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09 January 2010                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 975
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5X     - Nick, G3RWF will be active again as 5X1NH from Fort Portal,  Uganda
         between 21 January and 20 March. He will  operate  CW  and  digital
         modes, with some SSB. QSL via home call and LoTW.  [TNX  The  Daily
5Z     - The new dates for the 5Z0H expedition to  Kenya  [425DXN  963]  are
         12-25 February, including  activity  from  the  islands  of  Wasini
         (AF-067) and Lamu (AF-040), as well as participation  in  the  ARRL
         International DX  Contest  (CW).  Enrico/5Z4ES,  Frank/IK8TEO,  and
         Antonio/IK8VRH will operate SSB, CW and RTTY on all bands. QSL  via
         IK8VRH (direct, bureau and LoTW). The website for the operation  is
         at www.ddxc.it
7P     - Art, ZS6BQI will be active as 7P8BA from Lesotho on 14-18  January.
         He plans to operate mainly CW and digital modes  on  40-10  metres.
         QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
C6     - Randy, W6SJ will be  active  holiday  style  as  C6AWS  from  Grand
         Bahama Island (NA-080) on 5-10 February. Randy will try to  operate
         on 12, 17 and 30 metres when he can. QSL via home call. [TNX W6SJ]
CT8    - OH2BO, OH2PM, OH2MM, OH2BH (CU2KG) and OH8NC (CU2KH) will  put  the
         Azores on 160 metres and  above  with  new  vertical  and  beverage
         antennas starting 16 January. The activity will include  CQWW  160M
         CW and ARRL CW/SSB contests, using the callsign  CR2X.  There  will
         also be some activity before and after the contests.  Additionally,
         CU2CE and CU2DX and others are due to take part  in  WPX  SSB.  QSL
         CR2X and CU2KG via OH2BH, QSL CU2KH via OH8NC. [TNX OH2BN]
D2     - Paulo, D2CQ (CT1ITZ) will be back  to  Porto  Amboim  in  February,
         this time with a 5-band beam. He expects to be  working  in  Angola
         for the next few years. QSL via CT1IUA (he has the paper  logs  and
         is entering them  into  an  electronic  log,  then  he  will  start
         sending cards out). [TNX K1XN]
E5     - Dick, AD7AF (E51WWA) will operate from the Cook Islands between  12
         January and 20 February. He will be active from Rarotonga  (OC-013,
         South  Cooks)  on  12  January-1  February,  and  again  on   17-20
         February, as well as from Manihiki (OC-014, North  Cooks)  on  3-15
         February, possibly under another callsign. He will operate barefoot
         with  vertical dipole and horizontal wire antennas, on 40-10 metres
         CW,  with  some  SSB  and  digital modes  as propagation conditions
         allow;  activity on  80m will be  depend on antenna  possibilities.
         QSL via AD7AF and LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
FO     - Jacques/F6BEE,  Nigel/G3TXF  and  Gilles/VE2TZT  will  be   joining
         Phil/FO8RZ (F5PHW) on 9-24 February for  an  expedition  to  Tahiti
         (OC-046), French Polynesia that will include participation  in  the
         CQ WW WPX RTTY and ARRL CW DX Contests.  They  will  be  active  as
         TX4T on 160-10 metres CW, SSB and RTTY, with a focus on 160 and  80
         metres.  Plans  are  to  have    two    complete    stations    QRV
         simultaneously. QSL via G3TXF, direct or bureau. The logs  will  be
         uploaded  to  LoTW.  Further  information  can    be    found    at
         www.fo2010.org [TNX dx-hamspirit.com]
J2     - J28AA is the new callsign issued to Darko, E70A (he  formerly  held
         J28OO). The QSL route is still via  K2PF  (direct)  or  LoTW.  [TNX
J7     - Seth, SM0XBI will be active again as J79XBI from Dominica  (NA-101)
         from 8 January through March. He will operate  SSB  on  all  bands.
         QSL via SM0XBI, direct or bureau (but LoTW preferred). [TNX SM0CCM]
JD1_og - Look for JM1YGG/JD1 (QSL via home call), JA2ZL/JD1  (QSl  via  home
         call), JD1BMV (QSL via JK1EBA) and JD1BNB (QSL via  JA3MCA)  to  be
         active from Chichijima, Ogasawara (AS-031) on 6-14  February.  They
         will operate CW, SSB and RTTY  on  80-12  metres.  QSLs  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX JA3MCA]
SP     - Special event station 3Z0FCH  will  be  active  until  30  June  to
         commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Fryderyc  Chopin,
         the great Polish composer and virtuoso  pianist.  QSL  via  SP7PAD,
         direct or bureau.
SV5    - Willi, DJ7RJ will be  active  from  Kos  Island  (EU-001)  from  24
         February until 17 March. He  will  operate  CW  and  SSB  on  160-6
         metres, with a focus on the low bands.  QSL  via  home  call.  [TNX
TA     - The European Capital  of  Culture  is  a  city  designated  by  the
         European Union for a period of one calendar year  during  which  it
         is given a chance  to  showcase  its  cultural  life  and  cultural
         development. Instanbul is one of the three  cities  designated  for
         2010, and the TC Special Wireless  Activity  Team  will  conduct  a
         year long celebration by using  thirteen  TC2010  prefixed  special
         callsigns from several different locations.  The  first  activities
         will be by TC2010CCE, TC2010CCA and  TC2010CCI  on  15-18  January.
         Detailed information on the event and the  relevant  award  can  be
         found at www.ta0u.com [TNX www.southgatearc.org]
UA_ant - Alex, RV1ZC has left Vostok Station  (R1ANC)  and  is  onboard  the
         research vessel  "Akademik  Fedorov",  which  is  due  to  call  at
         Leningradskaja Station,  Antarctica  sometime  between  10  and  15
         January. He hopes to be able to operate  as  R1ANL  for  about  ten
         hours on 20 metres CW and SSB, using 100 watts and a vertical.  QSL
         via RN1ON, direct or bureau. The ship's course can  be  tracked  at
         www.sailwx.info [TNX RN1ON]
VE     - Cezar, VE3LYC has secured the callsign  VY0V  for  his  attempt  to
         operate from East Pen Island (NA-231, new one).  The  operation  is
         scheduled for 3 days between 26 and 31 March  [425DXN  966].  Cezar
         is looking for any possible donations  towards  the  cost  of  this
         difficult project.  Support  can  be  sent  to  him  by  PayPal  at
         tiberius.tr...@gmail.com. More information about  his  preparations
         and QSLing will be posted on the VY0V page at QRZ.com [TNX VE3LYC]
W      - Wade, AA8LL will be active as AA8LL/4 from Key  Largo  (NA-062)  on
         15-19 January. Holiday style operating will be mostly CW  and  RTTY
         on 80-15 metres with 200 watts and wires. QSL via AA8LL, direct  or
         bureau. Wade will upload his logs to LoTW and eQSL. [TNX AA8LL]
XX9    - Georg,  DK7LX  has  been  active  as  XX9TLX  from  Coloane  Island
         (AS-075), Macau since 8 January. He  says  that  the  "duration  of
         this activity is open and fully flexible".  Plans  are  to  operate
         mainly CW on all bands, 160m excluded. There  will  be  no  on-line
         logsearch. QSL via DK7LX , direct or bureau.

TRIP TO AFRICA ---> Peter, HA3AUI is  going  back  to  Africa.  He  will  be
active  in  his spare time  as  either  6W2SC (from Senegal) and J5UAP (from
Guinea-Bissau) from 15 January until 31 March. Peter plans to operate mainly
Digital  modes  (other modes on request)  on 160-10 metres.  QSL via HA3AUI,
direct or bureau. His website is at cqafrica.net [TNX NG3K]

TRIP TO AFRICA ---> Laci, HA0NAR and his wife Susan will be visiting Senegal
and  Guinea-Bissau  between  30 January  and 13 February. Look for 6W/HA0NAR
until 6 February (with a side trip to IOTA group AF-078), and for J5NAR on 7
-13 February (with a side trip to IOTA group AF-093). Expect activity on the
HF bands  CW,  SSB and RTTY, with a focus on the low bands during operations
from  the mainland. Activity on 6 and 2m will depend on the local situation.
QSL via HA0NAR, direct or bureau. [TNX HA0NAR]

TRIP TO SOUTHEAST ASIA ---> Eddy, ON4AFU  will  be  active  as  HS0ZJF  from
Thailand between 12 January and 8 March, including a side trip to IOTA group
AS-101  on  15-31 January (HS0ZJF/8).  On 2-15 February he will be active as
XU7AFU from Cambodia.  Eddy  operates CW only.  QSL via home call, direct or
bureau. [TNX NG3K]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The latest issue (December 2009) is now  available
at www.425dxn.org/monthly/index.html. Articles  and  pictures should be sent
to Nicola Baldresca, IZ3EBA (iz3eba @ iz3eba.it)

CDXC 2010 CHALLENGE ---> The aim of the Clipperton DX  Club  2010  Challenge
is to contact as many DXCC Entities  as  possible  on  different  bands  and
modes over the period 1 January-29 August. The  challenge  is  open  to  all
operators, whether CDXC member or not. Three categories are  available  (HF,
6m and 2m). Complete details can be found at www.cdxc.org [TNX F5CWU]

CWOPS  --->  The  CW  Operators'  Club  (CWops)    is    a    newly  formed,
activity-oriented club for Amateur Radio operators who are Morse  Code  (CW)
enthusiasts. International in scope, membership and  management,  its  focus
is the use of CW, whether for contesting, DXing or ragchewing. To  celebrate
the beginning of the club, a 9-day Birthday Party  event  will  be  held  on
6-14 March. Look for CWops members to call CQ CWT particularly  around  008,
018, 028, and 038 on  each  band.  Complete  information  can  be  found  at
www.cwops.org [TNX N1DG]

DX SOUND CLIPS ---> Tom's (K8CX) DX sound clips for 2009  can  be  found  at
hamgallery.com/dx2009/;  the collection of 146 DX clips covers all the major
DXpeditions, plus rare and semi-rare DX.

EA SPECIAL PREFIXES ---> Spain has revised the criteria  for  allocation  of
special  callsigns.  Special  prefixes  ED,  EE  and  EF  are   for  contest
operating: applicants may choose the suffix (1,  2  or  3  letters)  for  26
major contests; for other  contests,  the  suffix  must  coincide  with  the
licensee's regular suffix. Special prefixes EG,  EH,  AM,  AN,  AO  are  for
non-contest events, with up to 3-letter suffixes. [TNX EA9IE]

MONGOLIAN RTTY DX CONTEST ---> The Mongolian Amateur  Radio  Society  (MARS)
invites licensed amateurs and SWLs to participate in the Mongolian  RTTY  DX
Contest, to be held on 80-10 metres on 9 January (from 00.00  UTC  to  23.59
UTC). Please e-mail jt1...@gmail.com for further information. [TNX MARS]

NO LONGER POB ---> Effective 1 January, rental fees for  Post  Office  Boxes
in Italy have raised dramatically. The following QSL managers who had a  POB
address now require mail to be sent to their home addresses:
IT9DAA   Corrado Ruscica, Via Capitano Salemi 41, 96019 Rosolini SR, Italy
IZ8CCW   Antonio Cannataro, Via Don Minzoni 24, 87040 Marano Marchesato  CS,

NY6X/KP2 AND Z38C ---> The USA W6 Bureau continues to receive QSL cards  for
NY6X/KP2, as well as Z38C and other Macedonia cards for NO6X.
Please note that NY6X is JN1RVS, and QSLs should go  to  his  Japanese  call
sign. Cards received by the W6 Bureau for NY6X are destroyed.
As for NO6X, this callsign was reissued in 2003, and the previous holder  is
now ND6A. According to qrz.com, Z38C after 2004 is via HA1RS.  Any  Z3  card
received by the W6 Bureau for NO6X is destroyed. [TNX WC6DX]

PIRATE ---> Once upon a time, the 4K2  prefix  was  used  by  stations  from
Franz Josef Land. However,  the  4J-4K  callsign  prefix  blocks  have  been
allocated to Azerbaijan for quite a number of years now. With  reference  to
4K2JF/p (recently reported on  the  bands  as  operating  from  FJL),  Natig
Gasimov, 4J5T, President of the Federation of  Radio  Sport  of  Azerbaijan,
says  that  this  callsign  "has  never  been  issued  by  the  Ministry  of
Communications of Azerbaijan".

POLAR CHALLENGE ---> Updated scores for the Arctic and Antarctic  Challenges
are  now  available    on    the    French    Polar    Team's    website  at
www.french-polar-team.fr [TNX F5PFP]

QSL 8Q7CE ---> The new QSL  route  for  8Q7CE  (8-25  January,  operated  by
YO8TLC, see 425DXN 974) is via EB7DX.

SFDXA --->  At  its  January  meeting,  the  South  Florida  DX  Association
(www.qsl.net/k4fk) elected the following officers  for  2010:  Ed  Callaway,
N4II (President); Bill Dzurilla, NZ5N (Vice  President);  Dave  Novoa,  W4DN
(Secretary);  Bruce  Phegley,  W4OV  (Treasurer);    Al    Maslin/N3EA,  Don
Search/W3AZD, Jim Settle/KG4VPC and  Ray  Smolenski/N4RU  (Directors).  [TNX

VE POSTAL RATES ---> Canadian postal rates will rise again  on  11  January.
The new base prices for standard letter items are as follows:
Canada         Up to 30g  CAD 0.57     31g-50g  CAD 1.00
U.S.A.         Up to 30g  CAD 1.00     31g-50g  CAD 1.22
International  Up to 30g  CAD 1.70     31g-50g  CAD 2.44
Stamps are subject to taxes. Actual rates  can  be  calculated  through  the
"Find a Rate" on-line service provided by Canada Post (www.canadapost.ca).

WCA ---> The World Castles Award is  for  working  stations  operating  from
castles located  in  Belarus,  Belgium,  Czech  Republic,  England,  France,
Germany, Hungary,  Ireland,  Italia,  Poland,  Portugal,  Russia,  Slovakia,
Switzerland,  the  Netherlands  and  Ukraine.   Eighteen    national  castel
programmes are considered by WCA.  Complete  information  can  be  found  at
www.wcagroup.org [TNX RN1CW]

WIA AWARDS REVISED ---> Eddie DeYoung, VK4AN (WIA Awards  Manager  &  Awards
Committee Chairman) reports  that  the  Wireless  Institute  of  Australia's
Awards Programme has been extensively revised to make it "more relevant  and
desirable to today's award  hunters".  Complete  details  can  be  found  at

YASME EXCELLENCE AWARDS ---> Two  years  ago  the  Directors  of  The  Yasme
Foundation announced the establishment of the Yasme  Excellence  Awards,  to
be given "for service and dedication to amateur radio as recognized  by  the
foundation's Directors". The awards are given  from  time  to  time  as  the
board feels appropriate. The winners for 2009 are Jamie Dupree  (NS3T),  Bob
Bruninga (WB4APR), George Wallner (AA7JV) & Tomi Pekarik (HA7RY),  Don  Hill
(AA5AU), Nodir Tursoon-Zadeh (EY8MM) and and Rich Strand  (KL7RA).  Complete
details can be found at www.yasme.org


QSLs received direct or  through  managers:  3D20CR,  3D2KJ,  3D2MJ,  3D2NB,
3DA0VB, 3V8BB, 4L0A, 4L3Y, 4S7NE, 4U1UN,  4W6AL,  4X4DZ,  5B4AIF,  5H3VMB/5,
5R8IC, 5W0KH, 5X1NH, 6Y1V, 7P8AO, 7P8BA, 7P8MM, 7Q7VB, 8P9NX, 8P9SS,  8R1DB,
8R1PY, 9G5TT, 9G5XX, 9J2VB, 9K2GS, 9L0W, 9L1NH,9M2AX, 9M6BG, 9M6XRO,  9N7JO,
9U0VB, 9X0VB, 9Y4D, 9Z4FZ, A61AB, A92GE, AA1AC/VP9, AH6NM, AI5P/VK9N,  AL7R,
AT9RS (AS-177), BA4TB, BY4USA, C21TI, C37URE, C56W, C6ANM,  C91LW,  C91VB/6,
CY0X, D20VB, DP1POL, E51CUK, E71A, EA9/OL8R,  EA9IE,  EK6TA,  EL2DX,  EL8RI,
FM5BH,  FM5WE,  FO/G3BJ,  FO5RH,  FO8RZ,  FR1AN,  FS/W6IZT,    FT5GA,  H44MY
(OC-127), HD2A, HS0ZEE, ID9N, J28KO,  J68V,  JT1CO,  JY4NE,  K5D,  K8CC/C6A,
K9AJ/VY0 (NA-185),  KD6WW/VY0  (NA-185),  KH7C,  KL7RRC/p  (NA-233),  KP4AO,
LO2F,  LU/F6BFH  (SA-008),  LU/F6BFH  (SA-049),    LX/PA6Z,    MD0CCE,  N4UM
(NA-062),NP2N, OJ0B, OY2J, P29NI (OC-205), P29VCX (OC-102, OC-116,  OC-240),
P29VLR (OC-231),P49Y, PJ2/K8ND,  PJ4A,  PJ7/K1XM,  PS2T,PT5A,  PX8W,  R1FJM,
RX9FM, SU8LH, SV1CQN, SV2ASP/A, SY2A,  T30AW,  T30GM,  T30IW,  T88CW,  T8CW,
UA0ZAL (AS-039), UA2FFW, UA9SC, UP0L, V26B, V31UB,  V5/DJ4SO,  V51AS,  V63TO
(OC-167),  VK9LA,  VK9XW,  VP2EBY,   VP2MDG,    VP2MNK,    VP2MUM,   VP2MXO,
(NA-230),XU7ACY, XU7KOH, XV2RZ, XV4D (AS-128), YJ0CCC,  YJ0PX,  YO9HP,  YW5F
(SA-058), ZA0/IK7JWX, ZB2FK, ZC4VJ, ZD7X, ZK2BJ  (OC-040),  ZK2DL,  ZL/AI5P,


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:   http://www.425dxn.org/monthly


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1...@425dxn.org)
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


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                  or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                  Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4...@425dxn.org)


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia



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