Interetsing stories about UPS. i thought that I wa the only one to have suffered with 
them, but I seem to be august company. In december 1996, I was sent samples of 
antennae from LARSEN ELECTRONICS, since I had just started their representation in 
India. Those samples are yet to be delivered. The tracers sent from India arealso 

Suffice it sy, I now always ship FEDEX from the USA to India, which reaches me in 5 
days including cusotms clearance!!

nat vu2nta

On my return from CYØAA in 1996, I was "priviledged" to donate my Amp
Supply LK500ZA to the DX Gods!!! After having our plane flight
"confiscated" to evacuate Canadian personnel first due to fog, the
equipment stayed behind, to be picked up on the next trip.  Since the fog
had become so intense, the flight was the credit of the
pilot...done on the next trip...another 3.5 hours later later with fog
rolling in, which was above and beyond the call for him to do.  The
equipment was given to a very non-understanding group of airline
employees though in  Halifax, NS, who didn't pay the the $2.50, and
insure any of the equipment as they were instructed!!  UPS DESTROYED the
amp....which was packed in a specially designed shipping box!!
No one could figure how it had gotten so beaten up!!!  All of the meters
were wiped off of the face of the amp, and the loading knobs were bent. 
This was all in an army surplus case!!! I fought for a year with UPS
since there were conflicting stories between  Canadian and US UPS
personnel.  Finally my own insurance company applied it to my homeowners
policy...minus the deductible to finance another amplifier.  The amp was
lost in shipment, and ended up on Cushcraft's receiving dock in NH
unmarked!!!  I happened to call them, and they asked if I recognized this
desciption of the shipping box! So not only did they damage the
equipment, they shipped it to a place in an unmarked box!!! All of the
shipping tags had been "removed"...if I wouldn't have called, I would've
NEVER  seen the amp again, no matter what the condition!!!  Without
adding any more to this story, let it suffice to say....I will NEVER ship
 another piece of equipment via UPS for any future operation of mine to


On Fri, 06 Apr 2001 04:30:05 +0000 Garry Shapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> UPS dropped the Alpha 87 I bought several years ago. They dropped it 
> so hard
> that the outer box had a crushed corner, one circuit board tore 
> loose from its
> support pillar, and a molex connector fell off the pins. Alpha was 
> good about
> it, and took it up with UPS, but it was a returned, refurbished 
> radio that I had
> bought at a substantial discount. It was a "unique," and, when I 
> returned it, I
> received a new one---at full price. So, while I was not stuck for 
> the shipping,
> I did wind up spending hundreds of dollars more, for the same 
> amplifier. Thank
> you, UPS.
> UPS also failed to deliver a shipment of wire and cable in time for 
> my departure
> to Rodrigues I., on the other side of the planet for the 3B9R 
> DXpedition,
> necessitating rushing around on the day of departure to replace as 
> many of the
> items as possible. They had promised me every day for a week that it 
> would reach
> me on time. I sat here the last evening before departure until every 
> truck had
> returned to the barn--only a few miles away. Some items never were 
> obtained and
> we did without. And, of course, all the needed items---no longer 
> needed--were
> waiting for me when I got home.
>  Needless to say, UPS is not my choice when the items are expensive 
> or crucial.
> None of the delivery companies is perfect, but FedEx has been a lot 
> more
> reliable in my experience.
> Garry, NI6T
> MGB wrote:
> > The Horror stories are growing ever larger with all the companies! 
> With
> > shoddy construction practices, poor designs, lousy delivery 
> systems, and
> > high prices its a wonder any of this stuff ever works. I had two 
> > radios totally destroyed by the carrier. After weeks of 
> negotiations I
> > finally got some of my money back minus $100 shipping. Bottom line 
> I paid
> > the Selling company $100 Dollars to allow the delivery trucks to 
> destroy my
> > radios..(which I don't have) Ain't progress wonderful??  No more 
> for me,
> > they can keep them!!!
> >
> > GB
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Rob Rey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 5:39 PM
> > Subject: [DXR] Stupidity @ its best
> >
> > > Hello Everybody:
> > >
> > > Here's my little story. I've got Kenwood TS 570 D and for some 
> time it had
> > > been having on going problems of all sorts, the memory went 
> Berzerk, then
> > > the Atomatic Ant.tuner didn't want to tune anymore and some 
> other problems
> > > that I later found out that were all glitches that Kenwood found 
> out 3
> > years
> > > after selling its first 570D. Well, then I call the Kenwood 
> Service Center
> > > in Virginia. I tell them I'm calling from Colombia and that I 
> wanted to
> > send
> > > in the radio, then the geniuses at Kenwood in a somewhat 
> arrogant voice
> > tell
> > > me: "Yeah send it in, we'll fix it in no time ..we're KENWOOD 
> !"
> > >
> > > So me in my 3rd world ignorance believes them and send in my 
> radio from
> > > Bogota ...for a mere U.S. 150.00. Take a trip and when I get 
> back I get a
> > > call from the post office which I had sent the radio, telling me 
> that the
> > > radio was back. Well I was so happy that it had taken so little 
> I jumped
> > in
> > > my car a drove down to the P.O.
> > > Only to find out that the Kenwood bozos had refused the package 
> and it had
> > > been sent down to me again because they didn't want to pay 
> customs fees,
> > so
> > > now I have to pay the Colombian customs U.S. 350.00 for getting 
> back a
> > > damaged radio and another U.S 150 for return postage!!!
> > > I then called the Kenwood freaks to ask them what happened and 
> they said:
> > > Oh.. Mr. Rey I'm sorry we didn't mention this before please calm 
> down and
> > we
> > > will have the boys down in California resolve this "little" 
> mishap, give
> > us
> > > your email and we will contact you ASAP.....
> > > That was three days ago ....nothing yet
> > > So whats going to be my next radio ??? U You can bet your sorry 
> _ _ _ , it
> > > aint gonna be KENWOOD !!!!!
> > >
> > > a Kenwoodless HK3CW  ROB
> > >
> > > Anybody wanna join me throwing away U.S. 650... we can burn them 
> together
> > !
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at 
> > >
> > > 
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