IF memory serves, these guys NEVER submitted documentation in the first place
Yemen is the last one I need and they are not in my log.

I'm jealous, envious and happy for those of you that do have them in your log!

At 12:26 PM 8/13/2009, you wrote:
"After reviewing recently-received information regarding the 7O1YGF
operation, and after additional dialogue with a leader of the
the DXCC desk has approved this operation."

Nine years later and this Yemen operation just now gets approval?
What's going on here?
Can any body report on what the 'recently-received information' was that
changed Bill's position on the 7O1YGF operation?


I'll run the race and I will never be the same again.

-----Original Message-----
From: kf...@njdxa.org [mailto:kf...@njdxa.org] On Behalf Of Jim Reisert
Sent: August 12, 2009 4:27 PM
To: dx-news@njdxa.org
Cc: DX4WIN Reflector; YCCC; mhdxa; PPDXG Reflector; GMCC
Subject: [DX-NEWS] 7O1YGF Approved for DXCC Credit

The following news is from the ARRL DXCC Desk and is for real!
Bernie, W3UR

The following operation has been approved for DXCC:

7O1YGF ­ Yemen
Operation from April 16, 2000 through April 26, 2000

After reviewing recently-received information regarding the 7O1YGF
operation, and after additional dialogue with a leader of the
the DXCC desk has approved this operation.

Considering the length of time that has passed since this operation, we
that DXCC participants who would like to claim credit for 7O1YGF follow
options below:

• Send the 7O1YGF card ONLY to DXCC with a SASE, or return postage if
outside the US; DXCC will process the card and applicants will not be
charged a submission fee. 7O1YGF cards included with other cards will be
handled as part of a normal submission.

• Bring the card to a DXCC Card Checker. The card checker will forward
confirmation to the DXCC desk for processing. Again, there will be no
submission fee if this is a single-card submission. You must fill out an
application form, however.

In all other cases applicants can include their QSL card with their next
submission, and it will be handled normally. We will work with the
team to use Logbook of the World if possible.

Remember, the cutoff date for the 2009 DXCC Annual listing and Honor
list is December 31, 2009. We encourage applicants to handle this sooner
rather than wait until the last minute.

73 es DX!

Bill Moore NC1L
Awards Branch Manager

Jack Hartley
DXCC Honor Roll
"Celebrating 50 years in Ham Radio"

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