SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.893
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 893

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 893
BID: $OPDX.893
January 26, 2009
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, ARRL DX Bulletin, AA1M, K1XN & GoList, N1SNB, NC1L,
W5PF, N6OC, K8YSE, N0TG, DX-IS News Site, Pete's-DX-Newsdesk, A35RK,
CO8TW, DK8JB, DL6KVA, DL7MAE & The DX News Letter, F5NQL & UFT, G0IAS,
I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, OH2BN, RSGB IOTA Web Site, VA3RJ & ICPO,
VE1AL, VE2MBS/VE2QQ, VK4FW and VP9LP for the following DX information.

*** SPECIAL NOTICE FROM THE EDITOR (by KB8NW): This week's bulletin was
    sent out earlier than normal because there was no bulletin last
    week and to accommodate the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest announcements.
    A complete listing of all the participants is available at the NG3K
    Contest page at:
    I hope to have everything caught up and back to normal next week....
    73 de Tedd KB8NW

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Saturday, 17th/January, through Saturday, 24th/January there were
214 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 4J, 4L,
4O, 4S, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5V, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7P, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A,
9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9Q, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY,
C2, C3, C5, C6, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, E3,
E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, F,
FG, FK, FM, FO, FR, FW, FY, G, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HC, HI, HK,
HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J5, J6, J7, J8, JA, JT, JW,
JY, K, KG4, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH,
OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP,
ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T30, T5, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TN, TR, TT, TU,
UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VP6, VP8,
VP8/h, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XW, YA, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU,
YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZD9, ZL, ZP, ZS, ZS8

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later" (WFWL).

2008 MOST WANTED SURVEY (DX Magazine's Results). The DX Magazine's "2008
Most Wanted Survey" has been posted on the Web site. The survey that most
DXers go by is now available at:
Editor Carl, N4AA, states, "The listing shows the top 100 World-Wide
'weighted' mixed mode results. It also includes the ranking for 2007,
for comparison. Some 2007 rankings are shown as 'NA' which only means
that particular country was NOT on the list for 2007. The Top 100 results,
broken down by continent and NA time zone, are published in the January/
February 2009 issue of THE DX MAGAZINE.  A further breakdown will be
published in the March/April 2009 issue. That listing will include the
top 50 for CW, SSB, Digital and this year a listing for Low Bands (160-30
meters.)" The "Top Ten Most Wanted" are as follows:

   2008  PREFIX / COUNTRY  2007         2008  PREFIX / COUNTRY  2007
   ----  ----------------  ----         ----  ----------------  ----
    1    P5   NORTH KOREA    1           6    KP5   DESECHEO      7
    2    7O   YEMEN          2           7    3Y/B  BOUVET        5
    3    KP1  NAVASSA        3           8    VK0H  HEARD ISLAND 10
    4    FR/G GLORIOSO       4           9    FT5W  CROZET        9
    5    ZS8  MARION ISLAND  6          10    FT5Z  AMSTERDAM    11

4K, AZERBAIJAN. Axel, DL6KVA, will once again be active as 4K0CW from
Vlad's, 4K9W, QTH in Baku between local evening time on March 19th and
local midday on March 25th. Activity will be CW only on all HF bands
(depending on the band conditions) using 100 watts into a 84m long wire
(station of 4K9W). Axel also plans to participate in the Russian DX
Contest (March 21-22nd) as a Single-Op/Low-Power/CW entry. QSL via
DL6KVA (Bureau OK).

4L0, GEORGIA. Operators 4L5DJ/Shota, 4L2M/Mamuka and 4L4CC/Levan will
be active as 4L0G in the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest (January 23-25th) as
a Multi-Single entry. They will use a TS-950SDX w/1KW PA into a full
size Delta loop and Vertical; RX Antenna 2 beverages. QSL via EA7FTR
(UA9LP for Russia; UT7QF for Ukraine).

Johnny, LA5IIA, will be active as 4U1UN in the CQ WW 160 Meter CW Contest
for a few hours late Friday and for a few hours during the day on Saturday.

4Z, ISRAEL. Operators Victor/RV2FW, Alexey/4Z5TA, Mony/4X6ZK and Alex/
4Z5KJ will be active as 4Z5J during the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest (January
23-25th) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via W0MM.

7Q, MALAWI. By the time you read this, Harry, 7Q7HB, should be back in
Malawi. QSL Manager Allan, G0IAS, informs OPDX that Harry has a new
rotator to fit the mast he has and new parts to replace in his amplifier.
Then depending on his work load, he will once again be active. He will
operate mainly on the Digi modes and CW, but he does have a Mic, so if
you need him on SSB, please ask him. Length of his stay will be around
2 months. QSL ONLY DIRECT to G0IAS.

AN8, CANARY ISLANDS. Operators Luis/EA8AY and Jeronimo/EA8NC will use
the special callsign AN8R during the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 21-22nd)
as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via EA8AY. Visit the Web page with a Web
cam on it at:   

BX5, TAIWAN. Jimmy, BX5AA, will be active during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest
(March 28-29th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. Jimmy states
that BX5 is a rare prefix for Taiwan (CQ 24). QSL via BX5AA.

C9, MOZAMBIQUE. Members of the Texas DX Society are pleased to announce
their next Dxpedition. Six members will travel to Bilene in the Maputo
Province, March 25th to April 5th. Bilene is 180km from the capital city
of Maputo. The team will include Cal/WF5W, Dale/KG5U, Madison/W5MJ,
Jim/N4AL, Bill/K5WAF and Paul/W5PF. They will be on all bands 160-10 meters
and will operate CW, SSB and RTTY. There will be 3 stations, two with
amplifiers. Antennas will include log periodics for 20-10m and various
verticals for the low bands. They will operate in the CQWW WPX Phone
Contest. Callsigns have not yet been assigned but will be announced when
available. QSL Manager for all callsigns will be W5PF. Logs will be
uploaded to LoTW after the trip. Further details are available on the
team's Web site at: 

CN, MOROCCO. Operators Ahmed/CN8WK, Stefano/IK2QEI, Maurizio/IV3ZXQ and
Carlo/IK1HJS will be active as CN3A during the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest
(January 23-25th) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via LoTW or via I2WIJ.

CO, CUBA. Juan, CO8TW, will be active during the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest
(January 23-25th) as a Single-Op entry. QSL via HB9SVT. The log will be
online after the contest at:

CT3/CS9/CT9, MADEIRA ISLANDS. Helmut, DF7ZS, will be active as CT3/homecall
between March 24-31st. His activity will include the CQWW WPX SSB Contest
(March 28-29th). QSL via DJ6QT or CS9L. He will sign CS9L (or CT9L) for
the contest. Look for casual operation before the contest. Visit his Web
page at:              

CT9, MADEIRA ISLANDS. Operators Rastislav/OM3BH, Jozef/OM3GI and a
Madeira Contest Team will be active as CT9M during CQ 160-Meter CW Contest
(January 23-25th) as a Multi-Op entry. QSL via CT3EE.

CY0, SABLE ISLAND. Operators Randy/N0TG, Murray/WA4DAN and Ron/AA4VK
have received approval from the Director of Marine Programs and the
Canadian Coast Guard, and will activate Sable Island between October
7-14th. Callsigns will be homecall/CY0. Part of their team from previous
operations from KP1 and KP5, CY9 are reuniting for this operation from
Sable Island. Operations are planned for 160-10 meters, CW and SSB. More
details are forthcoming. Visit their Web page at:

D4, CAPE VERDE. Operator Girts, YL2KL, will be active as D4C between
February 11-22nd. He hopes to do some activity on 30 meters, but plans
to be active during the CQ World-Wide WPX RTTY Contest (February 14-15th)
as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry and the ARRL DX CW Contest
(February 21-22nd) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via
CT1ESV by the Bureau or IZ4DPV for direct. For the latest information,
check the D4C Web page at:        

DAYTON HAMVENTION NEWS (ed. Gee, is it that time already..WOW!)......
 *  24th Annual DX Dinner: Jay, K4ZLE, reports: "The SouthWest Ohio DX
    Association is pleased to sponsor the 24th annual DX Dinner to be
    held in conjunction with the 2009 Dayton HamVention. The dinner will
    be Friday evening, May 15th, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, located in
    Dayton city center. This is the same venue as in previous years. The
    program details are not final yet and will be released as soon as they
    are finalized. As in the past, there will be some nice attendance
    prizes. Last year the main prize was an Icom IC-756 Pro III, but this
    year ICOM has promised something new! Attendees will have their choice
    of either a steak dinner or a vegetarian dinner. We must be informed
    when the tickets are ordered if you want the vegetarian option. Tickets
    are 39.00 USDs per meal, payable in U.S. funds to SWODXA. (Sorry, we do
    not process PayPal or Credit Card payments.) Please advise if you want
    a vegetarian meal when you order. You may order from Pete Meyer, N0FW,
    at his CBA. SASE is requested. We attempt to honor group seating
    requests when tickets are ordered together. There is not a bad seat
    in the house, but seating is definitely limited. Come join us for an
    evening of fun and fellowship. Up-to-date information may be found on
    the club's website:         
            Pete's E-mail address is n0fw <at> live <dot> com
    ADDED NOTE: Last year Yaesu joined us in sponsoring the DX forum
    during HamVention. They have agreed to partner with us again for 2009.
    There will be a FT-2000 with PEP raffled off at the end of the DX
    forum. The winner does not have to be present. Tickets for a chance
    on the FT-2000 are 5.00 USDs each or 5 for 20.00 USDs. For your
    convenience, they may be ordered at the same time you purchase your
    DX dinner tickets. All proceeds from this raffle are used by SWODXA
    to assist in providing DXpedition grants.  We look forward to helping
    make HamVention a more enjoyable experience for all DXers. C U there?"

 *  17th Annual Dayton Contest Dinner: The North Coast Contesters are
    proud to announce: "2009 Contest Dinner tickets are on sale now
    exclusively via the WEB again this year! Thanks to Scott, KA9FOX
    and for designing, building and running our Web site:
    Master of Ceremonies for the Dayton Contest Dinner is CQ Magazine
    Contest Editor John Dorr, K1AR. The 2009 CQ Contest Hall of Fame
    Inductions will be formally announced by the CQ WorldWide Contest
    Director Bob Cox, K3EST. Our excellent keynote dinner speaker will
    be announced soon. The Contest Dinner will be held on Saturday night,
    May 16, 2009 at 6:30 PM (Cash bar opens at 5:30 PM). Located at the
    Crowne Plaza Hotel (Official Contest Hotel), 5th and Jefferson Streets
    (Next to the Convention Center) Dayton (Downtown), Ohio in the VAN
    CLEVE BALLROOM. Seating is random. Tables are set in rounds of 8."
    Tim, K3LR, Dayton Contest Dinner Chairman, states that tickets are
    ONLY available via the Web page listed above. He also mentions,
    "Many contest operators from around the world attend this event. If
    you enjoy radio contesting, you do not want to miss this Contest
    Dinner in Dayton, Ohio. We expect a quick sell out just like past
    years. Go to the web and get your tickets early!"

DXCC SUBMISSION REPORT. A report was announced that the OX/NA1SA operation
in May 2007 was rejected by DXCC desk for "No documentation received".

EA8, CANARY ISLANDS (AF-004). Jyrki, OH6CS, will be active as EA8/OH6CS
during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th) as a Single-Op/Single-
Band (15m) entry. QSL via LoTW. QSL is also "OK" via OH6CS, direct using
the address.

EF8, CANARY ISLANDS (AF-004). Operator Valery, RD3AF, will be active as
EF8M during the CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest (February 14-15th) as a Single-Op/
All-Band/High-Power entry. Using the same callsign, he will also be active
in the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 21-22nd) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-
Power entry. QSL both operations via RX3DU ( ADDED REMINDER: Also
look for Valery (using EF8M) during this weekend's CQ 160-Meter CW Contest
(January 23-25th) as a Single-Op/High-Power entry.

ER0, MOLDOVA. Serge, UR5FEO, will be active as ER0FEO during the CQ
160-Meter CW Contest (January 23-25th) as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry.
QSL via UU0JM.

ER0, MOLDOVA. Vladimir, will be active as ER0/UT0FT during the CQ 160-
Meter CW Contest (January 23-25th) as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry. QSL
via UT0FT.

ES9, ESTONIA. Operators Tonno/ES5TV, Toivo/ES2RR, Arvo/ES2MC, Juri/ES5JR
and Toomas/ES5RY will be active as ES9C during the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest
(January 23-25th) as a Multi-Op entry. QSL via ES5RY.

FR, REUNION ISLAND (AF-016). Gerhard, OE3GEA, will be active as FR/OE3GEA
between February 1-13th. Activity will be on all bands, but CW only. QSL
via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau.

GJ/MJ0, JERSEY. Richard, K2WR, will be active as GJ2A during the CQ 160-
Meter CW Contest (January 23-25th) as a Single-Op/High-Power entry. QSL
via K2WR or GJ3DVC. Look for him outside of the contest signing MJ0AWR.

HS, THAILAND. Joerg, DL1MJF, is expected to be active from here again as
HS0ZGQ between January 20th and February 12th. Activity will be on 40-10
meters CW/SSB using a Kenwood TS-50 and a dipole antenna. If possible,
Joerg may stay for one week on the Island of Koh Samui (AS-101) and operate
as HS0ZGQ/2. QSL via DL1MJF.

IOTA NEWS..........................
  EU-108.  Jim, MM0BQI, will be active as homecall/p from the Treshnish
           Isles, April 24-27th. Look for activity on or near the usual
           island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via his home callsign, direct
           or by the bureau.

  EU-146.  Operators Will/PE1OPM, Manfred/PE1OXV and Jeroen/PD5CW will
           be active from Schouwen Duiveland, July 24-26th. Activity
           will be on 80-10 meters, using mainly CW and SSB. They will
           also be in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). QSL via their
           home callsigns, direct or by the bureau.

  OC-135.  Jerry, P29ZAD, will be active from Buka Island between February
           7-27th. Activity will be limited because he is working just
           North of Buka Town. QSL via NI5DX, direct or by the Bureau.
           More information can be found at:

J3, GRENADA (NA-024). Colin/G3VCQ and Sharon/M3VCQ will be in Beru from
March 12-26th. Colin will be active as J38CW in the BERU CW Contest
(March 14-15th). Colin will only work Commonwealth stations during the
contest. Outside of the contest, look for activity to be on 80/40/30/20/
17/15/12/10 meters using CW and SSB. Sharon will also be active and sign
J38/M3VCQ (still to be cofirmed yet) in between sunbathing! All QSLs are
via G3VCQ, direct or by the bureau.

J7, DOMINICA. Seth, SM0XBI, will be active again as J79XBI (while on
holiday) between now and around April 1st. Activity will be SSB only.
Over the past week he has been mainly on 20 meters with some activity
on 80 and 40 meters. QSL to his home callsign, bureau preferred.

LX, LUXEMBOURG. Lars, DF1LON, will be active as LX7I during the CQ 160-
Meter CW Contest (January 23-25th) as a Single-Op entry. QSL via LX2A.
Visit the following Web page at:

NH7, HAWAII. Al, NH7A, will be active during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest
(March 28-29th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via F5VHJ.

NP4, PUERTO RICO. Alfredo (Al), WP3C, will be active as NP4A during the
CQ 160-Meter CW Contest (January 23-25th) as a Single-Op/High-Power entry.
QSL via W3HNK.

OR3/OR4, ANTARCTICA. Operator Willy/ON5AX and XYL Magda/ON3AX will be
active as OR4AX and OR3AX, respectively, from the RV Professor Khromov
(Spirit of Enderby) and from the region of the Ross Sea in Antarctica
between February 9th and March 10th. QSL via ON5AX.

PJ2, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. Fred, PA1FJ, will be active as PJ2/PA1FJ from
the Island of Curacao (SA-006, WLOTA LH-0942) between September 24th and
October 7th. QSL via his home callsign, direct, by the Bureau or eQSL.

QSL INFO AND NEWS.....................
  NEW QSL MANAGER. Buzz, NI5DX, is now the QSL Manager for Zivko, S52BB.
  Buzz will be able to answer all requests for cards once new cards are
  received from the printer (4-5 weeks).

  NEW QSL ROUTE. Rich, W4GKR/DK4GKR, has announced that all QSL requests
  for his past operations be QSLed via the Texas address listed on
  Operations included: DK4GKR (Oct. 2007-present), DL/, EA8/, HB/, G/,
  GW/ and TI5/.

  S21DX LOGS. The on-line logs for the S21DX operation are available at:

  TS7C LOGS. The on-line logs for the TS7C operation are available at:

  VX1RNS/P QSL STATUS. It was mentioned by VE1AI that the cards for last
  year's IOTA operation from NA-081 have been printed and direct cards
  will be sent next month for VX1RNS/p. Bureau cards will follow.

  TL5A, XX9TKV, XZ1N and ZA1A

  7U5CI, 9H1XT, 9M6/N2BB, AH0V, BD1DRJ/2, BQ9P, EA9/SP2JMB, ER4ER,

  TM7F, UA3AP, UE3SFF/1, UE80MC, UZ7U and Z35T

RK2, KALININGRAD. Members of the UA2 Contest Club will be active as
RK2FWA during the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest (January 23-25th) as a Multi-
Op entry. QSL via DK4VW.

SILENT KEYS........................
  W2PUX  - Joseph J. Brohman, became a SK on January 11th at the age of
           100. He born on June 15,1908. Joseph was a HAM operator for
           75 years.

  W6GVM  - Emil F. Malek, became a SK on December 26th, 2008, at the age
           of 92. He was very active in ham radio chasing DX, and gaining
           Honor Roll Membership and #1 Honor Roll plaque, staying at
           the top to the end. Listed in the 2007 DXCC Yearbook's Annual
           Listing : Phone/Mixed # 1 at 388 Entities. Emil loved Ham
           Radio, DXing, Mentoring, Helping others.

  JY3ZH  - It was announced that Zedan, JY3ZH, has became SK on January
           20th. He is best known for being the net controller for the
           Arabian Knights Net on 14.252 kHz.

  OPDX and its readers would like to send out our deepest sympathy to
  the family and friends of the above mentioned. They all will be surely

SV9, CRETE. Willi, DJ7RJ, will be active from here for three weeks
beginning February 24th. His callsign in the past has been SV9/DJ7RJ.
Willi operates CW and SSB. QSL via his home callsign by the CBA.

TA, TURKEY. Yasar, TA3D, will be active during the CQ 160-Meter CW
Contest (January 23-25th) as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry. QSL via TA3D.

TO5, MARTINIQUE. Dim, UT5UGR, will be active as TO5WA from Laurent's,
FM5BH, QTH and station during the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 21-22nd)
as a Single-Op/High-Power entry.

TO5, MARTINIQUE. Albert, F5VHJ, will be active as TO5A during the ARRL
DX SSB Contest (March 7-8th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via

V2, ANTIGUA. Operators Bob/W4OWY and Mark/W9OP will be active as V25WY
and V25OP between March 10-19th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters. QSL
via their home callsign or by the  bureau. Logs will also be uploaded
as before to LoTW and eQSL.

V6, MICRONESIA. Mike/KM9D and Jan/KF4TUG as of 0220z, January 15th,
have anchored the "SV Don Henry" in Kolonia Harbor on Pohnpei Island.
No word on their radio plans at the moment.

VK9L, LORD HOWE ISLAND (Update). Bill Horner, VK4FW, member of Oceania
Amateur Radio DX Group Inc. (ODXG), reports that the VK9LA March departure
date is fast approaching, and all team members are ready to go. Operations
will between March 23rd and April 3rd. The total list of operators are:
Tony/IZ3ESV, San/K5YY, Bob/N2OO, Lance/N2OZ, Stan/SQ8X, Peter/SQ9DIE,
Victoria/SV2KBS, Alex/VK1TX, Luke/VK3HJ, Chris/VK3QB, John/VK4IO,
Catherine/VK4VCH, Chris/VK5CP, John/VK5PO, Julian/W5SL and Bill/VK4FW.
Bill, VK4FW, will travel to Lord Howe on March 22nd to immediately begin
unpacking. On March 23rd, 4 other operators will arrive and the rest
will arrive as originally planned on March 24th. Bill states (edited),
"We will assemble 7 full HF stations at 2 seperate sites as well as one
for 6m. Modes of operation are SSB, CW and RTTY. We will use mono band
yagis and mono band verticals to allow us to possibly have 2 actual
stations on the same band similtaneously. There are also a quantity of
wire antennas for the low bands. A full list of operating frequencies
will be designed to enhance our plans. With the rising fuel prices and
the international economy crashing around us, we have been able to secure
a vessel to freight all of our equipment. We are still trying to get
more support to cover this cost, so please be so kind to visit our Web
site and make a donation at:
The QSLing chores will be handled by VK4FW. We will set up an online
QSLing system that will permit you to apply online to help cut your
postage costs. More on this later. QSL cards will be printed very quickly
by UX5UO." For more updates, details on the DXpedition and how to donate
to this operation, please visit the ODXG and VK9LA Web pages at:

VK0B, ANTARCTICA. Bob, VK0BP, is currently working at Antarctic Davis
Base Station (AN-016, Gridsquare MC81xk) until November 1st. His activity
is limited due to his workload, but he is expected to be on all HF bands.
However, due to local scientific experiements cetain bands may be un-
available at times. He seems to like 20 meters between 1500-1800z.
Operations have been on SSB and PSK31, but he plans to operate on other
modes later on during his stay at the Davis Station. QSL via VK2CA.
PLEASE NOTE: There is also a possibility of Bob activating other field
huts in the area, and he will sign as VK0BP/P. Look for more details on
his Web page at:    

VP2, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS. Eric, K6VVA, will be celebrating his 65th
birthday with a trip to Tortola (NA-023) between February 20-24th. He
will sign VP2V/K6VVA and be active mainly on CW. Eric will also be in
the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 21-22nd) as VP2VVA. QSL via N6AWD.

VP9, BERMUDA. Jeff, N1SNB, will be active as VP9/N1SNB between January
21-25th. Activity will include the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest (January
23-25th) as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry. QSL via N1SNB.

VP9400, BERMUDA (Special Event). Rose, VP9LP, Secretary of the Radio
Society of Bermuda, announced that the year 2009 is the 400th anniversary
of the settlement of Bermuda by Sir George Somers. Look for most local
organizations to have some kind of special event during the year. The
Radio Society of Bermuda has been issued with a special callsign that
can be used all year; it is VP9400/xx. The xx suffix is the operator's
callsign suffix (i.e. VP9400/LP). There are a few novice licence holders
who have a 3 digit suffix (i.e. VP9400/NMT). Look for special pictorial
postcards to be used to QSL.

announced: "Some users may have noticed that their WAS totals have changed
or have completely gone away. On January 1, 2009, LoTW refreshed all WAS
accounts to accommodate the new Triple Play award. Your Triple Play record
is shown as a sub award in your WAS account just as band and mode sub-
awards are shown. If your account had no QSO rules then the system had
no way of applying your QSO credits. This is easily fixed by adding a
rule to your WAS account. All WAS accounts must have at least one rule.
  To add a rule to your WAS account simply access your WAS account then
select 'MODIFY ACCOUNT'. Follow these steps to complete the process:

 Click 'Add Rule To QSO Set'
  Next, select the type of rule you want to apply. Drop the box down,
  make your selection then click 'Add Rule'

 (Next it may ask you here to select a callsign if you have more than
 one account. If so, select the callsign you want to change).

 If there is only one callsign in the account the next screen will say
 'Save Account Changes'

Click this and your account should be OK now.

  Note, if you feed more than one WAS account for different locations
you must do this for each account. Some accounts are very simple and
will only require a callsign rule. Other accounts may be more complex
requiring multiple rules to accommodate your operations. WAS accounts
can be configured to automatically select those of your QSOs that both
qualify for a WAS award and also match a set of rules you specify. A
QSO Set is a list of rules that define QSOs that will be matched. Your
account can include more than one QSO Set if needed to encompass all
of your QSOs that are eligible for the awards. The rules that make up
a QSO Set each compare the value of a field related to the QSO. The
fields that may be used for this comparison are the callsign you used
to make the QSO, the QSO date, and several geographical fields. At least
one rule must be included in a QSO Set in order to match any QSOs. If
more than one rule is present in the QSO Set, you may choose whether the
QSOs must match all of the specified rules or any of the specified rules."

OH2BN, reports: "With the aim of pushing the always challenging Northern
envelope on low bands and verifying their own engineering skills, the
group at Radio Arcala will hit 160M with a 39-ton (80.000 lbs) 3-element
full-size monster during the week of January 19, culminating with the
CQWW 160M Contest. OH8X is to be manned by OH2IW and OH6KN, still in a
limited capacity while valuable data will be gathered in this first
assault. Their partners for measurement purposes will be the sister
station CU2X operated by OH2BH/CU2KG and, in close proximity, by the
associate stations OH0E operated by OH2MM, and OG2P by OH2PM. You may
catch all these stations during the coming week. Radio Arcala is co-
operating with the University of Oulu in several areas of HF propagation
study. They also welcome and acknowledge field reports at <>
You may read about details of the monster construction at
<> and study the overall
mission at <>
QSL for OH8X via OH2UA, CU2X via OH2BH, OG2P via OH2PM and OH0E via OH2MM."
To see a picture of this antenna, go to:

WORLDRADIO ONLINE LAUNCHED (February Issue Now On The Web!)......
Richard Moseson, W2VU, Editorial Director, for CQ Communications, Inc.,
announced on January 21st, 2009,: "First Issue of 'WorldRadio Online'
Posted on Web -- The inaugural issue of 'WorldRadio Online' has been
posted on the World Wide Web, appropriately, on Inauguration Day!
'WorldRadio Online' is the first wide-distribution general-interest
ham magazine to be published exclusively online.
  The February issue of 'WorldRadio Online' features articles on a ham
station aboard a still-sailing Victory Ship, as well as a very handy
primer on basic knots. Most familiar columnists are there as well,
including 'Krusty' Aerials columnist Kurt N. Sterba.
  The issue is in a downloadable PDF file. It may be accessed without
charge by going to the CQ magazine home page at
and clicking on the 'WorldRadio Online' link.
  'WorldRadio Online' is published monthly by CQ Communications, Inc."

XU7, CAMBODIA (Just A Reminder!). Peter, NO2R, will be active as XU7ACY
from Sihanoukville during the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest (January 23-25th)
as a Single-Op entry. QSL via W2EN.

XU7, CAMBODIA (Just A Reminder!). Tom, KC0W/ZD7X, active as XU7XXX is
expected to be in the CQWW 160-Meter CW Contest (January 23-25th) as a
Single-Op/Low-Power entry. His 160m antenna is a dipole/vertical placed
on the beach 5 meters from salt water. QSL via KC0W, direct only.

XW, LAOS (Just A Reminder!). Bruce, XW1B, will be active in the CQ 160-
Meter CW Contest (January 23-25th) as a Single-Op entry and the ARRL DX
CW Contest (February 21-22nd) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (possibly 40m -
if his new yagi is up by then) entry. QSL via E21EIC.

XT, BURKINA FASO. Michael, F1IQH, will once again be active as XT2WC
from BoboDioulasso starting January 25th, for two weeks. Activity will
be mainly 20 meters (other bands are possible according to the propagation)
with only 100 watts and a G5RV. QSL via F1IQH.

Z3, MACEDONIA. Members of the Radio Club "Nikola Tesla" (Z37M) will be
active as Z37M during the CQWW WPX RTTY Contest (February 14-15th) as a
Multi-? entry. Operators mentioned are: Milosev/Z31MM, Igor/Z32ID, Dance/
Z32XU, Ozren/Z35T, Chris/Z35X, Tone/Z36N, Venco/Z36W and possibly others.
QSL via Z37M, by the Bureau or info on

ZL7, CHATHAM ISLANDS. There has been a leak of a possible operation
here. Details are expected to be released. STAY TUNED!

ZS8, MARION ISLANDS. Petrus, ZS8T, showed on 20 meters last weekend for
a few QSOs. According to Rhynhardt, ZS6DXB, ZS8T Press Officer, "the ZS8T
license has expired on the 31st of December 2008 with an expiry window
period up and until 31 January 2009. Renewal and payment off the existing
license has been made and Petrus, ZS8T, is licensed to operate from Marion
Island up and until December 2009. All contacts made to date with the ZS8T
callsign are legitimate and legal. The team is currently awaiting the paper
copy off the new license that only expires in December 2009 Petrus can
remain active with ZS8T for the remainder of his stay on Marion Island."
Petrus, ZS8T, has unveiled some more details about his operation from
Marion Island in an interview which be available this past week thanks
to the South Africa Amateur Radio League (SARL). He states that he will
be there three months before leaving and plans to be active as much as
he can during this time. To listen to the complete interview and see the
latest pictures from Petrus, go to:
For updates and official announcement of ZS8T operation, please visit
the official ZS8T Web site at:

ZT2, SOUTH AFRICA (Rare PFX). Look for eight South African amateurs to
operate as ZT2V in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30th). This will
be one of the rare times the ZT prefix has been used, and the first time
South Africa's East Cape Province (ZS2) has had a team operation entry
in a major contest. The Multi-2 operation will take place from the Port
Elizabeth region QTH of Donovan, ZS2DL, who will serves as team leader.
Other experienced contest participants include Barry/ZS2EZ, Mitch/ZS2DK,
Thiaan/ZS2Y and Andre/ZS2ACP. Operators Henning/ZS2HK and Glen/ZS2GV will
be making their major contest debuts. One other operator, not yet selected,
will round out the team. The 2 stations will consist of a FT2000 and a
Quadra amplifier into a SteppIr beam and a FT1000MPMKV and an Ameritron
amp into a HyGain TH5. An antenna for 40 and 80 meters will also be used.
While the group is hoping to score well, the primary goal is to put Port
Elizabeth on the map and give the prefix hunters a rare one. The QSL route
for ZT2V will be Buzz, NI5DX.

** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new
FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the
following number:        1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! )
SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via " ", please send
mail to me via " "...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
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Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
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Information can now be faxed to the following "NEW" phone line at:
                  1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)


Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - --or--
Editor of the "Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin" (OPDX - "DXer's Tool of Excellence")
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)

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