To be honest, I'd have expected BS7H to be easier to work than it is, though 
that's not been due to propagation.  A tiny rock surrounded by 2000 miles of 
salt water should put a decent signal out, and so far it has done here into 
  What's dismayed me has been the huge amount of deliberate QRM from Europe.  
On 14185 the other day there was a very professional jamming job done, sounding 
like the jamming that the old Soviet Union used to do on the BBC and VOA 
broadcasts.  It seemed like 9 bands of tones that constantly varied in 
frequency and strength.  Then there was the white noise, and the CQs from 
IK1JUO or someone pretending to be him.  On 30m CW last night there were the 
usual dits, tuners and whistles, and frequency cops telling each other to QSY, 
f**k off etc, but also someone sending text for several hours.  Mostly this has 
come from a due east beam heading.
  This is without doubt the worst deliberate QRM I've heard.
  But why?
  Could it be that the splits are SO large, operating patters so random and the 
geographical areas of the world worked are seemingly so senseless (working JAs 
during short NA windows and EU windows etc) that those people who react badly 
to frustration have done so early and in style?  Personally I have a punchbag 
and some boxing gloves hung up in the stable and when I get pissed off I take 
it out that way.
  Last night the split on 20m cw was from 14025 to about 14100 and after 
several hours I got them on 14052.  Is this really necessary?  Perhaps some of 
the jammers were other band users who'd been blasted off their frequencies.  I 
don't excuse such actions but it's easy to see how some DXpeditions get a bad 
reputation.  If it's the same tonight on 30m, I'll just watch the Liverpool v 
Chelsea game on tv.....
  Dave G0OIL

"Werner H. Berli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi all

Good signal from BS7H on 17m SSB this AM ard 8-9UTC and huge EU pile.

At about 08:50UTC the Op announced: "I can hardly copy any of you, I 
think I qsy to 20m"

He always just said "BS7H listening up".

What about all those various techniques for the DX to segregate a pileup 
into manageable chunks?

Hope to get through but we have all of eastern EU, Russia & China in 
front of us.

I thought Swains would be difficult and Scarborough would be easy. But 
Swains was childs play compared to what we have now.

73 de Werner, HB9US

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