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