I.C.P.O. Bulletin (April 09 - 17, 2009)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
09/04/2009:  Piotr/SP2JMR and Slavo/SP2JMB will be active as 3B8/homecalls from 
Mauritius Island (AF-049, WLOTA 0595) April 9-17th. They plan to operate SSB 
and CW on all bands. QSL via home calls. [425 DX News]

09/04/2009:  Augusto HB9TZA/I2JJR obtained his visitor callsign 9H3JR for his 
next stay in Bugibba, St. Paul's Bay, Malta (EU-023, WLOTA 1113, WW Loc. 
JM75EW), from April 9-14th. It will only be a short stay there, and he will 
operate holday style having his XYL with him. Augusto will look for some more 
detail about lighthouses or what else may be able to activate from there. He 
will use IC7k, AH4, and FT817, with some wire, hardware, and a fishing rod; so 
he will be able to put up a long wire or dipole or vertical and operate HF to 
6m. QSL via I2JJR, direct or Bureau. [I2JJR]

09/04/2009:  Operators Steffi/ON3AEO, Filip/ON4AEO, Jose/ON4CJK, Kath/ON7BK, 
Adele/ZR6APT, Deon/ZS6ABR, Lucas/ZS6ACT, Sid/ZS6AYC and Gert/ZS6GC will be 
active from Mozambique using the callsign C91FC from April 9-13th. QRV 80-10 
meters using SSB, RTTY, PSK and CW. QSL via ON4CJK, direct or Bureau. Further 
information can be found at: www.c91fc.be/ [NG3K]

09/04/2009:  Anne, OH2YL will be active as OH0/OH2YL from the Aland Islands 
(EU-002) from April 9-14th. QRV all HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL via home 
call, direct (Anne Lähdes, Ullantorppa 11 A 15, Espoo, 02750, Finland) or 
Bureau. [NG3K]

09/04/2009:  Ben, DO1BEN will be active from Lolland Island (EU-029, DIA 
SJ-015) as OZ/homecall from April 9-17th. QRV on all HF bands, using SSB and 
somtimes digital modes. Location is 5 meters from the Baltic Sea. QSL via home 
call, Bureau or direct. [rsgbiota.org]

09/04/2009:  Retu, XU7MDY will be active from Shinanoukville, Cambodia, between 
April 9th and 21st. QRV 80-10m using CW, SSB and Digital modes. QSL via the 
information at QRZ.com. [NG3K]

10/04/2009:  Operators Jorge/OA4BHY, Marco/CE6TBN, Zoli/HA1AG, Daniel/DL5YWM 
and Rene/DL2JRM will be active from La Leona Island, Peru, as 4T6I from April 
10-13th. QRV all HF bands SSB/CW with 2 stations. QSL via DL2JRM, direct or 
Bureau. [rsgbiota.org]

11/04/2009:  Bruno/ON7ZB and François/F5JNE will be active April 11th as 
F/ON7ZB/P from the Mill of Marsigny (DMF 89-040), in the city of Champs sur 
Yonne (CP 89290), Department Yonne/89 and Province Burgundy (DPF 05). QRV 
starting around 0600 UTC on 80m and 40m, CW/SSB. Folowwing this activation they 
try to reactivate the Bellombre Castle (DFCF 89-067), in the city of Escolives 
Sainte Camille (CP 89290). QSL these two activations via ON7ZB, direct or 
Bureau. [F5NQL]

11/04/2009:  Karel/OK1TIR and Jirka/OK2SJI will be active from two castles for 
Czech Castles Award (CCA) on April 11th. Karel, OK1TIR/p QRV from Castle Vargac 
(CCA ST-294, WW Loc. JN79CS), on 80, 40 and 20m SSB. Jirka, OK2SJI/p QRV from 
Castle Nové Hrady (CCA PA-046, WW Loc. JN89BU). QSL both stations via their 
home calls, direct or Bureau. [RN1CW]

11/04/2009:  Operators RZ1CWC (COTA-RU-Team) and Oleg UA1CEI and Anton UA1CER 
will be active April 11th from Fort Krasnaya Gorka (WCA/COTA F-109, RDA LO-30) 
using the callsign UE1CDX. QSL via RN1CW, Bureau or direct. [RN1CW]

12/04/2009:  Once again Zik, VE3ZIK will be active from Bilice (Croatian coast) 
as 9A/VE3ZIK from April 12-21st. Also one day activity to IOTA: Ugljan Island 
(ACIA 339, CIA-53, IOCA CI-134, MIA MC-441) as well as Pasman Island (EU-170, 
ACIA 348, CIA-34, IOCA CI-085, MIA MC-291), only 20 and 40m band, CW and SSB. 
QSL via DO7ZZ, Bureau 100%. LoTW and eQSL is also ok. He really prefers paper 
QSL cards :) [NG3K]

12/04/2009:  Tony/E21IZC and Kamroon/HS7UCQ will activate Lipe Island (AS-126) 
as E21IZC/p from April 12-13th. QRV 40m and 20m using CW and SSB, around the 
usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via E21IZC (QRZ.com). [rsgbiota.org]

12/04/2009:  An international team composed by Juanjo/EA1CJ, Agustin/EA1KY, 
Roberto/EA2RY, Gerard/EA3EXV, Antonio/EA5RM, Manuel/EA7AJR, Bernard/F9IE, 
Fabrizio/IN3ZNR, Valery/UT7CR and Dimitri/UY7CW will be on the air from 
Tifariti, Western Sahara, from April 12-17th using the callsign S04R. QRV 
160-10m (include WARC bands) using CW, SSB and RTTY with at least 3 stations at 
the same time in different bands and modes. QSL via EA5RM, direct or Bureau. 
Further information can be found on their website at: www.dxfriends.com/s04r/ 

15/04/2009:  Operators Siggi/DL3HBZ, Uli/DJ9IE, Helge/DF6LPC, Lothar/DL8HAL and 
Harry/DL5HAQ will be active as from Hooge Island (EU-042, N-22 for the German 
Islands Award) as DK0RZ from April 15-17th. QRV all bands and modes, 
propagation permitting. QSL via the DARC Bureau. [rsgbiota.org]

17/04/2009:  Operators Klaus/DK6AO, Gunter/TI7WGI, Andy/DH8WR (EA2CRX), 
Norbert/DL2RNS, Rene/DL2JRM and Daniel/DL5YWM plan to activate Isla San Jose, 
Murcielago Islands (NA-191), Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica, as TI7XXX from 
April 17-20th. Note: TI7XXX is not the real callsign, that will be announced 
later. They plan to operate around the clock on 160-10 meters, using SSB, CW, 
RTTY and PSK31. QSL via DK6AO, direct or Bureau. No eQSL!. Further information 
will be available at: www.ti7.info/ [rsgbiota.org]

18/04/2009:  The Algarve STAR DX Team will activate Doca Olhao (Parsena Olhao) 
West Lighthouse (ARLHS POR-129, DFFA Fa-32 for the Algarve Lighthouse Award) on 
Amateur Radio Day, April 18th, between 0700 and 1300 UTC. Callsign will be 
announced later. All information will be online at: algarvedx.com/ [Algarve 
S.T.A.R. DX Team]

18/04/2009:  The Adventure Radio Group of the Michiana Amateur Radio Club 
(W9AB) will activate Monkey Island (Not IOTA, USi IN-005R), located in the St. 
Joseph River in Mishawaka (St. Joseph County, WW Loc. EN61WQ), Indianna, on 
April 18th from 1400-1700z. Frequencies at/near 7.030, 7.225, 14.060, 14.225 
MHz. QSL with SASE to W9AB, 3220 E Jefferson Blvd., South Bend, IN 46615-3028 
U.S.A. [USi]

19/04/2009:  The Amateur Radio Club UBA-LGE Liège, ON5VL will be active April 
19th (0800-1200 UTC) as ON5VL/p from the Castle of Hollogne (BCA LG-67, for the 
Belgium Castles Award). QRV 80 and 40 meters, mainly SSB. QSL via the Bureau to 
ON5VL; via direct to ON5PO (QRZ.com). [UBA HF News]

21/04/2009:  JH1AWN (JT1AWN), JA7AGO (JT1AGO) JA7LU (JT1LU) and JA7ZP (JT1ZP) 
will be active from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, between April 21st and 28th. They 
will be active from two places - one is a radio room of JT1KAA and the other is 
the Amure Hotel. QRV 80-6m, possibly 160m (depending on their location), using 
CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via home calls, direct or Bureau. [JA1ELY]

24/04/2009:  Kasimir, DL2SBY, will be active from Liechtenstein between April 
24th and May 4th. Activity will be on HF bands (80-10m) using CW, SSB and RTTY. 
Equipment will be a TS2000, FT900AT, Ameritron AL811, HF9V vertical and a 
monoband vertical for 30/40m. Activity will also take place on 13cm and 23cm 
using EME. Equipment will be a FT726R, Dish 3, 7m, and 2 amplifier for both 
bands. Kasmir will use two separate callsigns for this operation. For the HF 
bands, he will use HB0/DL2SBY and for the EME activity will sign HB0/DF1SR. QSL 
via DL2SBY, by the Bureau or direct.

24/04/2009:  Jim, MM0BQI will be active as homecall/p from Lunga Island in the 
Treshnish Isles (EU-108, IOSA NH17, SCOTIA DI09) April 24-27th. Look for 
activity on or near the usual IOTA frequencies. QSL via home call, direct or 
Bureau. [rsgbiota.org]

25/04/2009:  Bob, VK0BP will be active from Davis Base (WABA VK-03, WAP AUS-03, 
IOTA AN-016), Antarctica, using the special callsign AX0BP on April 25th to 
celebrate ANZAC Day. He is able to use this callsign from midnight 'til 
midnight local time (Davis is UTC +7). Bob will not be operating for the full 
24 hours, but will do his very best to operate as long as possible that day. As 
an Australian operator they can use the AX prefix just 3 times per year, 
Australia Day which he has already done, ANZAC Day coming up in a couple of 
weeks, and then the last opportunity for Bob to use the AX0BP callsign whilst 
he is down there will be on World Telecommunications Day (17th May) - at this 
stage he hopes to use it again then too. QSL via VK2CA direct only - 2US and 
SAE preferred. [VK0BP]

25/04/2009:  Saturday, April 25th marks the 135th anniversary of the birth of 
Marconi. To mark the occasion the Cornish Radio Amateur Club will be holding 
its 22nd annual International Marconi Day event and many stations with historic 
connections with Marconi will be active on that date. This is not a contest but 
several classes of awards are available for making QSOs with the special Award 
Stations. There are also SWL awards to be claimed. Ireland's Howth Martello 
Radio Group EI0MAR is an Award Station and will be QRV during the event from 
the vintage radio museum in Howth. This is a twenty-four hour event but EI0MAR 
will concentrate activities from 9am until 5pm local time, and visitors will be 
welcome during those hours. To coincide with the special event, the North 
Dublin Radio Club will hold its weekly meeting at the same QTH from 8pm the 
same evening. EI0MAR's web site is www.ei0mar.org/. For more information about 
the event including a listing of award stations visit www.gb4imd.org.uk/. 
[Southgate ARC]

29/04/2009:  Look for special event station 8J6DON to be active from April 29th 
to May 5th to celebrate the Hakata "Dontaku" Port Festival, Fukuoka City, 
Fukuoka Prefecture, Kyushu (AS-077, JIIA AS-077-001), Japan. (The word Dontaku 
comes from the Dutch word Zontag, meaning holiday.) Expect activity on all 
bands/modes. QSL via the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/05/2009:  Ray/G3KOJ with XYL Penny will be on holiday in Perth, Western 
Australia, for the entire month of May. Ray has applied and got the callsign 
VK6XRM. The XRM part of the call is Ex-Royal Marines as he retired from the 
Royal Marines Commando way back in 1975 after 22 years and 9 months service. 
Ray will be operating from the QTH of Alan VK6PG, located in Noranda, and 
meeting all the RSARS boys out there in VK6 land for BBQ's. Penny and Ray will 
be travelling around WA with Colin and Carol VK6BQ who will take an HF rig and 
wire antenna so we may get on from some strange places. QSL via home call, 
direct or RNARS or RSARS or RSGB Bureaus. [G3KOJ]

02/05/2009:  Within the framework of European 'Leader' project for the 
promotion of country, organizes the amateur radio enthusiasts of Zevergem, a 
municipality of the Pinte, on 2 and 3 May 2009 a special event in the rural 
core of Zevergem, with clear offer to activities: ON769MS QRV op HF/VHF in SSB, 
CW, digital modes, SSTV, ATV, DATV; a radio search for young and old; 
communication with satellites and the ISS space station; passing through 
demonstrations and information around radio amateurism; particular QSL card. 
ON769MS will be used up to 31 October by the Radio Club TLS (De Pinte) up to 
October 31st. QSL via ON6MS. [UBA HF News]

08/05/2009:  An Eure et loir area Hams, namely F1LLS, F4BCG, F4FCS, F5RAB, 
F6AXN, F6DPD, and F6HEQ will be active as TM5EL from the Penfret Island 
(EU-094, DIFM AT-059, WLOTA 0321, DPLF PB-038, WW Loc. IN87AR) from May 8-10th. 
The crew will be active on the open HF bands plus 6m, VHF, UHF and SHF using 
SSB, CW and digital modes. QSL via F6KHI through French REF Bureau or direct 
(with SASE). [F5NQL]

17/05/2009:  Radio Club F6KHI will be active for the European Castles Day on 
May 17th as F6KHI/p from the Castle of Denonville (DFCF 28-082, WW Loc. 
JN08VJ). The castle is located in the city of Denonville (CP 28700), canton 
[county] of Auneau Canton (DDCF 28-02), Department Eure-et-Loir/28 and Province 
Centre (DPF 07). QRV 80-10m using CW and SSB. Operators: F5RAB, F4BCG, F6AXN 
and others. QSL via F6KHI through French REF Bureau or direct (with SASE). 

11/06/2009:  Horst, DL8NBM will activate Helgoland-Duene (EU-127, N-15 for the 
German Islands Award) as homecall/p from June 11-17th. QRV 80-10m, possibly 
160m, with FT-857D, wire antennas (dipole/GP), using mainly CW with some SSB 
and digital modes. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [rsgbiota.org]

12/06/2009:  John, KB4CRT will be active as VP2MRT from the island of 
Montserrat (NA-103, WLOTA 1475, Grid FK86) from June 12-19th, including an 
entry in the ARRL June VHF QSO Party (June 13-15th). QRV HF bands using SSB, 
CW, maybe PSK (Asia 20m 1200-1300z) and also the VHF bands. QSL direct only 
SASE or Green Stamp, Bureau ok but 2+ yrs round trip. [NG3K]

25/07/2009:  QCWA Chapter 119 will do a combination Special Event Station 
(History of Tangier Island, VA) and RSGB IOTA Contest effort as W4T from 
Tangier Island (NA-083, USi VA-001S, WLOTA 3049, Accomack county), Virginia, in 
Chesapeake Bay, USA. Operators mentioned are Vic/W4VIC, Ron/W8RJL, Barry/K5VIP, 
Clyde/K4CQW, Butch/KE4AZL, Talley/W4TVG, Stu/K4MIL and Terry/KI4RXC. QSL via 
K5VIP. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]

08/09/2009:  Nick, G3RWF will be active once again from the island of Cyprus 
(AS-004, MIA MCI-002, WLOTA 0051) as 5B/G3RWF from September 8-22nd. Expect 
activity on all bands and modes. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. [G3RWF]

21/10/2009:  Jack, N2VW will be active from the VP5JM Hamlet on Providenciales 
Island (NA-002) from October 21-28th, including entry in the CQWW SSB Contest 
(October 25-26th) possibly using a special call. Outside the contest he will be 
signing VP5/N2VW on all bands and modes, 160-6 meters. QSL via home call.

15/11/2009:  Roger/W7VV, Ralph/VE7XF and others will operate from VP5JM's QTH 
on Providenciales (NA-002) from November 15th to December 3rd, including a M? 
entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 28-29th) probably using a special 
callsign (TBA). Outside the contest look for the group to be signing 
VP5/homecall on all bands/modes 160-6 meters. QSL via home calls.

09/04/2009:  Special event station 8J0SC50A is currently active on all 
bands/modes until November 11th to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of 
Shiojiri-city, Chubu region, Nagano prefecture, Honshu (AS-007, JIIA 
AS-007-001, WLOTA 2376), Japan. The city was founded on April 1, 1959. QSL via 
the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

09/04/2009:  Special event station 8J1FUJ is currently active until September 
30th to commemorate the Mt. Fuji Microwave/Millimeter-wave Radio Propagation 
Research Project. This opration also counts for Honshu Island (AS-007, JIIA 
AS-007-001, WLOTA 2376). QSL via JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

09/04/2009:  Special event station 8J3TS40O is currently active until October 
31st to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Sakiyama Castle in Tamba, Kyoto 
prefecture (ken), Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA 2376), Japan. QSL via 
the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

09/04/2009:  Special event station 8J4FF is currently active until May 5th to 
celebrate the 2009 Hiroshima(-city) Flower Festival, Chugoku region, Hiroshima 
prefecture, Honshu (AS-007, JIIA S-007-001, WLOTA 2376), Japan. QRV all 
bands/modes. QSL via the JARL Bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

09/04/2009:  Special event station 8N0TOKI is currently active until October 
12th to celebrate the 64th National Sports Festival in Niigata prefecture 
(ken), Honshu (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA 2376), Japan. Niigata-prefecture 
is famous for the Crested Ibis (or Toki). QSL via the JARL bureau. 

09/04/2009:  Special event station 8N9T400Y is currently active until September 
30th to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the Origin of Takaoka(-city), Toyama 
ken (prefecture), Honshu  (AS-007, JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA 2376), Japan. QSL via 
the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

10/04/2009:  Special event station GB0HTH will be on the air April 10th from 
Holy Trinity in Hoghton in Lancashire. QRV all HF bands. QSL via the RSGB 
Bureau. [GB2RS]

10/04/2009:  Special event station GB2MOP will be active April 10th, on all HF 
bands, from the Museum of Power in Ceredigion. QSL via the RSGB Bureau. [GB2RS]

11/04/2009:  Special event station GB0GRA will be aired April 11th by the 
Grantham Radio Amateurs, on all HF bands. QSL via M0JHW, direct or Bureau. 

11/04/2009:  Look for special event station GB0HDX to be active on all bands 
April 11th for Harlaxton Delta X-Ray from Grantham, England. QSL via M0JHW, 
direct or Bureau. [GB2RS]

11/04/2009:  Special event station GB4SCL will be on the air April 11th from 
the Settle Carlisle Line in Ingleton, North Yorkshire. QSL via the RSGB Bureau. 

12/04/2009:  Look for special event station GB2WLR will be on the air April 
12th from the West Lancs Railway in Preston. QSL via the RSGB Bureau. [GB2RS]

16/04/2009:  Eleven special event stations will be active from Poland between 
April 16-19th to commemorate the World Amateur Radio Day (April 18th): 3Z0WARD, 
SP2009WARD, SQ0WARD and SQ2009WARD. QSL via SP2FAP. Further information can be 
found at: www.ward.pzk.pl/ [425 DX News]

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at: 

01/04-30/09  8J1FUJ: Honshu Island WLOTA:2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/04-31/10  8J3TS40O: Honshu Island WLOTA:2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/04-12/10  8N0TOKI: Honshu Island WLOTA:2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/04-27/09  8N1Y: Honshu Island WLOTA:2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/04-30/09  8N9T400Y: Honshu Island WLOTA:2376 QSL JARL Buro
01/04-16/04  DU9/M0GHQ: Mindanao Island WLOTA:2803 QSL HC (d/b)
01/04-10/04  IC8/IN3XUG: Isola d'Ischia WLOTA:0689 QSL HC (d/b)
01/04-11/04  PJ2/PA4JJ: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL HC (d)
02/04-24/04  8P6DR: Barbados Island WLOTA:0999 QSL G3RWL (d/b)
03/04-12/04  SX8P: Nisos Samos WLOTA:4163 QSL SV8CYV (d/b)
04/04-11/11  8J0SC50A: Honshu Island WLOTA:2376 QSL JARL Buro
04/04-05/05  8J4FF: Honshu Island WLOTA:2376 QSL JARL Buro
07/04-12/04  FJ/EB1HF: Saint Barthelemy WLOTA:0377 QSL EC1AE (d)
07/04-12/04  FJ/EC1DPM: Saint Barthelemy WLOTA:0377 QSL EC1AE (d)
08/04-13/04  D44TEP: Ilha da Boa Vista WLOTA:0972 QSL DF8KN (d/b)
08/04-21/04  KG4CN: Guantanamo Bay WLOTA:0358  QSL W0CN (d/b)
08/04-15/04  TK/F6BUL/qrp: Corsica Island WLOTA:1390 QSL HC (d/b)
08/04-22/04  VP9KF: Hamilton Island WLOTA:0201 QSL QRZ.com
09/04-17/04  3B8/SP2JMB: Mauritius Island WLOTA:0595 QSL HC (d/b)
09/04-17/04  3B8/SP2JMR: Mauritius Island WLOTA:0595 QSL HC (d/b)
09/04-14/04  9H3JR: Malta Island WLOTA:1113 QSL I2JJR (d/b)
17/04-19/04  DU5/M0GHQ: Leyte Island WLOTA:1103 QSL HC (d/b)

KI4GKA/KG4NNK - Rick and Shelia - 4/11/09 to 4/11/09 - SSB Only
Kentucky counties - Our route should go through Spencer, Jefferson, Bullitt, 
Hardin, Meade, Breckenridge, Hancock, Daviess, McLean, Muhlenberg, Ohio, 
Butler, Grayson, Nelson, Washington, Anderson, Mercer and Woodford. The goal is 
to run all Kentucky counties this year. When you send MRCs to me for the first 
time, please send your QSL card. Chances are I need your county since I have 
only been a county hunter for 3 months now. Thanks! Shelia. Send email requests 
to kg4...@insightbb.com [County Hunter Web]

K8OOK & N8IPG - 13 Apr to 18 Apr - SSB and CW
MI Kent, Ionia, Clinton, Eaton, Calhoun, Branch IN Steuben, Dekalb, Allen OH 
Paulding, VanWert, Putnam?, Allen, Hancock, Wyandot, Marion, Delaware, Morrow, 
Licking, Fairfield, Hocking, Vinton, Athens, Meigs WV Jackson, Kanawka, 
Fayette, Raleigh, Mercer VA Tazewell, Smyth, Washington TN Sullivan, 
Washington, Carter?, Unicoi, NC Madison, Buncombe abt 36 hr break, then NC 
Haywood Tn Cocke, Jefferson, Knox, Anderson, Campbell KY Whitley, Laurel, 
Rockcastle, Madison, Clark, Montgomery, Bath, Rowan Carter, Fleming, Nicholas, 
Bourbon--from here fuzzy, hopefully Harrison, Pendleton, Bracken, Campbell, 
then depending on time, interstates home or up east side of IN. Run 7188 and 
14336, will announce after 7188 kHz, if I can safely run 10122.5 kHz. [County 
Hunter Web]

09/04-14/04  9H3JR: Bugibba, Malta 6M Grid:JM75EW 100W QSL I2JJR (d/b)

11/04-12/04  Georgia QSO Party 6m-2m bands included 50.135USB+FM

16/04-18/04  W0WYV: Bellevue ARC Anniversary event Grid:EN21BD 50.125USB 
147.390MHz QSL QRZ.com

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:
http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt  (Updated April 06, 2009)

E51QQQ - No documentation received at ARRL  (QSO Dec 8 2008) 

-- Bruce, WA3AFS 
Bruce/Edith Goldstein

Folks, this is the first rejection notice I have received in a very long time. 
Please send any notice you receive of a dx operation not being approved for 
DXCC to me to put into the database for you.  I need the call sign, date of 
your qso and the reason for rejection by ARRL.
Likewise, if you have one accepted that was previously rejected, let me know so 
I can update the list in the database.

John K1XN (gol...@gmail.com)
QSLs received Bureau - 9A9Z/P, A45WD, C56YK, DF1RA, DF2EY, DH6JH, DL6ABN, 

QSLs received Direct - 3V8BB (via Direct), 9V1F1 (via 9V1UV), ER4DX (via 
RA4LW), ET3JA (via OK3AA), FS5KA (via W3HNK), FW5RE (via W1GS), HC2/SM6FKF (via 
hc), HC2/SM7BUA (via hc), JT1CO (via Direct), NH0AA/NH2 (via JH2BNL), PX200JMU 
[SA-080] (via PY6KW), T27OU (via N7OU), T88CD (via JH2BNL), TO3R (via RW3RN), 
V6C [OC-011] (via JH2BNL), V6P [OC-010] (via JH2BNL), V7XX [OC-029] (via 
JH2BNL), VK9AA (via DL8YR), VP2V/SP7VC (via SP7VC), XW1B (via E21EIC), YB2UTX 
(via YC2YTC), ZL3IX (via Direct)

QSLs received LoTW - HC8A (several contests), HH4/K4QD, KP2D, PW0S (Feb 2001), 
YX0A (April 2006), YX0LIX (April 2006)

Sterling F. Howell-KG4KIU of Glen Saint Mary, Florida, became silent key April 
2, 2009 at the age of 56.

David L Vakos, N4DBB of Rio Rancho, New Mexico, became silent key April 2, 2009.

Thomas R. Perry W2BIS, of Wappingers Falls, New York, entered into eternal rest 
on Sunday, March 15, 2009 at the age of 66.

Alex Desmeules, VE2AFC of Baie St-Paul, Quebec, became silent key April 8, 2009.

CQ News: Update on Italian earthquake response;

CQ Public Service Editor Bob Josuweit, WA3PZO, relays the following update from 
Greg Mossop, G0DUB, the International Amateur Radio Union's Emergency 
Communications Coordinator for Region 1 (Europe and Africa):

The 7045 kHz frequency is in use linking local rescue and coordination centres 
with Protezione Civile in Rome. Cell phone capacity in the are is being 
increased and a second wave of volunteers and workers are being prepared to go 
to the area to take over from the first responders.

The request to keep 7045 clear remains active and now more important that a 
formal net seems to exist.

DARC (Germany's national amateur radio organization) has pointed me to the 
following YouTube link showing the local amateurs at work in the area:


There are now 7000 volunteers involved in the response and the reported 
frequencies for activity locally are:

 * R4    CH-145.700    Prefettura di Pescara
 * RU 8  CH- 430.800       "           "
 * R1    AQ -145.625   Coordinamento

 * HF    7.045    Headquarter in Roma of Protezione Civile

Other frequencies are being used inside the groups of volunteers as you can see 
from the many VHF frequencies shown on the Youtube footage. [CQ Newsletter]
Heavy storm on Mellish (04-09-2009 from AA7JV)

Apr 9, 0000 UTC, Mellish Reef. We did recover the computer that went overboard. 
It is working and we are fully back in business. Still don't know about RTTY, 
however. We endured an intense storm last night with winds gusting over 80 
km/h. Rain was occasionally very heavy. We had to stop operating several times 
to strengthen the tent. There seems to big demand for 20 m SSB, which we will 
do some of today.

Low Band Report: 160 meters was poor last night, and the weather worse. 
Occasionally we could hear that a lot of NA stations were calling, but it was 
impossible to pick out individual calls because of the rapid QSB. Again, many 
stations were sending their calls only once or twice, making them impossible to 
piece together. We QSY-d to 80 at 0930 where conditions were fluctuating; at 
times the band sounded like 160, other times it was reasonable. We returned to 
160 around 2000, where conditions gotten even worse. Additionally, the storm 
was shaking the tent and causing the tarps to flap very loudly. It was 
impossible to hear the few weak signals that managed to get above the noise. We 
went back to 80 but were interrupted several times by the storm threatening to 
blow down the tent. We had to add some tie-downs, etc. Altogether, not a great 

We believe there is a need to clarify the focus of this operation. As stated 
from the outset, our focus is low bands: 160, 80 and 40, in that order. We work 
the other bands during the day because the low bands are closed (and Tomi loves 
it!). There have been a lot of complaints about our low band (and CW) focus, 
including comments that "this is no way to run a DXpedition". The way we see it 
is that many large DXpeditions do a great job of working the high bands, SSB 
and digital modes. There is a very good chance that one will be on Mellish Reef 
soon. These operations, however, with a few exceptions, do not generate a lot 
of 160 m QSO-s. We specialize in low band operations. We bring 160 meter 
antennas, RX antennas, pre-amplifiers, etc. We come with a lot of patience and 
the willingness to endure pain. We put up with low QSO rates and seem to have a 
desire to spend hour listening to entropy. Stuff that most DXpeditions, and 
their operators, prefer not to do. We aim at giving out as many 160 m (and 80m) 
QSO-s as we can. Everything else is cream!
Papua New Guinea  DX NEWS
And the callsigns are:

Tanga Island    OC-102  P29VCX  QSL via SM6CVX
Green Island    OC-231  P29VLR  QSL via SM6CVX
Woodlark Island OC-205  P29NI   QSL via G3KHZ

The Papua New Guinea IOTA dxpeditions for G3KHZ started in 2005 when Normanby 
Island in the D'Entrecasteaux group OC-116 was activated. This was a trip with 
my XYL Joyce when we lived with the locals for 10 days in Saidawai village in 
Sewa Bay (website).

Since then, each year, a group of us has visited other "rare" PNG IOTAs. In 
2007 we activated two new ones, Taku'u Atoll OC-283 and Nukumanu Atoll OC-284 
(website). In total we have activated the following IOTAs:

OC-041 Ninigo group (Luf Island, Hermits)
OC-115 Trobriand group (Kiriwiana)
OC-116 D'Entrecasteaux group (Normanby)
OC-153 PNG Coastal Islands, South (Daru)
OC-181 Witu Islands (Witu) 
[the locals call the group Garove]
OC-256 Kilinailau
OC-283 Taku’u
OC-284 Nukumanu

And this year (2009) we plan to go to:

OC-102 Tanga
OC-205 Woodlark
OC-231 Green
WCA - The World Castles Award is for working stations operating from castles 
located in Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Britain, 
Ireland, Italy, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Switzerland and Ukraine. Complete 
information can be found at www.wcagroup.org/ [RN1CW]
73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
Home of ICPO: http://webhome.idirect.com/~va3rj/
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Canadian Checkpoint For:
All Croatian Islands Award - ACIA
All Croatian Islands Award Group - ACIAG
The World Light House Diplom - TWLHD

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