I.C.P.O. Bulletin (January 01 - 09, 2009)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
  ---- HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 TO ALL!! ----
01/01/2009:  A license has been granted to an Italian team and the period of 
their first activity will be from January 1-11th. The call sign released is 
E44M and it covers from 160 meters to 2 meters SSB, CW, RTTY and all digital 
modes with a maximum power of 1KW. They will have 3 stations active with beams, 
verticals and wire antennas. The team includes the following 6 members: 
Vinicio/IK2CIO, Simone/IZ0BTV, Aurelio/IZ0EGM, Giorgio/IZ4AKS, Massimo/IZ4DPV, 
Pasquale/IZ8IYX and Leszek/SP3DOI. They will focus their activity to RTTY and 
other digital modes, low and WARC bands, giving attention to stations outside 
Europe, when the propagation will allow it. Pilot stations will be announced 
later. QSL manager is IZ0BTV and he will answer via direct (Simone Bizzarri, 
P.O. Box 51, Grottaferrata 00046 (Roma), ITALY), bureau and LoTW in reasonable 
time. More news in the next few weeks. A website has been setup at: 
www.dxcoffee.com/e44m/ [NG3K]

01/01/2009:  Roland, F8EN will once again be back to Libreville, Gabon, from 
January 1-26th. Call sign will be TR8CR. QRV mostly 40/30/20m. QSLs via F6AJA, 
direct or bureau. [F6AJA]

03/01/2009:  François/F5JNE and Claude/F5MCC will be active as F5JNE/p on 
January 3rd from the Castle of Saint Benoist (DFCF 10-029), located in the city 
of Saint Benoistsur Vanne (CP 10160), canton of Aix en Othe (DDCF 10-01), 
Department Aube/10 and Province Champagne-Ardennes (DPF 08). QRV 80 and 40 
meter CW/SSB, starting around 0700 UTC. QSL via F5JNE, bureau preferred and SWL 
cards are welcome. [F5NQL]

03/01/2009:  Marty, W2CG will be active as P40CG from the Bucuti Beach Resort 
at Eagle Beach, island of Aruba (SA-036, WLOTA LH-0033) from January 3-17th, 
including an entry in the ARRL RTTY Roundup (January 3-4th). Operating time 
will be limited to early morning and late evenings, on 80-10 meter CW, SSB and 
Digital modes. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to 
LoTW. [K1XN]

04/01/2009:  Paolo, IK2QPR will be active as HR9/IK2QPR from Roatan Island 
(NA-057, WLOTA LH-1671) from January 04-12th. Look for activity on all bands. 
QSL via home call. [NG3K]

05/01/2009:  Neil, WD8CRT will be active again as V73NS from the island of 
Roi-Namur (Grid RJ39), Kwajalein Atoll (OC-028), Marshall Islands. He should 
start around January 5th and remain there for at least two years. Expect him to 
operate mostly CW on 160-6 meters. QSL via bureau or direct to Neil Schwanitz, 
Box 8341, APO, AP 96557, USA. His web site can be found at www.qsl.net/v73ns/ 

05/01/2009:  Joe, W4ONC will be active as homecall/p from the Currituck 
lighthouse (ARLHS USA-212, Admiralty J2384), Outer Banks, North Carolina on 
January 5th and 6th. QRV 40 and 20 meter SSB. QSL via home call. [ARLHS]

05/01/2009:  Operators Hal/ZS6WB, Pine/ZS6OB, Dick/ZS6BUG, Sarel/ZS6AC, 
Dave/N7BHC and Dan/HB9CRQ will be active from the moonrise on January 7th to 
moonset on January 15th. Their QTH will be in Luderitz, Namibia (Grid Locator 
JG73NI). Their call sign for all EME operation will be V5/KT6Q. Activity will 
be mainly on 50, 144, 432 and 1296 MHz EME. At the same time, they will be 
active for transatlantic Tropo on 144 and 432 and on the satellites (AO-7, 
FO-29 and AO-51). For 50MHz they will be using 1 x 6M7JHV and Acom 1000 which 
puts out 1KW. QSL for EME please to HB9Q, Box 133, CH-5737 Menziken, 
Switzerland. For more details and updates, watch the following Web page at: 
hb9q.ch/joomla/index.php [MMMonVHF]

06/01/2009:  Bob, ZL1RS will be on holiday in the Kingdom of Tonga (OC-049) 
from January 6-15th. QRV on 2M from grid locator AG28hv. Setup will be small, 
the power low, no skeds, no Internet, so don't expect too much. Bob promises 
bigger, brighter and better things on 2M from the Cook Islands as E51EME from 
BG08dr in late March / early April when he and Lance/W7GJ team up there for a 
real 6n2 EME dxpedition effort. QSL via home call. [MMMonVHF]

08/01/2009:  Bernhard, DL2GAC will be active again as H44MS from Honiara, 
Solomon Islands, (OC-047) between January 8th and April 28th. He works SSB only 
and plans to focus especially on 40m/80m. He will be joined by the CW op 
Sigi/DK9FN, and the EME op Hermann/DL2NUD, by the end of February. All three of 
them are planning also a short trip to Temotu (H40) for two or three weeks. 
Their flight to Lata, the capital of Temotu, has been booked for March 2nd. 
Sigi will return to home on March 16th and Hermann on April 9th. [DX Newsletter]

08/01/2009:  The Provins ARC, F6KOP will be active as TS7C from the Hotel 
Cercina, Sidi Fredj, Ile Chergui (WLOTA LH-3459, Kerkennah Islands (AF-073), 
Tunisia, from January 8-19th. Planned activity will be on all HF bands, using 
CW, SSB, FM, and several digital modes like RTTY, PSK31, BPSK and also SSTV. 
The team will pay attention on 160, 80 and 40m, but all the other bands will be 
worked as well. They also plan to have at least six, but probably seven 
stations, working 24 hours a day, all with PA's into beams, verticals and wire 
antennas. Operators mentioned include Frank/F4AJQ, Mustapha/DL1BDF, 
Bernard/F9IE, Bob/N6OX, Jean-Paul/F8BJI, Sylvain/F4EGD, Flo/F5CWU, Gerard/F2VX, 
Bill/N2WB, Michel/FM5CD, Sébastien/F5UFX, Sébastien/F8IJV, Jean-Luc/F6BIV, 
Norbert/F6AXX, Alain/F6ENO, Dieter/OE8KDK, Stefan/OE8SKQ, Mathieu/F5PED, 
Eric/ON7RN, John/F5VHQ, Romain/F8BUI, Gillares/F1HRE, Franco/F4EVR, 
Michel/F5EOT, Arno/OE9AMJ, Tony/G0OPB, Gabriele/I2VGW and XYL Anne Marie 
Laurent (photo reporter). Pilots stations will be Pascal/F5JSD, Serge/F6AML, 
Thierry/F4TTR and Bruno/F5AGB. QSL via F4EGD, e-mail request or bureau or 
direct. Logs will be upoaded to LoTW. Further information at: www.ts7c.net/. 

09/01/2009:  Look for Niels, OZ8KR to be active as C56KR from Bakuto, The 
Gambia, between January 9-14th. QRV 40-10m SSB, using FT-857 and wire antennas. 
After travling in Senegal he will be active again from January 23rd to February 
4th. QSL via home call. [NG3K]

09/01/2009:  Adolfo, EA7TV (ARLHS member 1541) will be active 1500z January 9th 
to 1200z January 11th as ED7TV from the Rota (New) lighthouse (ARLHS SPA-085) 
and Rota (Old) lighthouse (ARLHS SPA-339). QRV 40 and 20 meters, using SSB and 
RTTY. QSL via EA7TV, direct or bureau (NO eQSL or LoTW). [ARLHS]

09/01/2009:  Cody, KC2LSD (FISTS #11793) will be QRV from Colombia as 
HK3/KC2LSD from January 9-15th, mainly 2300 UTC on 40, 30 and 20 meter CW, with 
some day time operation as well. A contact with Cody is good for the FISTS 2009 
WARC Band Challenge (Grid Loc. FJ24). He will usually get spotted on the 
cluster, but this time he will post himself on www.obriensweb.com/sked/. To set 
up a sked with Cody, send an e-mail to: kc2lsd at yahoo dot com. QSL via home 
call. [K1XN]

12/01/2009:  Peter, EA5GVH will be on vacation to the island of Aruba (SA-036, 
also count for WLOTA LH-0033) between January 12th and 28th. He will be QRV as 
P40PZ on 80-6 meters using mainly digital modes (PSK, Olivia, FeldHell, SSTV, 
RTTY and others) with some SSB. QSL to EA5GVH direct, bureau or e-QSL. [NG3K]

12/01/2009:  The Japy DX Group are planning an operation in Bahia (WW Loc. 
HH18FD), Brazil, devoted to Transatlantic Tropo Ducting events between Africa 
and America, following the main expedition of V5/KT6Q. QRV January 12-17th 
using the call sign PY6/PY2ENO on 50, 144 and 432 MHz using SSB, CW, and 
Digital modes (included WSJT). They will use Yaesu FT-897D and Icom 
IC-706MKIIG; homebrew amplifiers by PY3FF - 500W 144 MHz; Mirage B1010 100W 432 
MHz; 7 elements KLM 6M 7LD horizontally polarized for 50MHz, 12 elements K1FO 
by PY2NI horizontally polarized for 144MHz and 22 elements K1FO by PY2NI 
horizontally polarized for 432MHz. Further information can be found at: 
transatlantic.japydx.org/ . About Bahia operation with photos and map (in 
english): www.japydx.org/ta/bahia2.html [N8OFS]

15/01/2009:  Special event station 8N8TKS will be aired from the middle of 
January until May 24th for the 51st JARL Annual General Meeting in 
Kushiro(-city): "Tancho (or Japanese Crane) Kushiro(-city) Sokai (or General 
Meeting)"). Kushiro-city is famous for Japanese crane. QSL via the JARL bureau. 

20/01/2009:  Nobi, JA1JCF will be active as homecall/p from the Tsumeki 
[Tumeki] Saki Lighthouse (ARLHS JAP-690, JP-2441, Admiralty F 6296), Shizuoka 
prefecture, Honshu Island (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA LH-2376) on January 
20th and 21st. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [ARLHS]

23/01/2009:  Operators Dave/G3NKC, Martin/G4XUM and Bob/MD0CCE will be active 
from the isle of Man (EU-116, also count for WLOTA LH-0449) as MD4K during the 
CQWW 160-Meter CW Contest (January 23-25th) as a Multi-Op entry. QSL via G3NKC, 
direct or bureau. [NG3K]

08/02/2009:  Look for Adolfo, EA7TV (ARLHS member 1541) to be active 1900z 
February 8th to 1400z February 10th from the El Rompido (New) lighthouse (ARLHS 
SPA-271) and El Rompido (Old) lighthouse (ARLHS SPA-337). QRV 40 and 20 meters, 
using SSB and RTTY. QSL via home call, direct or bureau (NO eQSL or LoTW). 

11/02/2009:  Sam, G4OHX reports he will fly to Brunei (OC-088) February 11th 
and will be QRV as V8FHX until February 23rd. QSL via home call. [F5NQL]

14/02/2009:  Operators Franco/YV1VM, Jose/YV5TX, Alex/YV5SSB and Jesus/YV5MSG 
will be active as 4M5DX from Caracas, Venezuela, during the CQWW WPX RTTY 
Contest (February 14-15th) as a Multi-Single/High-Power entry. QSL via IT9DAA, 
direct or bureau. [NG3K]

16/02/2009:  Walter, HB9BHY will be participating in the 6th Antarctic Activity 
Week (February 16-22nd) using the special call sign HE8ICE (WAP-81). HE8 is 
also special prefix issued to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of USKA, so HE8ICE 
for the AAW 2009, instead of the old previous HB9ICE. QSL via HB9BHY. The full 
list of call signs already booked for the 6th AAW is available at WAP website, 
by clicking on the specific AAW banner, or at: 
www.waponline.it/Default.aspx?tabid=113 [I1HYW]

21/02/2009:  Operators Dan/N1ZZ, Geoff/W0CG, Jim/WI9WI, Mark/N5OT, Mal/NP2L, 
Jim/K6ZH, Ken/WA9S will be active as PJ2T from the Caribbean Contesting 
Consortium super-station, Signal Point, island of Curacao (SA-006, WLOTA 
LH-0942) for the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 21-22) as a Multi-? entry. QSL 
via N9AG or LoTW. [NG3K]

21/02/2009:  Kurt, W6PH will be signing VP9/W6PH from the island of Bermuda 
(NA-005, WLOTA LH-0201) during the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 21-22nd) as a 
Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via home call, direct only. [NG3K]

01/04/2009:  Jan, PA4JJ will be operating holiday-style as PJ2/PA4JJ from the 
island of Curacao (SA-006, WLOTA LH-0942) from April 1-11th. QSL via home call, 
direct only. [NG3K]

01/01/2009:  Several special event stations will be aired between January 1st 
and February 1st from seven Croatian cities where the 2009 Men's World Handball 
Championship is held. The following calls will be active: 9A2009ZG from Zagreb; 
9A2009VZ from Varazdin; 9A2009OS from Osijek; 9A2009PO from Porec; 9A2009PU 
from Pula; 9A2009ZD from Zadar; and 9A2009ST from Split. QSL all calls via the 
bureau. [UBA HF News]

01/01/2009:  Special event station DR09ANT (WAP-156) with 'DOK IPY' will be 
aired from January 1st to December 31st, from various stations located in 
Oberbayern (Upper Bavaria), Germany, to celebrate International Polar Year. 
DR09ANT (WAP-156) will also be QRV for the 6th Antarctic Activity Week (AAW) 
February 16-22nd. QSL via DL5MHQ, direct or by the DARC Bureau. [DL8FA]

01/01/2009:  Special event stations 8N3I70A (Fixed) and 8N3I (Mobile) will be 
active from the beginning of January, 2009 until March 31, 2010 to celebrate 
the 70th Anniversary of Ikeda-city. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/01/2009:  SKCC Dutch member Jan, PA3CLQ had been granted to use the special 
call sign PH6SKCC, from January 1-28th. For SKCC awards his membership number 
is: 2765. Look for him mainly on 40 and 80m CW. QSL via operator's 
instructions. [F5NQL]

01/01/2009:  To celebrate his 80th anniversary, the Swiss National Ham Society 
(USKA) has granted all Swiss amateurs the use of the Prefixes HE8 and HB8 
during the entire year of 2009. HE8 instead of HB9 and HB8 instead of HB3. 
These prefixes are valid only from the Swiss territory. No foreign activities 
are allowed and thus no Entity/HE8 or HE8 is possible. [F5NQL]

01/01/2009:  The ISWL Club Callsigns in use during the entire month of January 
2009 will be:
GX4BJC /A - Operated from Great Missenden, in Buckinghamshire, by John - G8XTJ. 
(The current ISWL President). (WAB Square = SP80-BKS & IOTA = EU-005).
MX1SWL /A - Operated from Healing, in North East Lincolnshire, by Cliff - 
G4YHP. (ISWL Hon. Treasurer & Monitor magazine Editor) (WAB Square = TA21-LNE & 
IOTA = EU-005).
The ISWL's WAB Book numbers are: 16316  and  16724.
All QSL Info is on www.iswl.org.uk  or www.qrz.com  or via www.eQSL.cc  NO LOTW.
ISWL Awards are available to all Hams and SWL's - see www.iswl.org.uk for full 
eQSL.cc cards ARE accepted for our awards. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

01/01/2009:  Special event call sign GB40WAB will be aired from January 1st to 
December 31st to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the WAB [Worked All Britain] 
award. They will have a new WAB book number 18222 for GX4KPT (QSL via M0DOL, 
direct or bureau) and look forward to working with WAB. QSL GB40WAB via the 
RSGB bureau. Further information at QRZ.com under GB40WAB. [F5NQL]

01/01/2009:  In January 2009, the Straight Key Century Club (SKCC) will be 
celebrating their 3rd Anniversary with a month long special event using the 
call sign K3Y. Web pages for the event with all the information can be found 
at: www.skccgroup.com/k3y/ [SKCC]

01/01/2009:  Starting January 1st through 15th special event station Z309KNV 
will be QRV in celebration of the Carnival of Vevcani. Z32ZM, Mome, will be QRV 
on 6 meters incase there are any openings on this band. QSL via Z35W. [MMMonVHF]

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at: 

01/01-31/01  GX4BJC /A: England - Main Island WLOTA:1841 QSL QRZ.com
01/01-31/01  MX1SWL /A: England - Main Island WLOTA:1841 QSL QRZ.com
03/01-17/01  P40CG: Aruba Island WLOTA:0033 QSL W2CG (d/b)
04/01-12/01  HR9/IK2QPR: Isla de Roatan WLOTA:1671 QSL IK2QPR (d/b)
05/01-06/01  W4ONC/P: Currituck WLOL:USA-212 QSL HC (d/b)
08/01-19/01  TS7C: Chergui Island WLOTA:3459 QSL F4EGD (b)
09/01-11/01  ED7TV: Rota (New) WLOL:SPA-085 QSL EA7TV (d/b)
09/01-11/01  ED7TV: Rota (Old) WLOL:SPA-339 QSL EA7TV (d/b)

Lloyd, NX4W/m will be running the West side of Georgia between January 2nd and 
5th. He will be starting out each morning around 1300-1350 UTC. The following 
counties will be run: Friday Jan 2nd - FLORIDA: Lafayette, Madison GEORGIA: 
Brooks, Thomas, Grady, Decatur, Seminole, Miller, Early, Clay, Calhoun. 
Saturday Jan 3rd - Randolph, Quitman, Stewart, Webster, Marion Talbot, 
Meriwether, Troup, Coweta, Heard, Carroll, Haralson, Polk, Floyd. Sunday Jan 
4th - Floyd, Chattooga, Walker, Dade, Gordon, Bartow, Palding, Douglas, Fulton, 
Fayette, Spalding, Pike. Monday Jan 5th - Upson, Crawford, Taylor, Schley, 
Sumter, Lee, Terrell, Dougherty, Baker, Mitchell, Colquitt, Cook, Berrien, 
Lanier, Clinch and Echols. Lloyd will be running PSK31 on 10.139 and SSB on 20 
and 40 meters, (NO CW). PSK31 contacts are really picking up and he is very 
happy with the contacts he made on his last trip. He thinks it is going to wind 
up being a very popular mode. His cell number is: 352-339-6457 (verizon). 
Please email any special requests before he depart. Send email requests to 
n...@arrl.net . QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web]

01/01-28/02  CG3OIJ: International Year of Astronomy 6m-70cm Grid:FN25EJ QSL 
VE3OIJ (d/b)

06/01-15/01  A35RS: Tonga (OC-045) 2M Grid:AG28HV low power, holiday-style QLS 
ZL1RS (d/b)

07/01-15/01  V5/KT6Q: Namibia EME 6M & Up + Satellite; 50MHz 6M7JHV 1kW QSL 
HB9Q (d)

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:
http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt  (Updated January 01, 2009)

As of 12/28/2008, Buzz, NI5DX, is the QSL manager for BX2AAL, Jack, in Taiwan. 
Buzz will be able to answer all requests for cards as soon as the logs are 
transferred and QSL cards are printed.  The cards should be ordered this week. 
Please allow 4-5 weeks for the cards to arrive from the printer. [K1XN]
QSLs received Bureau - 4K7Z, 6W1SJ (via T93Y), 9A73AA, DR1A, EU940OR, EU5ROPE, 
R375I (via RK9CYA), SO9R (via SP9SX), TA2DS/0, TC0SV [AS-099], TK/ON4AXU, 
V31FG/P and YI9RKB (via SP1RKB).

QSLs received Direct - 5N/LZ1QK (via LZ1CL), 5U5U (via Direct), 6V7L (via 
F8ATM), 9L0W (via DK2WV), 9L1X (via QRZ.com), 9M6XRO/P (via M0URX), 9M8Z (via 
M0URX), A35SS (via JA2LSS), C91LW (via UY5LW), HB0/PA3FGA (via PA3FGA), 
HK0B/HK3JJH [NA-133] (via HK3JJH), J3/DM2AYO (via DM2AYO), KP4AO (via W3HNK), 
P29NI (via G3KHZ), P29NI (via SM6CVX), PJ7/K1XM (via KQ1F), S79NS/P [AF-033] 
(via DL2RNS), TO4X (via KQ1F), TR8CA (via F6CBC), UW7LL (via UT7GX), V47NT (via 
W2RQ), VK9ANU (via JO2SLZ), VU4MY (via DJ7JC), VU7SJ (via DL9GFB) and XW1X (via 

QSLs received LoTW - 5Z1A, 5Z4DX, HI3A, K0HA, K5KA, K9ES, KP2M, N4BP, N4CJ, 
N4GU, N4OGW, N4TB, N6IE, N7WA, SJ2W, V26K, VY2SS, W7JI, WF4W and WK2G.

Luciano Losi, SU9LL (EA7CHR) became silent key December 24, 2008. For email his 
wife Helen and the family at: su...@link.net

Victor N. Komzyuk, UA0FDX became silent key December 26, 2008 at the age of 53.

Damir Khairetdinov, UA3ABW became a silent key December 23, 2008 at the age of 

Other silent keys reported: Boris N. Baranov, UA4WE; Fr Padraic O’Kelly, EI5DA 
December 27, 2008.

Press Release
Dear Fellow DXers,
Reluctantly, due to the current US economic situation, the DXpedition team has 
decided to postpone the CY0 DXpedition planned for 2009.
While we are hopeful to reorganize the DXpedition {possibly for 2010}, we have 
decided that rather than tie up the funds so graciously made available by our 
sponsors, we will return donations received so the sponsorship may be available 
to other DXpeditions for this year. any sponsoring organization may feel free 
to contact me with any questions regarding the matter. We are hopeful that our 
kind sponsors will be willing to renew their sponsorship when the Dxpedition is 
able to be reorganized in the future.
The sabledx.com website will remain functional for the time being.
Wishing all good DX and 73.
Duane Traver, WV2B
Team Leader
E44M - Palestine -
The pilot station for our activity from Palestine will be Arturo, IK7JWY. He 
will be our main contact with the community of amateur radio operators. Thanks 
to Arturo, everyone can give a great help sending information about problems, 
suggestion or simple comments. Arturo has a great experience in contesting and 
dxing. Licensed in 1988, He is an homebrewing and CW enthusiast. He had 
important results in contesting: multi-operator team IH9P (2002-2003-2004-2005 
first world in their respective WWDX CW and SSB contests), Single-Operator IH9M 
2007 (first world and new world record as  S.O.80m High Power Assisted in the 
WWDX-CW). Now, He is mainly active on 20m CW SSB.
The function of the pilot station will be to collect requests and suggestions 
relating to the DXpedition, and then forward them to the team, and communicate 
to the public any instructions or informations from the team.
The online communication with the pilot station will be only in the forum 
support of the DXpedition, through messages from users in the special area of 
discussion. This will make useful for everyone the request made by someone.
http://www.dxcoffee.com/e44m/ [F5NQL]
CASHOTA IRELAND - The Irish CASHOTA (Castles and Stately Homes on the Air) will 
be launched on 1 January 2009. The web site for this new award can be found at: 
cashota-ireland.org/ [425 DX News]
Phil, F5PHW has got his new 2 years assignation to Tahiti, French Polynesia. 
His stay will begin in the summer of 2009. He intends to be QRV in all HF bands 
fom 80 to 10 meters with 100 watts and the set of annternnas composed of a 
doublet or a vertical HF6VX, for 20 & 40m, 30m HF6VX and 20-17-15-12-10: HF6VX 
or SPIDERBEAM. Modes CW/Digitals and very very few SSB. QSL will be by LOTW and 
may be a QSL manager who will be choosen later. More information especially 
about his future call sign later. [F5NQL]
2009 DX Marathon - Now Underway!
The 2009 edition of CQ Magazine's 2009 edition of the DX Marathon is now 
underway!  Each year from January 1 to December 31, CQ Magazine sponsors a 
challenge to work as many countries and zones as possible in the calendar year. 
For complete rules and submission information, please see our web site at: 
www.dxmarathon.com/.  The 2009 official DX Marathon score sheet is now 
available for download.
Remember to submit your 2008 scores by January 31, 2009.
John, K9EL
Program Manager, CQ DX Marathon
December 31, 2008 

Dear fellow hams, 

After 13 years of providing hams with no cost web space, e-mail forwarding and 
mailing list services through QSL.net and QTH.net, I have decided to retire. 
All QSL.net and QTH.net servers and Internet connections at my home QTH are 
being turned down. 

Scott KA9FOX has graciously decided to pick up where I left off, and he is in 
the process of migrating all services to new hardware. See below for an update 
on the status of the migration. 

I want to thank all of you for all of your support over the years, and I hope 
that you will support Scott as he takes over the reigns. 

See you on the air! 

73 - Al Waller, K3TKJ 
73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
Home of ICPO: http://webhome.idirect.com/~va3rj/
Contest Calendar - DX Calendar - Lighthouse Activations
Join ICPO e-Group: http://webhome.idirect.com/~va3rj/icpo_mail.html
Canadian Checkpoint For:
All Croatian Islands Award - ACIA
All Croatian Islands Award Group - ACIAG
The World Light House Diplom - TWLHD

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