This code is excellent:

     If I had to pick one out of the list, this would be it:

- I will not interfere with the DX station nor anyone calling and will never tune up on the DX frequency or in the QSX slot.

I think I'd even simplify it more to "I will never transmit on the DX's frequency during a split operation. Ever."

VK9C/G6AY was on both 14.025 and 18.072 today. On both bands there was constant bedlam for at least a half an hour on their TX frequency. All the usual stuff. UP UP UP, LID LID LID, IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT, plus 37 guys calling them simplex, and of course the ubiquitous tuners. They sent UP after every QSO, and the DX Cluster spots indicated QSX UP.

They were S1-S3 and workable, but you simply couldn't hear hardly a dit most of the time because the S9+ guys were doing the above. This is nothing new, but it seems extremely bad today. Did the VK9C/G6AY guy(s) do something to infuriate the hordes? The few times they had a 30-second window of no QRM, they seemed to be good OPs.

Don't transmit on their frequency. So simple. Yet so many do. Sigh . . .

73, Paul VE1DX

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