Just for fun, I decided to see how well I was doing with 
"Web DXCC".  That is, how many distinct "top-level domains" 
(TLD) have visited the NG3K Web pages.

In a Web server logfile address like this:


the "top-level domain" is ".jp" which corresponds to "Japan".
There's a one-to-one correspondance between many TLDs and a
DXCC entity.

Of course, some TLDs (.com, .edu, .gov, .mil, .org, etc) do 
not correspond to a DXCC entity, but on the other hand some 
TLDs (.uk and .ru, for example) correspond to more than a 
single DXCC entity.  Also, addresses can be spoofed, so just
because there's an Oman entry in the logfile doesn't tell
you with 100% certainty that someone from Oman actually
visited your site.  So the correlation between TLDs and DXCC
entities is pretty loose.

Anyhow, I wrote a Perl program to go through my monthly
statistical reports and pull out/calculate the information
I needed to see how I was doing.

If you're interested, have a look at:


and you'll see how my inquiry came out.  You'll find an index
of all TLD that have visited (with links to monthly statistics
for each), the total number of TLDs that have visited to date,
and a list of the 15 domains most recently "visiting for the
first time".  Next to each entry is the (year/month) of the
first visit of that entity.  The data start with February 2000,
so most TLDs will show up as having made their first visit 
that month.

The page gets updated once a day to include data from the 
previous day.

As a matter of possible interest, Analog (the statistics software
I use to generate my monthly statistical reports from the source
logfiles) currently recognizes 255 TLDs.  So I've got a way to 
go, hi.

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