> > > 425 DX NEWS < < <
425 DX News is available in the following languages: English * Italian * Japanese * Portuguese * Russian * Spanish _____________________________________________________________________________ 24 May 2008 A.R.I. DX Bulletin No 890 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile I2VGW 5R - Daniel, DF8UO will operate CW and SSB as 5R8UO from Antananarivo, Madagascar (AF-013) on 22-28 May, CQ WW WPX CW Contest included. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX] 9M - On 15 May the Malaysian Communications & Multimedia Commission issued the following eighteen special callsigns to celebrate 100 Years of Scouting in Malaysia: for West Malaysia 9M1CSA, 9M1CSB, 9M1CSC, 9M1CSD, 9M1CSF, 9M1CSI, 9M1CSJ, 9M1CSK, 9M1CSM, 9M1CSN, 9M1CSP (Penang Island, AS-015), 9M1CSR, 9M1CST, 9M1CSW, 9M1CSY and 9M1CSZ; for East Malaysia 9M1CSQ and 9M1CSS. They are valid until 31 December and will be used especially during JOTA events. The first one (Malaysia Jamboree On The Air) was held on 17-18 May, the Asia Pacific JOTA and the World JOTA will follow on 2-3 August and 18-19 October respectively. The national society (MARTS) provides QSL Bureau service to all 9M1CSx stations. [TNX 9M2TO] CT - A large group of operators from the Algarve DX Group will activate seven different lighthouses on 31 May and 1 June. Special callsigns to be used are CT7LHA (Ponta do Altar), CT7LHF (Torre da Igreja da Fuzeta), CT1LHM (Cabo de Santa Maria), CT7LHP (Ponta da Piedade), CT7LHR (Vila Real de Santo Antonio), CT7LHV (Cabo de Sao Vicente) and CT7LHZ (Alfanzina). Expect activity on 40, 30, 20, 17 and 15 metres CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via CT1GFK, direct or bureau. Further information at www.ct7lh.no.sapo.pt [TNX CT1GFK] F - In June-July 1944 the BBC war correspondents used the tower of the chateau at Creully as a radio studio, from where the first reports of the Battle of Normandy were broadcasted. Look for special callsign TM5BBC to be aired again from Creully from 30 May to 6 June. QSL via F2UW. [TNX F5NQL] F - Special event station TM6ACO will be activated (for the 57th year) on all bands SSB and CW on 1-15 June for the 24 Hours of Le Mans. QSL via bureau to F6KFI. Further information at http://asso.proxiland.fr/aras72/ [TNX F5TJC] OE - Special event station 4U1WED will be operated on 1-30 June by the Vienna International Amateur Radio Club (4U1VIC) celebrating the World Environment Day (5 June, http://www.unep.org/wed/). QSL via 4U1VIC. [TNX JH4RHF] OJ0 - OH0RJ, OH3BHL, and OH2PM will be active as OJ0J (QSL via OH0RJ) and OJ0B (QSL via OH2BH) from Market Reef between 21 and 26 May. Expect OJ0B to participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest, and OJ0J to be QRV mainly on 12, 17 and 30 metres and RTTY during the contest hours. [TNX The Daily DX] TA - Urcun, TA0U will be active as TC17GS on 1-15 June to celebrate the 17th title won by Galatasary SK in the national football (soccer) championship. QSL via home call. [TNX TA0U] V6 - Pohnpei's only airport has been closed to international air traffic since 16 May, when a Boeing 727 failed to negotiate a successful landing and nosed down into the water at the end of the runway. Consequently, Shoji, JA7HMZ (V63DX) has had to cancel his planned 19-24 May operation from Micronesia [425DXN 887]. [TNX NG3K] XX9 - Tomas, LY1F (VK2CCC) will be active from Macao on 27-29 May (callsign to be issued upon arrival). He plans to emphasize CW and the low bands. QSL via operator's instructions. [TNX The Daily DX] YN - Eric, K9GY has changed his destination for the CQ WW WPX CW Contest. He will be active as H7/K9GY from Nicaragua, not as C6AYM [425DXN 889]. "I was originally scheduled to go to C6", he says, "but the hotel wanted to charge an extra $150 for roof access so I said no thanks and then booked Nicaragua". [TNX NG3K] CQ WW WPX CW CONTEST ---> The following stations have announced their participation in this year's event (24-25 May): Call Category DXCC QSL VIA ---------------------------------------------------- 3D2A M/2 Fiji Islands VK4AN 3V8SS SOSB 80m Tunisia IZ8FWN 4L0A SOAB HP Georgia UU4JMG 5P5X Denmark OZ1ETA 5R8UO SO Madagascar DF8UO 6Y1V M/2 Jamaica OH3RB 8P2T SO Barbados G0TSM 9A/VE3ZIK SO Croatia DO7ZZ 9M1CSP West Malaysia 9M2TO AN7B M/? Spain EA7BB B4TB M/S China BA4TB CS2T SOAB Portugal CT1ILT CS9L SOAB HP Madeira DJ6QT CT9M M/S Madeira CT3EE CW5W SOAB Uruguay CX6VM CW7T SOAB HP Uruguay K5WW D4C SOAB HP Cape Verde IZ4DPV E77DX M/2 Bosnia-Herz. OE1EMS or T98U EE2W M/? Spain EB2BXL EE8Z SOAB Canary Islands VE3HO EF8M SOAB HP Canary Islands RX3DU ES9C M/2 Estonia ES5RY H7/K9GY Nicaragua LoTw II1H M/S Italy I1HJT IR9Y M/S Italy (Sicily) IT9ABY J48IS Greece DF3IS J49XF SOAB LP Crete G3URA JT1BV SOAB HP Mongolia JT1BV KH2/WX8C M/S Guam WX8C LN3Z M/S Norway LA9VDA LX0RL M/2 Luxembourg LX1KQ LX7I M/2 Luxembourg LX2A LY7A M/M Lithuania LY2ZO LZ9W M/M Bulgaria LZ9W M7A M/S England M0NRC MJ0LON SOAB HP Jersey DF1LON OG8X M/S Finland OH0J SOSB 10m Aland Islands OH1RX OH0Z SOAB (?) Aland Islands W0MM OJ0B SOAB Market Reef OH2BH OL7R M/2 Czech Republic OK1WMV OP5T SOAB LP Belgium ON5UM P33W M/S Cyprus RA3AUU PA143ITU The Netherlands PA3CAL PA6Z M/M The Netherlands PA9M PJ2T SOAB HP Neth. Antilles N9AG PR5W SOAB HP Brazil PY5FB PS2T SOAB HP Brazil K3IRV PT4C Brazil PY4CEL RL6YXX EU Russia N3SL TC37F M/? Turkey LZ1NK TC3D SOAB Turkey TA3D TF3CW SOSB 20m Iceland LX1NO TM0R M/S France F5GGL TM4Q M/S France F6FYA TM5CW France F5SJB TM5W M/S France F5KIN VB3E Canada VA3RVK VC2M Canada VE2TZT VP5E SO Turks & Caicos K0OK VP9/VE3DZ SOAB LP Bermuda VE3DZ WP3C SOAB LP Puerto Rico W3HNK XR3A Chile CE3DNP XW1B SOSB 20m Laos E21EIC YE1ZAT M/S Indonesia YE1ZAT YW4D SOAB HP Venezuela EA7JX ZD7X SO LP St. Helena W0MM ZD8RH SO LP Ascension Isl G4DBW ZF2AM SOAB Cayman Islands K6AM ZM2M M/2 New Zealand ZL2AL ZY7C M/S Brazil PT7WA Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing maintained by Bill, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/wpxc2008.html - good contest to you all! =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile I2VGW CQ HALLS OF FAME ---> The CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame was established in January 2001 to recognize individuals - radio amateurs or not - who significantly affected the course of Amateur Radio, as well as radio amateurs who have made significant contributions either to amateur radio, to their professional careers or to some other aspect of life on our planet. This year's inductees are: Gaston Bertels, ON4WF John Kanzius, K3TUP L.B. Cebik, W4RNL (SK) Charles (Chip) Margelli, K7JA Gordon England, ex-W3AWO Philip S. Rand, W1DBM (SK) Adm. Edmund Giambastiani, N4OC Vice Adm. Scott Redd (Ret.), K0DQ/A92Q Gerald Griffin, MD, K6MD Dr. Tony Tether, K2TGE Larnelle Harris, WD4LZC Dr. Hamadoun I. Toure, HB9EHT Lenore Jensen, W6NAZ (SK) Dr. John Townsend, W3PRB The CQ Contest Hall of Fame was established in 1986 to recognize Amateur Radio operators who have made major contributions to contesting. This year's inductees are: Paolo Cortese, I2UIY Randy Thompson, K5ZD The CQ DX Hall of Fame was established in 1967 to recognize major contributions by DXers. This year's inductees are: John Devoldere, ON4UN Nellie Saltiel de Lazard, XE1CI Bob Schenck, N2OO DX BANQUET ---> The "2008 DXers Banquet" will be held in Tokyo on 23 August, in conjunction with the annual Ham Fair. Complete information can be found on the Nippon DX Association's website (http://www.ndxa.net/modules/news/) [TNX JA1DFK] DXCC NEWS ---> TI9KK (Cocos Island, 2008 operations) has been approved for DXCC credit. If you had cards rejected for this operation send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be placed on the list for an update. [TNX NC1L] NEW DX SUMMIT ---> Conceived, operated and maintained by Yasme Excellence Award recipients OH2BUA and OH5TB, the OH2AQ DX Summit has been a reliable tool for DX spotting for ten years. It was based on a concept and the computing power of those other days, and will close down soon. The New DX Summit, operated by Arcala Extremes (OH8X) and supported by Yasme Foundation Inc., boasts a dramatic increase in computing power - traffic congestion should be a thing of the past! Bookmark http://www.dxsummit.fi [TNX OH2BN] OPERATOR NEEDED ---> Two Papua New Guinea's rare IOTA groups (OC-181 and OC-041) will be activated between 18 October and 4 November [425DXN 883], and "due to a cancellation we can accommodate one more person", Derek, G3KHZ says. If interested in joining the team, please contact him ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) + SILENT KEYS + Recently reported SIlent Keys include Igor Falster (DL1EE) and Vladimir N. Goncharsky (U5WF). =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL ROUTES ******* =========================== Edited by IK1ADH & I1JQJ Direttore Responsabile I2VGW =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 2E0PLA N2RJ [a] EM5UCC UY5ZZ RA9LI/9 UA9LP 2E0PLA ON4IQ [b] ER5GB W3HNK RP3ABB RA3BB 3A2MG F9JS FM5WE K4FJ RP3AM RK3AWA 3D2A VK4AN GB1SRI OM5FM RP3GAZ RN3GA 3V8SS IZ8FWN GB50RMM G0FYX RP3RZK RN3RQ 4J7WMF RX3RC GB6MW G4DFI RP3XMV UA3XAC 4K9W DL6KVA HA800LP HA0LP RP63RQ RN3RQ 4L1FP LZ1OT HA800MO HA0MO RP63RTK RN3RQ 4L3Y DK6CW HA800NAR HA0NAR RP63XO RA9XF 4L4C DJ1CW HA801CW HA1CW RP6DSR RA6DE 4L8A K1BV HA809PN HA9PN S21B KX7YT 4U1UN HB9BOU HB10DX HB9AGH S52X NI5DX 4X60ID 4Z5LA HB2008AL HB9AL SJ60BE SM5KNV 4X60ISR 4Z5LA HB2008UU HB9AOF SN65GETTO SP5UHW 4Z8BB WC1X HF0POL SP3WVL SU8AFR SU1KM 5B8AD W3HNK HF9GA SP9PLK SV0JD/8 DL6NBA 5X1DX PA7FM HL0LPM/2 6K2BWA SX1L DL1JCZ 6Y1AY XE1AY HR9BFS AI4U TC1ATA TA1KB 7X3WDK EA5KB IC8R IC8OZM TC37F LZ1NK 7Z1HL DJ9ZB IF9LI IT9FXY TM0IL IZ1HGM 7Z1HL DJ9ZB IF9Z IT9YMM TM0LOR F6KFT 7Z1SJ EA7FTR II1PJR IZ1JIZ TM1LOR F8KGY 7Z1UG DG1XG II5MDC IK2VUC TM2LOR F6KFO 8J3GOSE JA3ZNJ II8MDC IK2VUC TM3KOB F5KOB 8P9TS G0TSM II9LXCT IT9VCE TM4DGJ F5KFF 8Q7DW DL5EBE IO1WWC IQ1IV TM5B F5XX 8S0ITU SM0EXP IO3MDC IK2VUC TM5EL F6KHI 9A/OO6N ON6KN IO9MDC IK2VUC TM5TC F6KGI 9A/VE3ZIK DO7ZZ IQ8MD IK2VUC TP2CE F5LGF 9M4SAB 9M6TW IQ9PA IT9TQH TY5ZR IK2IQD 9M6/KE5CNK DS4NMJ IR0MDC IK2VUC UE3SPK RK3SWS 9M6XRO M3SDE IR1MDC IK2VUC UE9MAY RA9MC 9M8Z M3SDE IR2MDC IK2VUC UN3M EA7FTR 9Z4FT 9Z4FZ IR3GM IK3GES UN7MMM EA7FTR A45WD YO9HP IR8MDC IK2VUC UN7QF EX2A A52K JA1CG IR8TRT IK8MRA UN7QX W7BO AM1S EA1OS IR9GI IT9TQH UU0A UU0JX AN5N EA5FX IR9MDC IK2VUC V55SRT IZ8EDJ AO7T EA7KJ JW5NM LA5NM VR10AJ VR2AJ AY0DX LU3DR KB7OBU/KH2 JA3VXH VR10UW VR2UW BT1OB BA4EG LY600W LY5W VR10VAC VR2VAC BT1OH BA4EG LY999X LY3X VR10XLN VR2XLN BT1OJ BA4EG M/F5KEE/P F8ATS VR10XMT VR2XMT BT1ON BA4EG NP4A W3HNK VR2S VR2HKS BT1OY BA4EG OA4TT N6XQ XE3RBA EB7DX BY1TTY BG1LLB OE2008FWV OE9FWV YI1OM IK2DUW CO6WD 8P9NX OE2008HMC OE1HMC YI9NYC N9NYC CO8LY EA7ADH OE2008PGQ OE8PGQ YI9SV N4JR CP6AA IK6SNR OE2008PMI OE7PMI YR1C YO4NA E73MMM E73TW OH0CO SM6CCO YU8/LZ1BJ LZ1BJ E74EBL T98U OJ0/OG3A OH3WS ZD8RH G4DBW E77AA 9A2AA OK4RQ OK1DRQ ZF2KD N6KD EA9EU EA5KB OL5COTA OK2SJI ZF2LJ W6NRJ EF8T EA8BEX OS0S ON4ZD ZL7M VK2CZ EG1BGP EC1KR OZ1RDP DL9BCP ZM80WB ZL2AOH EG4FSI EA4RCU PA143ITU PA3CAL ZP8VAO EA7FTR EG5Y EA5CY R35NP RW1AI ZS4U K3IRV EG7CDG EA7DK R90LPU RX1CQ ZS6MAL ZS6SRL [a] North America [b] Others 7Z1HB Herbert Baurmann, P. O. Box 61539, Riyadh 11575, Saudi Arabia JA3VXH Takashi Tsudaka, 2-7-17 Nigawatakamaru, Takarazuka, Hyogo 665-0063, Japan LY5W Saulius Zalnerauskas, P.O. Box 1081, Kaunas 49005, Lithuania OH3WS Pasi Bergman, Tuulipolku 4, FI-13500 Hameenlinna, Finald RN3RQ Jack Yatskiv, P.O. Box 30, Michurinsk 393760, Russia VK4AN Eddie DeYoung, 17 Ross St, Maryborough, QLD 4650 Australia ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: http://www.425dxn.org 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES: http://list.425dxn.org 425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000 ***************************************************************************** 425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed in part or full provided that "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit Contributors are invited to send their DX information to Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays ***************************************************************************** MAILING LIST Please visit the "Mailing List" page at http://www.425dxn.org and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions or contact the Mailing List Administrator Stefano Turci, IK4WMH ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ***************************************************************************** Direttore Responsabile Gabriele Villa, I2VGW Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216 Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti Roma, Italia ***************************************************************************** <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> *** The PacketCluster network 425 DX News search tool commands *** SH/425 CAL shows the 425DXN Calendar "current" activities; SH/425 BULL [num] where [num] is the bulletin issue number; SH/425 [text] where [text] should be replaced with a callsign, an IOTA reference number, an island name, an Antarctic base, a lighthouse, etc. ---------------------------------------------------------- Archives http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news@njdxa.org THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association. Please visit our website: http://www.njdxa.org/index.php To subscribe/unsubscribe, please send request to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and allow a few hours for acknowledgement ----------------------------------------------------------