I.C.P.O. Bulletin (March 05 - 13, 2009)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
05/03/2009:  Rosel/DL3KWR and Hardy/DL3KWF will be active again as CT3/DL3KWR 
and CT3/DL3KWF from the Hotel Royal Orchid, Madeira Island (AF-014, DIP MA-001, 
WLOTA 0053), March 5-19th. They plan to operate mostly CW and on 12, 17 and 30 
meters. Hardy will also give RTTY and PSK-31 a try. QSL via home calls. E-mail 
requests for bureau cards can be sent to dl3...@darc.de or dl3...@darc.de 
respectively. Their web site is at: www.mydarc.de/dl3kwr/ [425 DX News]

05/03/2009:  Martti, OH2BH/CU2KG and Juha, OH8NC/CU2KH are in Ponta Delgada, 
Ilha de Saõ Miguel (EU-003, DIP AZ-002, WLOTA 2016) the Azores and will 
activate both CU2A and CU2X in the ARRL DX Contest (SSB) in two single-band 
categories; CU2A on 20M and CU2X on 80M. They may occasionally come on other 
bands to hand out multipliers. They arrived in the Azores early this week and 
have been active using their personal callsigns. QSL both via OH2BH. [OH2BN]

05/03/2009:  Jon, LA3JJ will once again be back to Isla de Fuerteventura 
(AF-004, DIE S-006, WLOTA 0883) as EA8/homecall from March 5-26th. QRV 30, 17 
and possibly 12 meter CW. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [LA3JJ]

05/03/2009:  Jeff, N1SNB will be active from Grenada, Nicaragua, March 5-9, for 
ARRL DX SSB from the QTH of Octavio, YN2N. He hopes to sign YN2NB during the 
contest and H7/N1SNB outside of the contest. He will enter ARRL DX SSB as a 
Single Op - All Bands - tbd on HP or LP. QSL via home call. [NG3K]

05/03/2009:  John, G3LZQ will be active holiday style as J79WR from Dominica 
(NA-101) between March 5-25th. He plans to concentrate on 160 and 80 metres, 
and to participate in the Commonwealth (BERU) Contest (March 14-15th). QSL via 
G3LZQ. [425 DX News]

05/03/2009:  We got word from Mike, KM9D and Jan, KF4TUG that they began 
operations today from Turuaimu Island, Kapingamarangi atoll (OC-167), Pohnpei 
State, Federated States of Micronesia. Activity is expected on 7 through 28 
MHz. Mike will be on CW as V63MY and Jan could be on SSB as V63TO. Length of 
stay was not mentioned. It should be noted they usually stay at most locations 
for about a week. QSL via OM2SA, including LOTW. [The Daily DX]

05/03/2009:  John, G3VPW will be QRV as VP8KF from the Falkland Islands 
(SA-002) from March 5-31st. He will be staying with the McLeods (VP8LP/VP8AIB); 
the first two weeks he will be working at the Stanley Ionospheric Observatory, 
the further ten days are for "some DXing". He plans to operate CW and SSB on 
10, 20, 15, 40 and 80 metres, with a focus on the contests (ARRL DX SSB, RSGB 
Commonwealth, CQ WW WPX SSB). QSL via home call. [425 DX News]

06/03/2009:  Ed/4F1OZ, Roland/DU1KGJ, Jairus/DV1ERS and Frank/VE7DP plan to be 
active from Cuyo Island (OC-120, WLOTA 3028) from 0400 UTC March 6th to 0200 
UTC March 9th. They will operate CW and SSB on 40, 30, 20 and 17 meters. 
Callsign and QSL route TBA. [425 DX News]

06/03/2009:  Kanzi, JA4ENL will be visiting Brunei (OC-088, WLOTA 0152) March 
6-9th. Look for him to be QRV as V85NL on all bands, including WARC, especially 
on 20,40, 80 and top bands mostly on CW. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. 

06/03/2009:  A team of nine ZL operators will be activating Chatham Island 
(OC-038) from March 6-10th using the callsign ZL7T. The team leaders are 
Lee/ZL2AL and Morrie/ZL2AAA. The rest of the team will be Lee/ZL2LE, 
John/ZL1BYZ, Mike/ZL2CC, Phil/ZL2RVW, Mark/ZL3AB, Wayne/ZL2WG and John/ZL1ALZ. 
The Pilot will be Duncan ZL3JT in Christchurch zl...@paradise.net.nz . The team 
will be hosted at the Chatham Fishing Lodge in the fishing village of 
Kaiangaroa on the north eastern tip of the Chatham Islands. The ICOM four 
station setup with amplifiers will operate 160-10m with CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK 
modes. Wire loops will be used on 80m and 40m, a vertical on 30m and Yagis on 
20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m. They will also try 160m alternating with the 80m 
station from time to time. Frequencies will be in the usual SSB and CW DX 
haunts on each band with SSB split up 5 kHz and CW split up 3 kHz. The website 
is up and running at: www.zl7t.com/ . Logsearch will be available on the team's 
return. QSL via the bureau or direct to ZL2AL CBA or QRZ.com. Logs will be 
uploaded to LoTW by September. [ZL2AL]

07/03/2009:  Ashraf, 3V4-002 will be active as 3V8SS from the Radio Club 
Station of Tunisian Scouts, Hammam Sousse, Tunisia, for the ARRL DX SSB Contest 
(March 7-8th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via IZ8CCW. [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  Operators Jose/YV5TX, Jesus/YV5MSG and Alex/YV5SSB as 4M5DX from 
near Caracas, Venezuela (WW Loc. FK60NM) for the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a 
Multi-Single/High-Power entry. QSL via IT9DAA, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  Jimmy Lou, BX5AA will be active from Changhua, Taiwan (AS-020, 
WLOTA 0022) during the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band 
(?)/High-Power entry. QSL direct to BX5AA. [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  Operators Adam/DJ0IF, Walter/DJ6QT and Falk/DK7YY will be active 
from Santana, Madeira Island (AF-014, DIP MA-001, WLOTA 0053) as CT9L during 
the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a Multi-? entry. QSL via DJ6QT, bureau preferred. 

07/03/2009:  Members of the Torrent Contest Club will activate ED5T during the 
ARRL-DX-SSB Contest as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via EA5ELT. Operators 
mentioned are: Juan/EA5GIE, Jose/EA5GS, Duncan/EA5ON, Antonio/EA5DF, 
David/EC5KXA and Vic/EA5KV. [OPDX Bulletin]

07/03/2009:  Steve, GW4BLE will be active from Newport, Monmouthshire, Wales 
(EU-005, WLOTA 0453) as GW7X during the ARRL-DX-SSB Contest as a 
Single-Op/Single-Band (40m) entry. QSL via GW3SQX, direct or by the RSGB 
bureau. [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  Tino/HI3CCP, Andy/VE9DX and Edwin/HI3K will be active as HI3K from 
the Loma Del Toro contest station (HI3CCP), Dominican Republic (NA-096, WLOTA 
2974), during the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via KB2MS 
(QRZ.com). [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  Look for Dan, HR2DMR to be active from Progreso, Yoro, Honduras, 
as HQ2W during the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a 
Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power/Assisted entry. Antennas will be monobander yagis 
for 20, 15 and 10 meters; slopers for 40, 80, 160 meters. QSL direct to HR2DMR 
(QRZ.com). [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  Peter, HA3AUI will be active from Varela (WW Loc. IK12QH), Guinea 
Bissau, as J5UAP during the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band 
(20m) entry. He will be using 100/500W and a Spiderbeam. QSL via HA3AUI direct 
or HA Bureau. [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  Dave, G3TBK will be active as J88DR from the island of St. Vincent 
(NA-109, WLOTA 0492) for the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a 
Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  Bill, AC0W will be active from Hawaii as KH6/AC0W for the ARRL DX 
SSB Contest (March 7-8th) as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry. QSL via home call. 
Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  John, KK9A will be active as P40A from Iguana Villa, Malmok, 
island of Aruba (SA-036, WLOTA 0033) during the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a 
Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via WD9DZV, direct or bureau. Logs will also be 
uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  Andy, AE6Y will be active from Sabana Basora, Aruba (SA-036, WLOTA 
0033), as P49Y during the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. 
QSL via home call. [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  Bob/K4UEE, Mary/K1MMH and many others will be active from Signal 
Point, island of Curacao (SA-006 WLOTA 0942), as PJ2T for the ARRL DX SSB 
Contest as a Multi-Multi entry. QSL via N9AG or LoTW. [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  The UA2 Contest Club will be active as RW2F from Kaliningrad for 
the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a Multi-Multi entry. QSL via DK4VW. [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  Korea DX Club members Kim/6K5YPW, Kang/DS2AGH, Lee/DS2BGV, 
Kim/HL3QP, Choi/HL5FUA and Yoon/6K2AVL will be active as S21KD from Dhaka, 
People's Republic of Bangladesh, March 7-12th. They plan to operate on 160-10 
meter CW, SSB and digital modes, with three amplifiers, verticals and beam 
antennas. Suggested frequencies are: CW - 1822, 3515, 7015, 10115, 14015, 
18075, 21015, 24895 and 28015 kHz; SSB - 3795, 7095, 14195, 18130, 21295, 24950 
and 28460 kHz; Digital - 14082, 21082 and 28100 kHz. QSL via HL5FUA direct. 
Logs will be available at: dxpedition.co.kr/ [425 DX News]

07/03/2009:  Operators Orelvis/CO6LC, Joaquin/CM6RCR, Yordany/CM6YAC, 
Carlos/CO6CAC, Luis/CO6LP and posibility others will be active as T46G from 
Santa Clara, Cuba (IOTA NA-015, WLOTA 0032), for the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 
7-8th) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via CO6LP, direct only. [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  Siggi, TF3CW will be active from Iceland (EU-021, WLOTA 2975) for 
the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m) entry. QSL via LX1NO. 

07/03/2009:  Carlos/TI2KAC, Juan/TI2JCY, Mau/TI4ZM, Eddie/K4UN, Ellis/N4JO, 
Bob/W4BW, Keith/W4KTR and Lex/W4XO will be active from Volcan Poas, Costa Rica, 
as TI8M for the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via TI2KAC, bureau 
preferred. [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  Al, F5VHJ will be active from the island of Martinique (NA-107, 
DIFO FM-001, WLOTA 1041) as TO5A in the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a 
Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via F5VHJ, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  Doug/K1DG, Craig/K1QX and Marty/W1MD will be active from the 
island of Antigua (NA-100, WLOTA 1118) as V26F during the ARRL DX SSB Contest. 
No entry category was given. QSL via W1MD. [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  First time DXpeditioners John/W3MF and Bob/K3PH plan to activate 
VP9I for the ARRL DX SSB Contest, from the QTH of Ed, VP9GE in Hamilton, 
Bermuda (NA-005, WLOTA 0201). They might operate outside the contest as 
VP9/homecalls. QSL via N1HRA, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  Pete, VE3IKV will be active as W4/VA3RA from the following 
islands: March 7-8th from St. Simons (NA-058, USi GA-003S, Glynn county), State 
of Georgia; March 9-13th from Key West (NA-062, USi FL-040S, Monroe county), 
State of Florida; and March 11-12th from Garden Key, Dry Tortugas (NA-079, USi 
FL-013S, Monroe county), State of Florida. He will be QRV 40m CW - 100W and 
sloper antenna, also 6m SSB and CW. QSL via VE3IKV, direct or Bureau. 

07/03/2009:  Operators Suer/YY5EBV, Jose/YV5BM and Jhony/YV5KG will be active 
from Caracas, Venezuela, as YV5KG during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 7-8th) 
as a Multi-Single/High-Power entry. QSL via YV5KG, direct preferred, bureau OK. 

07/03/2009:  Jacky/ZL3CW, Aki/ZL1GO, Romeo/ZL2RU and Ken/ZL1AIH will be active 
from New Zealand (OC-036, WLOTA 0069) as ZM1A during the ARRL DX SSB Contest as 
a Multi-Single entry. QSL via ZL1AMO. [NG3K]

07/03/2009:  Tom, ZP5AZL will be active from Asuncion, Paraguay, as ZP0R during 
the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 7-8th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via 
ZP5AZL, direct only. [NG3K]

08/03/2009:  Stephane F5UOW will be FR/F5UOW from Boucan Canot (near St. Gilles 
les Bains), Reunion Island (AF-016, DIFO FR-001, WLOTA 1812), from March 
8-22nd. QRV holydays style, mostly CW on 20 meters. QSL via home call. [F6AJA]

10/03/2009:  Bob/W4OWY (V25WY) and Mark/W9OP (V25OP) will be active from the 
island of Antigua (NA-100, also count for WLOTA 1118) from March 10-19th. QRV 
160-6 meters. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded as 
before to LOTW and eQSL. [NG3K]

11/03/2009:  Nick, G3RWF will be active from Fort Portal, Uganda, as 5X1NH from 
March 11th for about two months. QRV mainly CW, unless conditions improve. He 
is taking a 40/80 vertical which should help those bands. Nick is doing 
voluntary work so mainly early mornings, evenings and weekends on the air. QSL 
via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

11/03/2009:  A group of German operators from Bonn and Potsdam will be active 
from Sal Island (AF-086, WLOTA 0610) between March 11-25th. Each operator will 
have their own callsign. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, 
PSK31, Hell, Amtor and SSTV. They plan to have 7 stations with 100 watts and 
vertical antennas. Operators mentioned (with their callsign) are: Helmut/DL3KBQ 
(D44TXQ), Holger/DL1COP (D44TXP), Jurgen/DJ2VO (D44TXO), Gerd/DG3KAF (D44TXF), 
Henry/DL2RSI (D44TXR), Peter/DH2KI (D44TXI) and Franz/DL3PS/HB9EHQ (D44TXS). 
QSL via their home callsign, except D44TXS via HB9EHQ. [OPDX Bulletin]

12/03/2009:  Colin/G3VCQ (FISTS #14065) and Sharon/M3VCQ (FISTS #14066) will be 
active from the island of Grenada (NA-024, WLOTA 0718) from March 12-26th. 
Colin is participating in the BERU CW contest (March 14-15th) and will be part 
of the "Rest of the World Team". Operations will be from the beach QTH with 
FT857d, Expert SPE solid state amplifier. Antenna's will range from a 3 el yagi 
for 14, 18, 21, 24 and 28Mhz. On the lower bands the antennas will be verticals 
and dipoles for 10, 7 and 3.5Mhz. Modes will be SSB during none contest times 
and CW during the BERU of course. Colin will only work Commonwealth stations 
during the contest. Sharon J38/M3VCQ will also be active with Colin from the 
island (SSB only chaps!). If your local listen out for us on 2m, 6m and 70cm. 
All QSL's via G3VCQ please, direct or bureau. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

12/03/2009:  Nick, G4FAL will be active as V4/G4FAL from Rawlins Plantation, 
island of St. Kitts (NA-104) from March 12-17th, including participation in the 
RSGB Commonwealth Contest (March 14-15th) as V47CD. He plans to operate only CW 
on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. QSL via home call or LOTW. [425 DX News]

13/03/2009:  Look for Christophe/F5UBH, Juan/F5IRC and Karim/F4CTJ to be active 
March 13-15th as TM2HC from Hoedic Island (EU-048, DIFM AT-017). This activity 
also counts for the Grands Cardinaux lighthouse (DPLF PB010, ARLHS FRA-017, 
TWLHD WLH F-026, WLOTA 0851) and also references DFCF 56-033, DDCF 56-30 
(Quiberon) and DIM O25. QRV all HF bands using CW, SSB, PSK31 and RTTY. QSL via 
F5IRC, direct or bureau. [F5IRC]

Be sure to check Bill's (NG3K) website for updated ARRL DX SSB Contest activity 
at: ng3k.com/Misc/adxs2009.html . Good luck to all participants & have fun!!!

17/03/2009:  TC SWAT is proud to inform you about a new TC activity by Turkish 
radio amateurs. To commemorate the Naval Victory of 18 March 1915, TC18M will 
be once more on the air. Between March 17 - 19, TA3FB and TA3AX will be working 
from Canakkale - the Dardanelles to commemorate the Naval Victory. They will be 
QRV on all HF bands using SSB and CW. This year's QSL manager is TA3FB and 
information is at www.qrz.com and www.tcswat.org [TA1HZ]

20/03/2009:  Philippe, F5MSB/p will active the Castle of Cabrerets (DFCF 
46-036) and Mill of Cabrerets (DMF 46-023), commune de Cabrerets (CP 46330), 
Department Lot/46 and Province Midi-Pyrenees (DPF 15) from March 20-21st. QSL 
via home call, direct or bureau. [F5MSB]

20/03/2009:  John/VE8EV, Wally/VE8DW and Gerry/VE8GER will be active from 
Ellice Island (NA-192), March 20-23rd, using the callsign VX8X. QRV 40, 20, and 
15 meter SSB/CW; 24 hours per day non-stop operation. Expect to see them on CW, 
but most of the focus will be on 20 meter SSB on 14.260 MHz. QSL via the 
information at QRZ.com under VX8X. [rsgbiota.org]

21/03/2009:  Paul, 2E1EUB, will once again be active as 2M1EUB from March 
21-28th from northeast Scotland (EU-005, also count for WLOTA 1234, Grid IO87). 
QRV on all the satellites using 2 meters. He will also be active on HF, mainly 
160 and 80 meters. Checkout QRZ.com under 2M1EUB for more information. QSL via 
home call. [MMMonVHF]

21/03/2009:  Bodo, DL3OCH (KT3Q) will be working in Nigeria from March 21st for 
several months. He plans to operate EME (Grid JJ38) and on the HF bands (160 
meters included) probably as 5N/KT3Q. The callsign for EME activities will be 
5N0EME. The EME activities will be focused on 2m and 23cm. Hopefully he will 
also go and operate from IOTA group AF-076. QSL via DL3OCH (QRZ.com). [DL3OCH, 

27/03/2009:  Operators Tang/BM2AAV, Wu/BM2APH, James/BU2AT, Eddie/BV2DD, 
Bruce/BV2KI, Lee/BV2NT and Chung/BX4AF will be active from P'enghu Island 
(AS-103) as BP0A from March 27-30th. Expect activity on all bands and modes. 
QSL via BV2KI, direct or bureau. [rsgbiota.org]

27/03/2009:  On 4 April 1949, the agreements creating the NATO treaty were 
signed. To celebrate this event, the French and German cities of Strasbourg, 
Kehl and Baden-Baden will receive States and Governments Presidents and Prime 
Ministers. For this anniversary, the CBK ARC (www.cbk67.org/), F8KHH, will air 
the special callsign TM0TAN between March 27th to April 10th. This activity 
includes the CQ World Wide WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th). A special QSL card 
will be issued. The manager is the F8KHH ARC - Direct + SAE= postage or via the 
French REF-Union bureau. [F5NQL]

28/03/2009:  Operators Jose/YV5TX, Jesus/YV5MSG and Alex/YV5SSB as 4M5DX from 
near Caracas, Venezuela (WW Loc. FK60NM) for the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 
28-29th) as a Multi-Single/High-Power entry. QSL via IT9DAA, direct or bureau. 

28/03/2009:  Look for Jorge, EA9LZ to be active from Ceuta as either EA9LZ or 
EG9Z during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band 
(20 or 40m) entry. He has to check antennas, then decide to run 20 or 40 
meters. QSL via the information at QRZ.com under EA9LZ. [NG3K]

01/04/2009:  Special event station 8N1Y will be aired from April 1st to 
September 27th to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Port of Yokohama. QSL 
via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

04/04/2009:  Haru, JA1XGI (W8XGI) will be active April 4-11th from Christmas 
Island (OC-002) as JA1XGI/VK9. QRV all bands, focus on low bands, using CW and 
digital modes. QSL via JA1XGI, bureau or direct. [NG3K]

05/04/2009:  Tor/DJ4MG (5P4MG) and Ela/DL1TM (OZ7TM) will be active April 
5-16th from Vendsyssel-Thy / Nordjylland (EU-171, DIA NJ-001). QRV 160, 80, 40, 
20, 17 and 15 meter SSB; also PSK31 on 20/40m. QSL 5P4MG via DJ4MG, direct or 
bureau. QSL OZ7TM via DL1TM, direct or bureau. [rsgbiota.org]

10/04/2009:  Operators Jorge/OA4BHY, Marco/CE6TBN, Zoli/HA1AG, Daniel/DL5YWM 
and Rene/DL2JRM will be active from La Leona Island, Peru, as OA4BHY/6 from 
April 10-13th. QRV all HF bands SSB/CW with 2 stations. Special callsign is 
possible. QSL via DL2JRM, direct or Bureau. [rsgbiota.org]

24/04/2009:  Andy/IZ0EHO and Vincenzo/IZ0FKE will activate Vulcano Island 
(EU-017, IIA ME-018, MIA MI-122, WLOTA 1001) using the callsign ID9N from April 
24-30th. QRV all HF bands/modes. QSL via the information at QRZ.com under ID9N. 

26/04/2009:  Special event station 8J4P will be aired April 26th to June 30th 
to celebrate World QRP Day, in Area 4 (Chugoku-District), Japan. Expect 
activity on all bands/modes. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

10/05/2009:  Special event station 8J7AIZ will be aired from May 10th to July 
20th to celebrate the 110th Anniversary of Aizuwakamatsu-city, Fukushima 
prefecture. QSL via JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

23/06/2009:  Jimmy, W6JKV will be operating from the island of Antigua (NA-100, 
WLOTA 1118) from June 23rd thru July 3rd. QRV HF, but focus will be on 6 meters 
(Grid FK97). He has a very good location and will have large antenna and power. 
QSL will be via his home QTH in Austin, Texas. [MMMonVHF]

18/07/2009:  Rene/DL2JRM and Netti/DO6XX will be active from Vendsyssel-Thy / 
Nordjylland (EU-171, DIA NJ-001) using OZ/homecall/p from July 18th to August 
1st, RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th) included. QRV 80m-10m CW with 100W 
dipole/GP. QSL via home calls, direct or Bureau. [rsgbiota.org]

25/07/2009:  Look for Graham/MM0GHM and Arthur/MM0DHQ to be active as GM7A from 
Kerrera Island (EU-008, IOSA FL02, SCOTIA CN02) during the RSGB IOTA Contest 
(July 25-26th). QSL via GM7AAJ, direct or bureau. [rsgbiota.org]

07/08/2009:  Some members of The Michigan DX Association, W8DXI will be active 
August 7-8th from North Manitou Island (USi MI-037L, Not IOTA), located in Lake 
Michigan, Leelanau county, State of Michigan. QRV Phone and CW on 80-10m, 
including WARC bands. QSL via W8DXI (QRZ.com). [USi]

22/02/2009:  For the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the City of 
Lanester, the F6KPQ ARC will be on the air from February 22nd until March 6th, 
using the special callsign TM1OOL. This callsign will be used again in next 
July 2009 (dates TBA). QSL via F6KPQ, direct or bureau. No e-QSL. [F5NQL]

06/03/2009:  GB0ATC SES will be operational from 6th to the 8th March 2009 on 
all bands. Greenock ATC Sqn 4515 will be operating from the Garelochhead 
Training Camp Dumbartonshire. The station will be run by the Sqn Radio 
Instructor, Brian MM0GLX 4672, who would appreciate calls from RAFARS Members. 
should be QRV every 2nd Saturday of the Month 1000-1500hrs local Time 
(Currently UTC). [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

06/03/2009:  Armada Argentina-Servicio de Comunicaciones Navales-SARA: Special 
QSL for only one QSO, for the 152nd anniversary of Almirante Don Guillermo 
Brown's death. Having a QSO with the official station of the "Oficial del 
Servicio Auxiliar de Radioaficionados de la Armada LU2CN". (Oscar, LU1BW on CW; 
Jorge, LU6DKT on SSB and SSTV; and Alejandro, LU1BCP on FM). QRV March 6, 7 & 
8th on 80, 40, 20 and 2 meters using CW, SSB, FM, and SSTV. Send a SAE + 2 IRC 
at the address: Av. España 3101 CP 1107 Ciudad Autónoma de Bs. As., Argentina. 

08/03/2009:  On Sunday 8 March, special event callsign GB80RBP gets another 
airing. The Radio Society of Harrow will be operating from Bentley Priory in 
support of a fundraising event for the Bentley Priory Battle of Britain Trust 
and the Battle of Britain Fighter Pilots Association. Listen out for them on 
the air between 0930 and 1600. Full details at: www.g3efx.org.uk/ [GB2RS]

10/03/2009:  During the period of March 10-20th and on May 7th the collective 
radio station of the Kalinin atomic power plant RK3IWO from Udomlya city will 
activate the special callsign R150IP (radio - 150 - estate - Popov) for the 
commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of great Russian scientist, 
inventor of Alexander Stepanovich Popov's radio. QSL cards for all contacts 
will be sent out automatically via the Bureau [SRR] by June 2009. It is not 
necessary to send your QSL. If a direct QSL is required, QSL direct to UA3ICV 
(QRZ.com) with SAE and sufficient postage. [QRZ.ru]

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at: 

05/03-10/03  CT3/DL3KWF: Ilha da Madeira WLOTA:0053 QSL HC (d/b)
05/03-19/03  CT3/DL3KWR: Ilha da Madeira WLOTA:0053 QSL HC (d/b)
05/03-26/03  EA8/LA3JJ: Isla de Fuerteventura WLOTA:0883 QSL HC (d/b)
06/03-09/03  DU1/TBA: Cuyo Island WLOTA:3028 QSL TBA
06/03-09/03  V85NL: Borneo (Kalimantan) WLOTA:0152 QSL JA4ENL (d/b)
07/03-08/03  BX5AA: T'ai-Wan (Main Isl. Taiwan) WLOTA:0022 QSL BX5AA (d)
07/03-08/03  CT9L: Ilha da Madeira WLOTA:0053 QSL DJ6QT (b)
07/03-08/03  CU2A: Ilha de Sao Miguel WLOTA:2016 QSL OH2BH (d/b)
07/03-08/03  CU2X: Ilha de Sao Miguel WLOTA:2016 QSL OH2BH (d/b)
07/03-08/03  GW7X: Wales - Main Island WLOTA:0453 QSL GW3SQX (d/b)
07/03-08/03  HI3K: Hispaniola/Dominican Rep. WLOTA:2974 QSL KB2MS (d/b)
07/03-08/03  J88DR: St. Vincent WLOTA:0492 QSL G3TBK (d/b)
07/03-08/03  P40A: Aruba Island WLOTA:0033 QSL WD9DZV (d/b)
07/03-08/03  PJ2T: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL N9AG/LoTW
07/03-08/03  T46G: Cuba Island (main) WLOTA:0032 QSL CO6LP (d)
07/03-08/03  TF3CW: Iceland WLOTA:2975 QSL LX1NO (d/b)
07/03-08/03  TO5A: Martinique Island WLOTA:1041 QSL F5VHJ (d/b/LoTW)
07/03-08/03  V26F: Antigua Island WLOTA:1118 QSL W1MD (d/b)
07/03-08/03  VP9I: Hamilton Island WLOTA:0201 QSL N1HRA (d/b)
07/03-08/03  ZM1A: New Zealand (N. Island) WLOTA:0069 QSL ZL1AMO (d/b)
08/03-22/03  FR/F5UOW: La Reunion Island WLOTA:1812 QSL HC (d/b)
08/03             GB80RBP: England - Main Island WLOTA:1841 QSL Buro
09/03             FT5XS: Kerguelen Island WLOTA:0439 QSL F4EFI (d/b)
10/03-19/03  V25OP: Antigua Island WLOTA:1118 QSL W9OP (d/b)
10/03-19/03  V25WY: Antigua Island WLOTA:1118 QSL W4OWY (d/b)
11/03-25/03  D44TXF: Ilha do Sal WLOTA:0610 QSL DG3KAF (d/b)
11/03-25/03  D44TXI: Ilha do Sal WLOTA:0610 QSL DH2KI (d/b)
11/03-25/03  D44TXO: Ilha do Sal WLOTA:0610 QSL DJ2VO (d/b)
11/03-25/03  D44TXP: Ilha do Sal WLOTA:0610 QSL DL1COP (d/b)
11/03-25/03  D44TXQ: Ilha do Sal WLOTA:0610 QSL DL3KBQ (d/b)
11/03-25/03  D44TXR: Ilha do Sal WLOTA:0610 QSL DL2RSI (d/b)
11/03-25/03  D44TXS: Ilha do Sal WLOTA:0610 QSL HB9EHQ (d/b)
12/03-26/03  J38CW: Grenada Island WLOTA:0718 QSL G3VCQ (d/b)
12/03-26/03  J38/M3VCQ: Grenada Island WLOTA:0718 QSL HC (d/b)
13/03-15/03  TM2HC: Hoedic Island DPLF:PB010, WLH:F-026, WLOL:FRA-017,
                         WLOTA:0851 QSL F5IRC (d/b)

N9QS 5* - March 7 2009 to March 7 2009 - SSB and CW
I will try and run the following Counties. Monroe, IL then in Missouri; 
Jefferson, St. Francois, Madison, Wayne, Butler, Oregon, Howell, Ozark, Taney. 
I will be in Branson Mo. until 3/14/09. Especially looking for Master Plat. 
contacts. I will try and run SSB and CW both. Thanks in advance for riding 
along. n...@att.net [County Hunter Web]

AA9JJ - 3-8-09 to 3-18-09 - SSB Only
3-8: AZ: Maricopa, Gila, Coconino, Navajo, Apache. NM:McKinley, Cibola, 
Bernalillo, Sandoval.
3-9: NM: Sandoval, Santa Fe, San Miguel, Mora, Colfax, Union. Tx: Dallam.
3-10: TX: Dallam, Sherman, Hansford, Hutchinson, Ochiltree, Roberts. OK: 
Beaver, Harper, Woodward.
3-11: OK: Woodward, Dewey, Custer, Roger Mills, Blaine, Major, Kingfisher, 
3-12: OK: Garfield, Grant, Kay, Noble, Pawnee, Payne, Osage, Washington, 
Nowata. KS: Montgomery, Labette, Cherokee. MO: Newton.
3-13: MO: Jasper, Lawrence, Green, Webster, Laclede, Pulaski, Phelps, Crawford, 
Franklin, St. Louis.
3-14: No Run.
3-15: IL: Calhoun> Maybe one or two others in IL or MO.
3-16 thru 3-18: I44 & I40 Home. Will run what we can but not everything (SRI 
about that). Need to average over 500 miles a day.
Will run 20 and 40 SSB when we can. No Email on the road. [County Hunter Web]

04/03-09/03 -
FP/KV1J: Miquelon Is NA-032 6M Grid:GN17TC 100W PAR-6 Moxon QSL HC (d/b)

07/03-08/03 -
W4/VA3RA: St. Simons Is, GA NA-058 Grid:EM91 6M 100W QSL VE3IKV (d/b)

09/03-13/03 -
W4/VA3RA: Key West, FL NA-062 Grid:EM94 6M 100W QSL VE3IKV (d/b)

11/03-12/03 -
W4/VA3RA: Dry Tortugas, FL NA-079 Grid:EM84 6M 100W QSL VE3IKV (d/b)

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:
http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt  (Updated March 03, 2009)

* DXCC 9Q/SM7RME denied  for QSO 25 Mar 08'------>  No documentation

* Buzz, NI5DX, has assumed the duties of QSL manager for Tom Smith, ZC4TS.  
Logs have been transferred and cards are in the process of being ordered.  Buzz 
will be able to answer any requests for a ZC4TS card once the new cards arrive 
in about 5 weeks.
  Buzz is also now the QSL manager for FM1II, Chris, in Martinique.  Buzz has 
the logs and will have cards in the not too distant future. [K1XN]

* EA3BT, has just started to confirm the contacts from his last IOTA expedition 
in Cayo Levantado, NA-122 (HI9/EA3BT and HI9/EA3WL). The QSL looks very nice, 
full color both sides. You can take a look at: dxinfo.ea3bhk.com/ [K1XN]
QSLs received Bureau - none to report :o(

QSLs received Direct - 8R1AK (via QRZ.com), C91LW (via UY5LW), CE1/K7CA (via 
NW7O), CE9/K2ARB (via K2ARB), EY8MM (via K1BV), FW8DX (via Direct), HB9ANM (via 
Direct), S79NS (via DL2RNS), TR8CA (via F6CBC), UK9AA (via Direct), VQ9LA (via 
Direct), YB0AZ (via W7TSQ) and ZD8UW (via G7VJR).

QSLs received LoTW - 5K0T, 9L1AB, CT3/DL2RUM, F5IN, FM/F6FTB, JW1TV, LQ7D, 

John Metcalfe VE3HWW has been recently reported a Silent Key.
George Smith VE3CAO has been recently reported a Silent Key.
Vasiliy Andreevich Spirin, UA9TE passed away February 27, 2009, at the age of 

Gwenael, F4EFI received news from Gildas, TU5KG (FT5XS/MM - FT5XS). He makes a 
path to Kerguelen Island (AF-048, DIFO FT-011, WLOTA 0439) from March 5th. With 
a stop at Port aux Francais on March 9th normally, but does not know the 
precise date because the place is taken by the boat Marion Dufresne. He will be 
present between March 8th and 10th to watch. [F4EFI]
Tim, M0URX, reports that John, 9M6XRO, is planning once again to be in Southern 
Africa this year. An E-mail by John explains (edited): "I can now confirm my 
Africa trip dates. I arrive in Johannesburg via Kuala Lumpur and Doha on July 
25th, 3 days earlier than planned. I can then help Daniel, ZS6JR, load up and 
move all the gear to Lesotho (7P) and get the antennas and equipment set-up 
before the others arrive in Lesotho on the 29th. I hope to put ZS6/GM3OOK on 
the air for a bit en route possibly from the 25th evening. Daniel has not yet 
confirmed the date we will drive to Lesotho. Looks like I will also have the 
option of operating from Swaziland again as 3DA0OK, but the duration and dates 
will depend on the logistics of the whole operation as everyone is due back in 
Johannesburg on August 13th. I will keep you updated on that part of the 
itinerary. My flight back to Borneo leaves on August 14th, once again via Doha. 
QSL via M0URX." [OPDX Bulletin]
TEMOTU UPDATE - Pigeon Island instead of Latha:
Bernhard/DL2GAC (H44MS), will once again be active from Honiara, Solomon 
Islands, (OC-047) from January 8th to April 28th. He works SSB only and plans 
to focus especially on 40m/80m. On March 2nd Bernard will be joined by 
Sigi/DK9FN and Herrmann/DL2NUD. All three will fly to Pigeon Island (OC-065), 
Temotu Province, Solomon Islands, and will be QRV March 2-16th. Bernhard/DL2GAC 
(H40MS) mainly SSB; Sigi/DK9FN (H40FN) mainly CW and Hermann/DL2NUD (H40HP), 
will be the EME Operator on 2m and 70cm from RH39. QSL H40FN via HA8FW (bureau 
preferred). QSL H40MS via DL2GAC and H40HP direct to DL2NUD. Further 
information can be found at: hari-ham.com/h40fn [MMMonVHF]
White House names new FCC Boss:

Following weeks of speculation, President Obama on Tuesday formally nominated 
his friend and telecommunications adviser, Julius Genachowski, to be the next 
chairman of the Federal Communications Commission.
Russia Castles Award.
Information www.cqrca.com/

Days of activity of Fortresses of Russia

>From May, 1st till May, 4th, 2009 days of activity of Fortresses of Russia for 
>the first time are spent.

The list of fortresses going to offset:

QSO there are to offset on the diploma "Russian Castles Award". 

The diploma stands out on the basis of an extract from hardware magazine for 4 
QSO with various fortresses during days of activity. For reception of labels or 
memorial plate QSO are set off on the general conditions. At performance of the 
general conditions of the diploma, labels or a memorial plate within May there 
is enough extract from hardware magazine. 73! Igor / RN1CR
Reduce Bandwidth on the Other Reflectors -

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73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
Home of ICPO: http://webhome.idirect.com/~va3rj/
Contest Calendar - DX Calendar - Lighthouse Activations
Join ICPO e-Group: http://webhome.idirect.com/~va3rj/icpo_mail.html
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All Croatian Islands Award - ACIA
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