> > > 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE < < <


03 January 2009                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 922
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3B     - Rachid, 3B8FQ reports that his working trip to St.  Brandon  Island
         (3B7) may be rescheduled for February. His earlier 3B7FQ  operation
         was cancelled due to transportation problems. He is  also  planning
         a personal holiday with ham gear to  Rodriguez  Island  (3B9FQ)  in
         July, and a return trip to  Agalega  Island  (3B6FQ)  in  November.
         Details will be provided as they are available.  Meanwhile,  Rachid
         is often QRV on 40-10 metres, CW and SSB. QSL via K5XK. [TNX K5XK]
3V     - The   TS7C  [425DXN  912]   multi-national  team  now  includes  25
         operators (namely DL1BDF, F1HRE, F2VX, F4AJQ, F4EGD, F4EVR,  F5EOT,
         F5PED, F5UFX, F6AXX,  F6BIV,  F6CTT,  F6ENO,  F8BJI,  F8IJV,  F9IE,
         FM5CD,  G0OPB,  I2VGW,  N2WB,  N6OX,  OE8KDK,  OE8SKQ,  OE9AMJ  and
         ON7RN). They will leave Paris on 8 January and  expect  to  be  QRV
         with the first station from Chergui Island, Kerkennah  (AF-073)  in
         their late afternoon or early evening hours. They  will  be  active
         until around 18-19 UTC on 18  January,  as  they  will  depart  the
         island in very early morning of the 19th. They  plan  to  have  six
         stations active on 160-10 metres CW,  SSB,  FM  and  digital  modes
         (RTTY, PSK31, BPSK, SSTV), with special attention  to  be  paid  to
         160 and 80 metres. The antenna farm will consist of  verticals  and
         wires for the low bands and Spiderbeams from 40  to  10m.  QSL  via
         F4EGD, direct or  bureau.  Please  visit  http://www.ts7c.net/  for
         further  information,  suggested  frequencies,  updates,    QSLling
         instructions and on-line logs. [TNX F5NQL]
8Q     - Andy, G7COD will be active again as  8Q7AK  from  Embudu,  Maldives
         (AS-013) on 11-27 January. He plans to operate SSB and CW on  40-12
         metres  (suggested  frequencies  and    operating    schedule    at
         www.qrz.com/8q7ak). QSL via  home  call,  direct  or  bureau.  [TNX
9A     - Seven special event stations will be active until 1  February  from
         the host cities of the Men's World Handball  Championship  that  is
         going to be held  in  Croatia  (http://www.croatia2009.com/).  Look
         for 9A2009OS (Osijek), 9A2009PO (Porec), 9A2009PU (Pula),  9A2009ST
         (Split),  9A2009VZ  (Varazdin),  9A2009ZD  (Zadar)  and    9A2009ZG
         (Zagreb). QSL via bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
C6     - Karney/W2AFC, Dave/N1EMC and Bill/NE1B  will  operate  from  Nassau
         (NA-001, Grid Square  FL15),  Bahamas  with  Tom/C6ANM  during  the
         following contests: CQ WW 160M  CW  (23-25  January),  ARRL  DX  CW
         (21-22 February), CQ WW 160M SSB (27  February-1  March),  ARRL  DX
         SSB (6-8 March). Additional C6ANM DX activity on 160-6 metres  will
         be from 1 January through 1 April. QSL C6ANM via  LOTW  (preferred)
         or direct to WA2IYO. [TNX NE1B]
CE     - Esteban, XQ7UP and other seven  operators  from  Chile  and  France
         will be active  as  XR5L  from  Santa  Maria  Island  (SA-070)  and
         lighthouse from 28 January to 4 February. They plan to operate  SSB
         and CW on all bands. QSL via CE6AMN.  Further  information  can  be
         found  on   the    Three    Stars    DX    Group's    website    at
         http://www.3stardxgroup.cl/ [TNX XQ7UP]
E4     - Salvador, C31CT has joined the team (Vinicio/IK2CIO, Simone/IZ0BTV,
         Aurelio/IZ0EGM,  Giorgio/IZ4AKS,  Pasquale/IZ8IYX  and  Les/SP3DOI)
         that is  currently active  as  E44M  [425DXN  918]  from Palestine.
         Operations  started on 2 January and will continue  until the local
         evening  of  the 10th, as the team is expected to leave on the 11th
         at 10h. Arturo, IK7JWY liaises with the team and the amateur  radio
         community   through    the    forum    which   can   be   found  at
         http://www.hamradioweb.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=39.  QSL   via
         SP3DOI (bureau) or IZ0BTV (direct); further information,  including
         QSLling instructions and on-line logs, at www.dxcoffee.com/e44m/
EA    -  Adolfo,  EA7TV   will   be  active  as  ED7TV  from  the  two  Rota
         lighthouses (ARLHS SPA-085 and SPA-339) on 9-11 January.  He  plans
         to operate on 20 and 40  metres.  QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX EA7TV]
FW     - Eli/HA9RE, Laci/HA0NAR and Sara/HA9SDA  will  be  active  as  FW5RE
         from Wallis Island (OC-054) starting  on  27-28  January  until  17
         February. They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-10 metres  with
         two stations. QSL via HA8IB. Donations will be gratefully  accepted
         (please contact ha...@freemail.hu if willing to help). [TNX HA8IB]
G      - Founded in 1969 by the late John  Morris,  G3ABG,  the  Worked  All
         Britain Awards Group celebrates its 40th anniversary. GB40WAB  will
         be aired for the entire anniversary year from different  locations,
         and it may be used from any of the  seven  British  DXCC  Entities.
         All of the QSOs will be confirmed  automatically  via  the  bureau.
         Further information on the event and  the  relevant  award  can  be
         found at http://www.worked-all-britain.co.uk/
HI     - Simone, IZ5JNQ will be active  as  HI7/IZ5JNQ  from  the  Dominican
         Republic (NA-096) between 5 January and 5 February  2009.  He  also
         plans to go and operate as  HI2/IZ5JNQ  from  the  coastal  islands
         (NA-122) of Saona and Catalina during that time frame. [TNX IZ5MMB]
HK     - Cody, KC2LSD will be active as HK3/KC2LSD  from  Colombia  on  9-15
         January. He plans to be QRV mainly around 23 UTC on 20, 30  and  40
         metres, with some day time operation as well.  [TNX  K1XN  and  The
KH2    - Yoshi, JE2EHP will be active as  K1HP/KH2  from  Guam  (OC-026)  on
         16-19 January. He plans to operate SSB,  CW  and  RTTY  on  the  HF
         bands and 6 metres. QSL via JE2EHP, bureau preferred. [TNX JE2EHP]
PA     - Look for Raymond, PA6FUN to be active on various  bands  and  modes
         from  Schiermonnikoog  Island  (EU-038)  and  lighthouse  on    2-6
         January. QSL via PE1GUR.
P4     - Peter, EA5GVH will be active as P40PZ from Aruba (SA-036) on  12-28
         January. He will operate  digital  modes  (PSK,  Olivia,  FeldHell,
         SSTV, RTTY and others) and SSB on 80-6 metres. QSL via  home  call.
         [TNX NG3K]
S2     - The expedition to St. Martin's Island (AS-127) [425DXN 916] is  now
         expected to take place on 16-22  January.  Six  operators  will  be
         active as S21DX on 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 40 and  80  metres  SSB  and
         RTTY. QSL direct to EB7DX.  Please  visit  http://s2iota.eb7dx.com/
         for further information and updates.
S7     - Jan, DL7JAN will be active as S79JF from Praslin  Island  (AF-024),
         Seychelles from 22 February to 6 March. He  plans  to  operate  CW,
         SSB, RTTY and maybe PSK31 on  40-10  metres.  QSL  via  home  call,
         direct or bureau. [TNX DL7JAN]
TL     - Chris (ex-5U5U) expects to start activity from the Central  African
         Republic (requested call TL0A) around 15 January. He  will  operate
         in his spare time, with  an  amplifier  and  a  6-band  yagi,  plus
         dipoles and a long wire. QSL to Christian Saint Arroman, Chemin  de
         Mouteguy, 64990 Urcuit, France. [TNX The Daily DX]
UA     - A  few  activities  for the World Flora Fauna Award are expected to
         take place between 3 and 8  January. Look for UE1RFF/4 and UE9WFF/4
         to operate from  five different  locations.  QSLs via  UA1RJ.  [TNX
VK     - VI2BV90 is the special callsign  issued  to  the  Waverley  Amateur
         Radio Society (www.vk2bv.org),  the  oldest  continuously  licensed
         amateur  radio  club  in  Australia,  to   celebrate    its    90th
         anniversary. The special callsign  will  be  in  use  by  the  club
         station from 24 January to 1 February. Expect SSB  activity  on  on
         or near 3590, 7090, 14190, 21190 and 28490 kHz. [TNX VK3FM]
W      - Wade, AA8LL will be active as  AA8LL/4  from  Cedar  Keys  (NA-076)
         from around 22 UTC on 17 January to around  17  UTC  on  the  20th.
         Holiday style operating will be mostly CW and RTTY on 80-17  metres
         with 100 watts and wires. QSL via AA8LL, direct or bureau. He  will
         upload his log to LoTW. [TNX AA8LL]

PACIFIC TRIP ---> Udo, DL9HCU is currently active as  3D2HC  from  the  Fiji
Islands. Starting around 8-9 January he will be on  Banaba  Island, possibly
signing T33HC.  After that he plans to go and operate  from Western Kiribati
as T30HC. QSL via DL9HCU. [TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The latest issue (December 2008) is now  available
at http://www.425dxn.org/monthly/index.html. Articles  and  pictures  should
be sent to Nicola Baldresca, IZ3EBA.

I2UIY MEMORIAL PLAQUE PROGRAMME ---> Two plaques will be sponsored  annually
by CQ Magazine for the CQ WW WPX RTTY Contest and the CQ WW RTTY Contest  in
memory of Paolo Cortese, I2UIY. The recipients will  be  chosen  by  the  CQ
RTTY  Contest  Committee  from  among  all  single-operator    entries  from
DXpeditions  in  that  year's  contest.  Final  score  is  only  one  aspect
considered in determining the recipient: difficulty of the endeavor,  rarity
of location, contribution to the local environment,  etc.  are  all  factors
that are important in determining the winner.

CQ DX MARATHON ---> The  CQ  DX  Marathon  is  a  year-long  DX  hunt,  with
participants competing to see who can work the greatest number of  countries
("entities") and CQ  zones  during  the  calendar  year.  The  2009  edition
started at 00.00 UTC on 1 January and will end at 23.59 UTC on 31  December.
Complete  rules   and    submission    information    can    be    found  at
www.dxmarathon.com - and remember to submit your 2008 scores by  31  January
2009. [TNX K9EL]

CQ WW WPX CONTEST ---> The new rules for the 2009 CQ  WPX  Contest  are  now
available (http://www.cqwpx.com/rules.htm).  There  are  changes  throughout
the rules and, even though most of them are administrative and  should  have
little  impact  on  the  competitive  and  fun  aspects  of    the  contest,
participants are encouraged to read the complete rules  carefully.  The  SSB
event will be held on 28-29 March, followed by the CW event on 30-31 May.

DX SOUND CLIPS ---> Tom's (K8CX) DX  sound  clips  for 2008 can be found  at
http://hamgallery.com/dx2008/; the collection of 120  streaming  Real  Audio
DX clips covers all the major DXpeditions, plus rare and semi-rare DX.

HOGWASH FOR HAMSTERS ---> Jerry Spring, VE6CNU is  the  author  of  "Hogwash
for Hamsters: A Light-hearted  Look  at  the  Hobby  of  Amateur  Radio",  a
111-page book that casts a humorous look at  the  hobby  of  amateur  radio:
"When we take ourselves less seriously, we become  even  better  ambassadors
to    the    world".    Complete    information       can    be    found  at

QSL BX2AAL ---> As of 28 December 2008, NI5DX is the QSL manager  for  Jack,
BX2AAL. Buzz will be able to answer all requests for cards as  soon  as  the
logs are transferred and QSL cards are printed. [TNX K1XN and The Golist]

QSL II5EME ---> Direct and bureau  cards  for  the  13th  International  EME
Conference's special event station are being  sending  out.  The  Conference
papers and a few photo galleries are  available  at  http://www.eme2008.org/

QSL RA1QKI/1 ---> The new QSL route for RA1QKI/1 (EU-102 and EU-160,  August
2007) is via UA1RJ. [TNX UA1RJ]

QSL VIA UA1RJ ---> The "World  Flora  Fauna"  (www.wff44.com)  is  an  award
programme for contacts made  with  amateur  radio  stations  operating  from
national parks and nature reserves worldwide. UA1RJ is the QSL  manager  for
the following  operations  conducted  by  the  WFF  Russian  Team  in  2008:
RA3AUU/3 (July),  RW3GW/3  (July),  UE1RFF,  UE1RFF/1  (December),  UE1RFF/3
(September-November), UE1TFF (July),  UE1ZFF  (July),  UE3FFF/3  (July)  and
UE9WFF/1 (August). [TNX RW3GW]

QSL GALLERY ---> The large collection of QSL cards  on  Les  Nouvelles  DX's
web site has been updated. Twelve different galleries include cards for  the
ten Most Wanted DXCC Entities (234 QSLs), the 58 deleted DXCC entities  (927
QSLs), obsolete prefixes (2475 QSLs), stations from  Magrebh  from  1947  to
1962 (292 QSLs), Antarctic bases (719 QSLs) &  TAAF  (Terres  Australes  and
Antarctiques Francaises, 245 QSLs), the various French DXCC island  Entities
in the Pacific Ocean (228 QSLs) &  the  Indian  Ocean  (95  QSLs),  pre-1945
countries (511 QSLs), French Departments (508 QSLs) and USA (49  QSLs)  plus
a gallery for cards not accepted by  DXCC  (104  QSLs).  Several  cards  are
still  needed  and  your  participation  is  encouraged   -    please  visit
http://LesNouvellesdx.fr    and    send     send        your    comments  to
lesnouvelle...@free.fr [TNX F6AJA]

QSL.NET ---> After 13 years of providing the amateur  radio  community  with
no cost web space, e-mail  forwarding  and  mailing  list  services  through
QSL.net and QTH.net, Al Waller (K3TKJ) has decided to  retire.  All  QSL.net
and QTH.net servers and Internet connections  at  his  home  QTH  are  being
turned down, while  Scott,  KA9FOX  is  in  the  process  of  migrating  all
services to new hardware. Please check http://www.qsl.net/  for  updates  on
server migration.

TOP LISTS ---> The latest Topband, Topmode  and  Toplist  listings  are  now
available at  http://www.425dxn.org/awards/toplist/index.html.  Please  note
that QSOs confirmed through LoTW or included in on-line  logs  are  eligible
for listing. Send send your scores, as  well  as  any  request  for  further
information, to Erminio Pandocchi, I2EOW (i2...@fastwebnet.it)

VISALIA 2009 ---> Sponsored this year by the Northern  California  DX  Club,
the 60th Annual International DX Convention will take place on  17-19  April
at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center in Visalia, California.  Please
visit www.dxconvention.org for further information and registration forms.

ZL DX HALL OF FAME ---> The newly established New Zealand DX  Hall  of  Fame
honours those outstanding ZL DXers who have  excelled  in  our  radio  sport
hobby over many years. After much deliberation  the  judges  (ZL1AIH,  ZL3JT
and ZL3NB) were unanimous in their selection  and  have  elected  the  first
three ZL radio amateurs to the New Zealand DX Hall of  Fame  for  2009:  Roy
Jackson (ZL4BO), Ron Wright (ZL1AMO) and Jock  White  (ZL2GX,  SK).  Details
can be found at http://www.southgatearc.org/

+ SILENT KEYS + Recently reported Silent Keys include Rev.  Padraic  O'Kelly
(EI5DA), Birgit Nilsson (SM7DBI, wife to Arne Nilsson, SM7AED)  and  Stanley
A. Goldin (W2DNO).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER

3D2HC       DL9HCU      EW6GF       DL8KAC      OX3YY       OZ7YY
3Z0HNY      SP2FAP      FM5BH       W3HNK       P29ZAD      NI5DX
3Z0PGA      SQ9NFD      FR1AN       NI5DX       PA30KST     PE9DX
3Z1PGA      SQ9NFD      G4BP        2E0JJB      PJ4/WO0Z    WO0Z
4A1DXXE     N7RO        GB2HLB      GM3WUX      R1ANC       RN1ON
4K7Z        UA3FDX      GB5ONG      MW6VHF      RL6YXX      N3SL
4U1UN       HB9BOU      GB90WWI     G4PLY       S21AM       N4VA
4X4BL       WA2KNC      GX0OOO/p    G4SSH       S21RC       EB7DX
5H6CC       IN3ATM      GX4KPT/P    M0DOL       SB300L      W3HNK
5R8FL       G3SWH       H44MY       OM2SA       SC0XMAS     SM0OGQ
5R8FU       SM5DJZ      H6VA        TI4SU       SN0PGA      SQ9NFD
5R8GZ       G3SWH       HC5WW       JA6GCE      SN1PGA      SQ9NFD
5X1GS       WB2YQH      HE8AFI      HB9AFI      SN90J       SP3J
5X4X        DF5GQ       HE8EFJ      HB9EFJ      SN90JVW     SP2JVW
6W1SE       JR2KDN      HF1PGA      SQ9NFD      SQ0PGA      SQ9NFD
6W2SC       HA3AUI      HF75LD      SP7PGK      T32YY       JA8BMK
7Z1HB       DE1ZHB      HF9HNY      SP9BRP      T80W        JM1LJS
7Z1HL       DJ9ZB       HG1848I     HA3HK       TC1KLH      TA1HZ
7Z1SJ       EA7FTR      HG80MRASZ   HA1DAE      TF3CW       LX1NO
8P0P        8P9NX       HI3K        KB2MS       TI4CF       W3HNK
9H3OT       OH2OT       HK6DOS      EA5KB       TJ3SL       F5PSA
9K2GS       EA5KB       HP3TA       KG6UH       TM2LBR      F6HAF
9K2YM       EA5KB       HR9/WQ7R    AI4U        TM4IPY      F8DVD
9M2CNC      G4ZFE       HZ1EA       DJ9ZB       TM5WRC      F4ELU
A41MO       EA5KB       HZ1PS       IZ8CLM      TN5SN       IZ1BZV
A41MX       EB7DX       IY1GM       IK1UGX      TR50R       F6AJA
A52RY       I2DMI       J28JA       F5JFU       TR8CA       F6CBC
A61NA       UA6MF       J28KO       F6DKI       TT8SK       F5OZF
A61Q        EA7FTR      J5UAP       HA3AUI      TY5ZR       IK2IQD
A62ER       IZ8CLM      J79WE       DL8WEM      UA0AZ       W3HNK
A71CT       EA7FTR      JD1BLY      JI5RPT      UA0YAY      IK2QPR
A71EL       A71AN       JD1BMH      JG7PSJ      UE3GMF      RA3GJ
AP2TN       DJ9ZB       K3C         N3YIM       UE6IPY/6    UA6HPR
BA1RB       EA7FTR      K3N         N3YIM       UK8OK       EA7FTR
BX2AAL      NI5DX       KC4AAA      K1IED       UN3M        EA7FTR
C4EURO      5B4AHO      KH6MB       AI4U        UN5J        W3HNK
CE1/K7CA    NW7O        KZ6C/KH2    JA1CGH      UN7CC       KI6Y
CM6RCR      W3HNK       LX8RTTY     LX1DA       UN7QF       EX2A
CN89NY      EA7FTR      LY1000GV    LY2GV       VE6AO       VE6TN
CO6XN       N3ZOM       LY1000W     LY3W        VK0BP       VK2CA
CO7EH       AD4C        LY1000WN    LY2WN       VK2IA       DL8YR
CO8LY       EA7ADH      LY1000M     LY3M        VK6ANC      VK6NE
CQ7EPC      CT1BWU      LY1000QT    LY2QT       VP9BO       W4ZGR
CT3AS       DJ8FW       LY1000NX    LY3NX       VQ98JC      ND9M
CT7FFE      CT1IUA      LZ08IPY     LZ3SM       WH6R        AI4U
CT7FFM      CT1IUA      LZ17ARDF    LZ1ZF       XQ4CW       XQ1KY
CU1CB       EA5KB       NP4Z        WC4E        XU7ACY      W2EN
CU3HQ       EA3GHZ      OD5TE       K3IRV       XW1B        E21EIC
CX5TR       EA5KB       OE2BZL      DK5AD       YB1ALL      W2FB
D2QMN       RZ3EC       OE6MBG/KH6  OE6MBG      YC6ZEA      YC6EN
DP0GVN      DL5EBE      OH4JT/1     OH4MFA      YJ0AZQ      VK2EZQ
DT0ID       6K2GDT      OH9SCL      OH9UV       YT30FOC     YT1E
E44M        IZ0BTV [a]  OL140PS     OK1DOL      YV5SSB      IT9DAA
E44M        SP3DOI [b]  ON1708M     ON5TN       Z21BC       NI5DX
E77DX       E77E        ON175BR     ON7BR       Z22JE       K3IRV
EA8CMX      OH2BYS      ON25PRA     ON6ZJ       Z29KM       EA7FTR
EG1CAV      EA1HU       ON40BAF     ON6KN       Z309KNV     Z35W
EG7CRM      EA7URS      ON58EXPO    ON7XY       ZF2BI       K4BI
EL2AR       EL2BA       ON70REDSTAR ON4OSA      ZF2NN       WQ2N
EP3PK       IK2DUW      OO9O        ON7SS       ZF2VQ       W2VQ
ET3JA       OK3AA       OX3XR       OZ3PZ       ZP6CW       ZP6CU

[a] direct  [b] bureau

3DA0TM   Andy Cory, P.O. Box 1033, Mbabane, Swaziland
4S7NE    Nelson Ranasinghe, 18 Katana Housing Scheme, Demanhandiya 11270,
         Sri Lanka
A45XR    Chris Dabrowski, P.O. Box 2038, CPO 111, Oman
EL2BA    H. Walcott Benjamin Sr, 285 St. Marks Place, Apt. 4-L, Staten
         Island, NY 10301, USA
EL2DX    James Alpine, 8800 Monrovia Place, Dulles, VA 20189-8800, USA
ET3AA    Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society, P.O. Box 60258, Addis Ababa,
F6HAF    Guy Couteau, 96 rue du 19 mars 1962, 93220 Gagny, France
G7VJR    Michael Wells, Belvoir Cottage, The Avenue, Madingley, CB23 8AD, UK
I2DMI    Francesco Di Michele, P.O. Box 55, 22063 Cantu' - CO, Italy
IZ0BTV   Simone Bizzarri, P.O. Box 51, 00046 Grottaferrata - RM, Italy
JA8BMK   Toshihiko Fukuta, 2115-3 Nobori, Yoichi, Hokkaido 046-0002, Japan
JD1BMM   Masafumi Ishihara, 2-305 Loran,  2-5-35  Miyazaki, Chuo-ku, Chiba
         260-0806, Japan
JG7PSJ   Hiroyuki Kawanobe, 1-4-1 Mikamine, Taihaku, Sendai, Miyagi
         982-0826, Japan
JI5RPT   Makoto Koyanagi, 1-13-607 Mitsuzawakamicho, Kanagawa-ku,
         Yokohama,  Kanagawa 221-0856, Japan
JY4CI    Rafiq Farmawi, P.O. Box 616, Amman 11118, Jordan
JY5CC    Abdalla Farmawi, P.O. Box 616, Amman 11118, Jordan
K3Y      Dan Rhodes, P.O. Box 3092, Erie, PA 16508, USA
K5XK     Ron Evans, 2 Pembroke Drive, Bella Vista, AR 72715-8823, USA
OH4MFA   Jukka Tarvainen, Ratakatu 17-19 C 24, FI-76100 Pieksamaki, Finland
SV2ASP/A Monk Apollo, Docheiariou Monastery, 63087 Mount Athos, Greece
UA0BA    Andrej N. Moiseev, P.O. Box 1163, Norilsk, 663300, Krasnoyarskij
         kraj, Russia
UA1RJ    Jury Sinitso, P.O. Box 23, Vologda, 160000, Russia
V51AS    Frank Steinhauser, Am Rosenkothen 17, 40880 Ratingen, Germany
VQ9LA    Larry Arneson, PSC 466 Box 24 (DG-21 Annex 30), FPO AP  96595-0024,


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                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:   http://www.425dxn.org/monthly


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1...@425dxn.org)
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                                MAILING LIST

                   Please visit the "Mailing List" page at
       and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                  or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                  Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4...@425dxn.org)


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia



        *** The PacketCluster network 425 DX News search tool commands ***

SH/425 CAL          shows the 425DXN Calendar "current" activities;
SH/425 BULL [num]   where [num] is the bulletin issue number;
SH/425 [text]       where [text] should be replaced with  a callsign, an  IOTA
                    reference number,  an island  name, an  Antarctic base,  a
                    lighthouse, etc. 

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This is the DX-NEWS reflector sponsored by the NJDXA http://njdxa.org

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