A post of pure common sense if I may say so, Werner.
The guys on the rocks are indeed doing an INCREDIBLE job. When I read a press update about them sitting there in complete darkness through the night, on their own and only 4 feet baove the water, unable to see any of the other ops, unable to see the boat and constantly in wind and salt spray really brought home what a hard time they're having. I met PS7JN at Dayton the other year and over several coffees he told me about St Peter and St Paul Rocks - which seem to be an only slightly larger version of Scarborough - and the hardships of operating from there. So hats off to the blokes putting on this expedition. It's just a shame that so many (mainly) southern European operators can't (or won't) operate with manners. Now given that that's always going to happen, I'm beginning to think that how the dxpedition operator handles the pileup really does have an effect on the behaviour of the unruly element in Europe. It's noticeable that the behaviour of people calling BH7H is much, much worse than those calling the VU7, N8S, Ducie Island, the first Chesterfield Reef operation, the VU4 expedition, Peter 1st, VK0IR, OH2YY's operation in 7O etc etc. Deliberate jamming is also worse. Why? Answers on the back of a postcard to HB9US ... :-) Dave G0OIL

Thank you Dave!

Well, I got through at last today, in CW, after 5 days of trying both CW
and SSB.

Signals on 20 were not as strong as yesterday, but interesting changes
happened. The SSB Op from 8 to about 11 UTC called for the single
frequency 14.200, no spread. The CW Op in the same time span called for
up2! very interesting.

I am hunting DX since 51 years and my score is 360/358. I am now one
away from the top. Most of these were worked with 100W and either
dipoles or vertical (today of course I used a full kW and 3el Yagi). So
I think I know a thing or two about working them. But let me tell you,
never in all those years did I experience anything like this.

I hope to work the last one in due time and after that I will quit
hunting any DX-peditions. It is simply not much fun anymore. In my view
any new entities added to the list will undoubtedly lead to similar

The law of big numbers is at work here too: The more operators there are the higher the number of psychologically unstable persons who are using a ham-rig to cause trouble and thus terrorize those who try to engage in a formerly fascinating hobby.

Enough said, I will not even try to make another contact with BS7H and
by that lower the chances for those who really need an all-time new one.

73, Werner, HB9US

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