Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
On 11/28/2009 4:10 PM, Zack Widup wrote:

I didn't think Palau had the T8 prefix in 1981. I thought it was still
KC6 back then, up to about 2002.
73, Zack W9SZ

T8 was definitely used in 1997 (T88JA in March 1997 for instance), but I don't know how much earlier.

- Jim

Found this in the Bulletin:
*The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 275
BID: $OPDX.275
*October 21, 1996
*T8, REP. OF BELAU (ATTENTION PREFIX HUNTERS!). *Jim Hood, WV5S, President of the Oklahoma DX Association has informed the DX/Contest community of the following statement: "In 1994, Belau (Palau) declared its independence from the USA. Consequently, the KC6 prefix needed to be replaced by a new unassigned prefix. The prefix T8 has been assigned to Belau. Oklahoma DX Association members N5OK and N5CG have now activated the T8 prefix for the first time as T88T.
Hope this helps.
73  Phil  W9IXX

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