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June 28, 2007,  10:42 am
Russian Scientists Say the Arctic Is Theirs

By Mike Nizza

Toss another stick or two on to that smoldering Cold War fire: There’s renewed
talk of expanding the Russian Empire.

This time, it’s not President Vladimir V. Putin spawning the headlines, but a
group of geologists. After a 45-day expedition, the scientists say they have
discovered new evidence that would bolster a Russian claim to a vast part of
the Arctic region beyond the 230-mile maritime economic zone belonging to
Russia and the four other nations bordering the Arctic Ocean: Canada, Denmark
(through its posession of Greenland), Norway and the United States.

One Russian paper celebrated the discovery by publishing a large map of the
Arctic under the Russian flag, the Guardian reported.

By identifying a geological link between the continental shelf abutting
Russia’s Far North and the North pole by way of a sea-floor feature called the
Lomonosov Ridge, Russia could reportedly press a claim to roughly 460,000
square miles of ocean as its territorial waters — an area whose size approaches
the Mexican Cession (529,189 square miles), which added Texas, California and
states in between to the United States. (Still short of the Louisiana
Purchase’s 828,000, though.) And Russia wouldn’t be paying a ruble for it,

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