Finally I have am seeing some common sense approach thinking on this
Having been on both sides of the pile up I concur with most views
expressed to date especially the instances when something has happened
to the dxers frequency.

However the one thing I do detest is when I get repeat qsos.... B4 u
chew my head off.....

Many lounge lizard dxers have the uncanny nack of getting thru pileups
on the same band and mode all too often thus resulting in dupe qsos.
Until a few years ago this was not a major problem but the advent of
true computer logging programs has made this a forefront problem that
arises over and over. Truth is it has always been there but till now
wasn't an immediate problem.
I detest dupe qsos however I fully realise that there are certain times
and circumstances that ensure this will continue.
As we all no a person who calls himself a true proffessional never makes
The comment has been made that " I am surprised that they don't make
more mistakes"
Naturally I am not that surprised , most operators these days are
proffessional especially ones that embark on rare dx locations and put
on a show for the rest all be that we are AMATEURS.

If the lounge lizard type operators were to be a little more patient and
listened with more intent than is happening these days there would be
even less dupe qsos.

I hasten to add that if all dxers worldwide adopted the Japanese
operators approach then we would all have a much easier time.

One thing that everyone MUSTremember.......  a dupe qso means that
someone else missed out on getting in the log..... would you like it if
you were the someone.

regards Bill

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