Hi Jim,

I worked Gus at Farquahar as VQ9\A\F on 2-7-70 and have the QSL. It was from W2MZV, Herman who is an SK.

My Aldabra QSL from Gus was VQ9AA on May 19, 1962 with QSL from W4ECI.

Hope this helps.


Joe, W1JR

At 10:24 AM 5/28/2011, Jan Erik Holm wrote:
Looking for info if it´s at all possible to get
a QSL from one of W4BPD´s expeditions. Found some
info that logs probably got destroyed.
W4ECI was the QSL manager I understand, anyone know
if he is alive?

Story is that I just found a QSO in one of my old
logs with VQ9/A at 6 August 1970, I never did QSL
the QSO and I can not understand why. Anyone know
if Gus was on Aldabra 6 August 1970? Maybe I did
work a pirate?

73 Jim SM2EKM

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