From: IRESC Türkiye <>
Organization: OPDX/BARF80
Subject: ECOMM Pakistan / Press Release



August 14, 2010

Dear Media Organization or whom it may concern:

This letter is to inform the Media Organization of the International Radio Emergency Support Coalition present emergency activities:
Here is the back ground of IRESC as follows:
The main objectives of IRESC are to foster efficient collaboration between Radio Amateurs, extending friendships across the world and providing international emergency communications in times of need.

IRESC is a worldwide coalition of volunteer communicators, with dedicated members spread around the globe, help can be provided at all times of the day or night.

Currently, IRESC has members in at least 38 countries and it continues to grow. Most members are also affiliated with their respective national organizations; for example, the International Red Cross, the Magen David Adom, the Salvation Army, RAYNET, local ARES and RACES groups, along with many others.

The IRESC team uses several modes of communication, including HF, VHF, UHF, amateur satellites, and principally Echolink VoIP communications. The IRESC Conference Server on Echolink (*IRESC*) is node number 278173. The trunk systems use the Internet to link communications over vast distances without the propagation and interference shortcomings of radio paths. In this way, a disaster zone and the point of best assistance can be joined even if they are on opposite sides of the planet.

We are always looking for new members in any part of the world. IRESC is willing to collaborate with all emergency communicators and relief agencies to provide support and communications for any disaster. Being a truly international organization, IRESC strongly adheres to the principals that bind together the world amateur radio movement; working together regardless of race, religion, culture or political viewpoint.

At the present time IRESC is one of major emergency Ham operators operating in Pakistan with the approval of PARS Pakistan Armature Radio Society for Pakistan Government.

IRESC offered assistance and PARS then accepted and started asking for expertise and assistance. I Salvadore Torres as acting Senior Vice President/ Directors of Presidents, Call Sign W0SCT, then called a special Board meeting with IRESC International and with the approval IRESC President of Carl Caracol , Call Sign W2WRX IRESC alert protocol was activated immediately .

I Salvatore Torres then contacted out IRESC Presidents located in Turkey and India and they in turn contacted their sources.

The IRESC Turkey President, Urcun Canel, Call sign TA0U, then set up search and rescue operation for ECOM and air cargo and equipment and other actions for the Pakistan emergencies. The IRESC India President Devulapalli “Bharathi” Prasad, Call Sign VU2RBI, then also set up her network and is a major operator for Pakistan operation on behalf of IRESC International. She is a well known world famous operator that is a known for her work in emergencies.

The International Coalition of IRESC the monitored and has been receiving traffic and we have actual ECCOMM traffic at this time. We will pass all life and death and health and welfare information that may be required.

We also are in direct contact with various government agencies and organizations throughout the world and have access as required for this emergency. Our government liaison and net control operator and manager Dennis Baumgarte, Call Sign AE2EE is in charge of these actions at this time.

We need the media to inform them of the above stated activities concerning Pakistan. IRESC then can assist as required regarding the above stated in passing information and traffic concerning emergencies. We are a nonprofit organization with no monies and salaries but will do the best we can as ham operators and emergency responders.
This information is critical for the public to know.

Respectfully Submitted

Salvatore TORRES
Senior Vice President/ Director of Presidents IRESC

(719) 686-3968

Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - --or--
Editor of the "Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin" (OPDX - "DXer's Tool of Excellence")
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)
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