Please pass on to non-reflector folks, too:

When I give a 449 or a 339 report, that should tell all listeners to change their calling habits. A nice polite single or at most double sending of one's call sign is not enuf for:

-a weak CW op like me,
-bad condx with rapid and deep QSB,
-many callers.

Surely there is a better way, but what I have been doing is add 500 hz filters on both IFs, and then use the passband tuning to seek a sig I can copy. By the time I tune, the last two letters are being sent and the sig stops sending. I use split, but am loath to use a chunk of the band to listen over 5 to 10kc. I am gonna re-read the DXpeditioning books. I gotta get better at this. 73

Charles Harpole, HS0ZCW

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