5 May 2001                                                        No 522  
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] - BBS [EMAIL PROTECTED])            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED])                                         !

                        >>> DXCC MOST WANTED SUREVY <<<
The results  of the  recent 425  DX  News DXCC  Most  Wanted survey  will  be
published in 425DXN #523. Many thanks to all those who participated.

3A      - Look for  3A/IK5GQK  (Fabrizio),  3A/IK5YOJ  (Giuseppe),  3A/IW5BZQ
           (Stefano), and  3A/IW5EDQ (Virginio)  to operate  from Monaco  (WWL
           JN33RR) on 1-3 June. They will  be active on  6 metres (SSB,  RTTY,
           PSK31), 2  metres (SSB)  and on  the HF  bands (SSB,  RTTY,  PSK31,
           SSTV);  skeds  are  welcome  at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  also  during  the
           operation.    Latest    information    and    on-line    logs    at
           http://www.mannelli.com/3a. QSL direct to IW5BZQ for contacts  made
           on 6 and 2 metres  (Stefano Mannelli, P.O.  Box 569, 50123  Firenze
           Centro - FI, Italy) and to IK5GQK for contacts made on HF (Fabrizio
           Vannini, Via Forlanini 68, 50127 Firenze - FI, Italy). [TNX IW5BZQ]
3B6     - There has been an unexpected change  in travel plans for the  3B6RF
           DXpedition, as the team had to  take a boat from the Seychelles  to
           Agalega instead of flying. The voyage (17-19 hours) was expected to
           start on 4 May around 17 local time. Once on the island, they  will
           immediately start assembling  the equipment  in order  to have  the
           first station  up and  running as  soon as  possible. [TNX K6GNX]
5V      - Daniele, IV3TDM will operate from Atakpame,  Togo between 5 and  16
           May (licence to be issued upon  arrival). He will be active in  his
           spare time with 100 watts on all bands SSB, with special  attention
           to the low frequencies. QSL via IV3TDM either direct or through the
           ARI bureau. [TNX IV3TDM]
8P & V2 - Conny, DL1DA will operate  from Antigua (NA-100)  between 5 and  11
           May. Then he will move to Barbados (NA-021) and be active as  8P9BK
           between 12 and 17 May. He plans to operate on 10-40 metres (and  if
           he can install a longwire on 80 and 160 metres as well) CW. QSL via
           DL1DA. [TNX The Daily DX]
HK0_mal - Pedro, HK3JJH/HK0M is expected to go QRT from Malpelo on 7 May. QSL
           via N4AA (Carl Smith, P.O. Box 249, Leicester, NC 28748-0249, USA).
JA      - Haru, JA1CG  will operate  as  8J1SAI on  6-7  May from  the  newly
           created Saitama City, for which  a new JCC  number (1344) has  been
           issued by JARL. Look for him on +/- 21.330 kHz. QSL via JA1CG. [TNX
KH2     - JA1RTG, JF1CPE, JI1EOP, JK1EBA, JR3OET, JA5AGW  and JI0PFJ will  be
           active (on  40,  20, 17,  15,  10  and 6  metres  CW  and  SSB)  as
           KH2/JM1YGG from Guam (OC-026) between 8 UTC on 10 May and 1 UTC  on
           the 13th. QSL either via bureau to JM1YGG or direct to JA1RTG. [TNX
SV      - Steve, G4EDG intends  to operate  from Kythira  Island (EU-113)  as
           SV8/G4EDG  and   possibly  from   EU-158  as   SV3/G4EDG   starting
           approximately on 7 May for 2  weeks. It will be a backpacking  trip
           and operation  will be  on 20  metres CW  only with  5 Watts  to  a
           dipole. QSL via home call. [TNX G4EDG]
TT8     - Eric, F5JKK will be back to  Chad the second or  third week of  May
           and hopes to operate on 6 metres  and HF (CW, RTTY, PSK31 and  some
           SSTV) as TT8JE. He will concentrate on 10, 12, 17, 30 and 6  metres
           (50200 kHz). QSL via F6FNU. [TNX The Daily DX]
UA      - Nick, RK1PWA reports that UA1PBP/9 will  be active from AS-089  for
           two weeks starting on 5 May. QSL via RK1PWA. [TNX VA3RJ]
W       - Operators from the United Radio Amateur  Club, N6UB will be  active
           (on 10-40  metres CW,  SSB and  PSK31) from  Santa Catalina  Island
           (NA-066) on 11-14 May. QSL via N6UB. [TNX The Daily DX]
YB      - Adi, YC3MM  plans to  be active  during  the ARI  International  DX
           Contest (5-6  May) as  YC3MM/5 from  OC-075. QSL  via IZ8CCW.  [TNX

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

3W7D ---> The  3W7D operation from  Tam Island (AS-157)  started on 26  April
around 14 UTC  on 20  and 15  metres SSB;  Terry, BD7NQ  reports the  station
signing 3W7D on 21.040 MHz CW between 7 UTC and 15.30 UTC was a pirate.

AS-154 ---> For those  who asked: YM0KG  was a special  call used during  the
recent operation from Giresun  Island (AS-154). This  call belongs to  TA7KG,
the Turkish Radio Amateur  Club branch in the  town of Giresun.  [TNX TA2DS -
TRAC HQ Vice President]

DCI ---> For information on the newly born Italian Castles Award (Diploma dei
Castelli   d'Italia),    sponsored   by    ARI   Mondovi',    please    visit
http://utenti.tripod.it/dci  or  contact  the  Award  Manager  (Pier Giovanni

PATHFINDER ---> Pathfinder is a free program  that makes it easy to find  QSL
information   from    more    than   100    web-accessible    sources.    See
http://www.qsl.net/pathfinder/ for  additional information  and download,  or
use the Pathfinder Web Client, which requires no downloading or  installation
(http://www.qsl.net/pathfinder/WebClient/). [TNX AA6YQ]

QSL FW5ZL  ---> Cards  for contacts  on 6  metres should  be sent  to  JA3EMU
(Toshiyuki  Tanaka,  11-22   Higashi-kourishinmachi,  Hirakata  city,   Osaka
573-0077, Japan). QSLs  for contacts on  HF bands  should be  sent direct  to
FW5ZL (Guy  Petit de  la Rhodiere,  B.P. 2,  F-98600 Mata-Utu,  France)  [TNX

QSL H44NC ---> Norried, H44NC will be leaving New Georgia (OC-149) shortly to
return to the USA for approximatey 12  months. He will be carrying the  H44NC
logs from July 2000 onwards with  him. As of 1 May 2001  QSL cards for  H44NC
should be  sent  (direct  only)  to: Norried  F.  Chaisson,  P.O.  Box  2262,
Springfield, MO 65801, USA. QSLs before July 2000 will still be answered  but
only after returning to H4. [TNX VK2CA]

QSL PW0S ---> Steve, KU9C reports  he expects the cards to  to arrive at  his
QTH on 11 May. If this happens on schedule, he plans to issue all direct  QSL
cards that are clean in the log by 15 May.

QSL R2/DK8LV ---> Stephan, DK8LV reports he has still to process the requests
received so  far for  his operation  from Kalinigrad  last year.  Cards  were
received  from  the  printer  in  December  2000,  but  the  call  was  wrong
(R2/DL8LV!) and he is still waiting  for the new QSLs to  arrive. If he  does
not receive the cards by the  end of April, he will look  for a new  printer.
Please be patient. [TNX IK4NQL]

QSL UT2VU/DU7  ---> Cards  for Oleg's  recent activity  from the  Philippines
should be sent to US1VA (P.O.  Box 23, Kirovograd-9, 25009, Ukraine).  Please
note that  according to  Oleg cards  are not  likely to  be sent  out  before
December-January. [TNX UT2VU]

QSL NOT VIA PA3EPG ---> Ben, PA3EPG reports  he is no longer the QSL  manager
for 4K5CW,4K9C and 4J4K. He can confirm contacts made through 31 March  2001.
Cards should be sent to Ben  van Leeuwen, Zwolseweg 57,  8181 AC Heerde,  The

WAIL ---> For information on the Worked All Italian Lighthouses Award  please
visit  http://www.425dxn.org/awards/wail/  or http://www.ari.it/wail.html, or
contact the Award Manager  (Paolo Garavaglia, IK1NLZ)  at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The WAIL programme was created in 2000 and the first certificates  have  been
issued to the following amateurs (their relevant score  is between  brackets)
in  the Italy,  Europe and  Outside Europe sections: IS0JMA (24), I0SBA (17),
IK1WGX (16),  IK8OZP (16), I4GAS (15),  IZ1ANU (15), IZ8DBJ (15); SP5PB (15);
K2XF (6).

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

3B6RF: For the latest  information  on the DXpedition to Agalega please visit

LOGS:  The logs for the  recent operation by  IE9/IZ8AJQ and IE9/IZ8DBJ  from
        Ustica (NA-051), and its lighthouses Punta Omo Morto (WAIL SI-027) and
        Cavezzi (WAIL SI-028), are available at  http://go.to/ustica2001  [TNX

                       <<< MOST NEEDED DXCC ENTITIES >>>
                               <<< PART 2/2 >>>

The following survey  is taken from  the newly published  ARRL DXCC  Yearbook
2000  and  includes the other  50 of the top 100 entities needed by DXers who
participate in the  DXCC  programme  (data taken from  the 21,000 Mixed  DXCC
records). Part 1/2 (positions from   1 to  50) was published  in 425 DX  News
#520. [TNX The Daily DX]

Rank Prefix Country                    Rank Prefix Country
51   S2      Bangladesh                76   R1M     Malyy Vysotskiy Island
52   1S      Spratly Isls              77   3D2R    Rotuma
53   TI9     Cocos I.                  78   YI      Iraq
54   ZD9     Tristan da Cunha & Gough  79   CE0Z    Juan Fernandez Isls
55   FO/C    Clipperton Island         80   KP5     Desecheo Island
56   KH5     Palmyra & Jarvis Isls     81   D6      Comoros
57   Z3      Macedonia                 82   ET      Ethiopia
58   VP8/O   South Orkney Isls         83   KH9     Wake Island
59   VK9/X   Christmas Island          84   TY      Benin
60   T5      Somalia                   85   KH7K    Kure Island
61   VK9/C   Cocos-Keeling Isls        86   JD1/M   Minami Torishima
62   T9      Bosnia-Herzegovina        87   CY0     Sable Island
63   TT      Chad                      88   OM      Slovak Republic
64   ZK3     Tokelau Isls              89   KH4     Midway Islands
65   5R8     Madagascar                90   3W      Vietnam
66   S0      Western Sahara            91   JX      Jan Mayen
67   KP1     Navassa                   92   3X      Guinea
68   3V      Tunisia                   93   ZC4     UK Bases on Cyprus
69   3B9     Rodriguez Island          94   9N      Nepal
70   3C      Equatorial Guinea         95   T8      Palau
71   ST      Sudan                     96   VP8     South Shetlands
72   YK      Syria                     97   T2      Tuvalu
73   XU      Cambodia                  98   5X      Uganda
74   OK      Czech Republic            99   CY9     St. Paul Island
75   ZK1/N   North Cook Islands       100   8Q      Maldive Islands

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER       CALL        MANAGER       CALL        MANAGER
3B6RF       HB9AGH        EI8EM       W2ORA         R3CA/0      UA9OBA
3B6RF       N3SL [1]      EK4JJ       W6QKB         RI0B        RW3GW
3D2NV/P     JA1NVF        EM0RSE      DJ0MAQ        RP3RST      RN3RQ
3DA0NL      ZS6ANL        EM1HO       I2PJA         RP3RTG      RN3RQ
3G4A        CE4BQO        EM1KCC      UT7UA         RP3RTK      RN3RQ
3G4B        CE4ETZ        EM5QRP      UR7IRL        RP3RZK      RN3RQ
3W7D        BA1DU         EN15UC      UR7UL         RS0B        RW3GW
4S7BRG      HB9BRM        EP3SP       W3HC          RU0B        UA9OBA
5H3OG       SM5IVO        ET3VSC      K3IRV         S21YV       KX7YT
5N3ZP       IK5JAN        EX8NP       IK2QPR        SO1VOX      DL7VOX
5R8DL       JH8YZB        F/ON4ZD/P   ON4ZD         SU/ZS6WPX   ZS6WPX
5R8FL       F5TBA         FG5FR       F6FNU         SV8/N2DH    N2DH
5R8GT       DK8ZD         FH/JJ1LIB/P JN1HOW        TA0/IT9WDY/p IT9YRE
5R8GV       JH6RFT        FK8GJ       F6CXJ         TA0/IT9YRE/p IT9YRE
5V1SM       KL7Y          FK8HC       VK4FW         TA3J        TA3YJ
5X4L        WA0MJA        FO0MCA      JA3MCA        TG9AAK      EA5KB
7Q7KZ       JA2LZF        FO0RTY      JJ8DEN        TL8CK       F6EWM
7Z1AC       WA4JTK        FO5RA       KM5M          TM5N        F6KOP
8Q7JY       JA1JQY        FY5FU       F5PAC         TP5CE       F6FQK
8Q7KK       HA2SX         G3MRC/C9    G3MRC         TU2KC       F5TLN
8Q7QY       JA1JQY        GB5SI       MM0BQI        TU5GD       N5FTR
9A/S52DG/P  S52DG         HK3JJH/HK0M N4AA          TX0C        JA1BK
9H1EL       LA2TO         HP1AC       EA5KB         TX4A/MM     FK8KAB
9M2/JI1ETU  JI1ETU        HR1BY       EA7FTR        UA0FO       WA6ZEF
9M2DB       KD6WW         HS0/OZ1HET  OZ1ACB        UA0QMU      UA4RC
9M6BAA      G4SHF         HS0ZCW      K4VUD         V63LJ       JH8DEH
9N7WU       JA8MWU        HS4BPQ      E21EIC        V63YV       JA1WPX
9N7ZK       W2UFO         IE9/IZ8AJQ  IZ8AJQ        V73E        WF5T
9Q5BQ       HB9AMO        IE9/IZ8DBJ  IZ8DBJ        VK9CXF      G3TXF
9V1GA       JA4BJO        II6R        IK6SNR        VK9CXJ      G3MXJ
9V1YC       AA5BT         II7G        IK7WPD        VK9CXW      G3SXW
9Y4/N2IM    N2IM          IO6T        IK6GPZ        VK9ML       VK4APG
A25/KY4P    SV0LM         IU3AIR      I3EY          VP8SDX      GM4FDM
AH0N/KH6    JK1PKS        J41K        SV1DPI        VP9/AI5P    AI5P
C91MR/3     G3MRC         J5X         DJ6SI [2]     VQ9VK       N1TO
CE4A        CE4BQO        J5X         DL1QW [3]     VU2TS       I1YRL
CE4B        CE4ETZ        J79CGA      HB9CGA        W1N         K1OA
CE4C        CE4CLM        J88DR       G3TBK         W4CN        K4WW
CE4M        CE4MLN        JA4PXE/6    JA4PXE        W4WX/C6A    W4WX
CE4U        CE4USW        JD1BCK      JM1TUK        XE1VIC      KA9WON
CN8NK       EA5XX         JK1UWY/5N0  JH8BKL        XR4A        CE4BQO
CN8NK       EA5XX         JU1O        JR0CGJ        XR4B        CE4ETZ
CO8OT       EA5KB         JW5HE       LA5HE         XR4M        CE4MLN
CP6XE       IK6SNR        JY9NX       JH7FQK        XR4TA       CE4TA
CU2/PY3ZM   PY3CEJ        KH0/JK1FNN  JK1FNN        XR4U        CE4USW
CU3DJ       KZ5RO         KH0/JR3TVH  JR3TVH        XV3AA       JA6UHG
CX1CCC      EA5KB         KH2/JA1WPX  JA1WPX        YC1WAE      K5ZE
CX2SA       EA5KB         KH2/JM1LJS  JM1LJS        YI1BGD      G0MMI
CX3VB       EA5KB         OD5UT       K3IRV         YI9OM       OM6TX
DL2GG/YV5   DL3AMA        OH0EA       OH2KMG        YM4ED       TA4ED
DU1/SM5ENX  SM5ENX        OX3LG       OZ1ACB        Z33F        NN6C
E21EIC/P    E21EIC        OZ/DF4ZL    DF4ZL         Z36W        NN6C
E29AL       HS0GBI        OZ/DK3WN    DK3WN         ZB2/DJ7ZG   DL7AFS
EA9EU       EA9AZ         PI4MRC      PA0QLD        ZB2/DL7AFS  DL7AFS
ED1SPA      EA1EG         PT2/KC2BAA  OK1FWQ        ZC4BS       G4KIV
ED4TE       EA4TE         PY0FZ       PY7ZZ         ZK1NDS      DL9NDS
ED5RSF      EA5URA        R15CH       RA3YA         ZK1NFK      DL7NFK
ED7CVD      EA7CVD        R1FJL       UA3AGS        ZP/G4DIE    ZP6CU

[1]  USA, Canada and Mexico only
[2]  CW & SSB

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

BA1DU   P.O. Box 8091, Beijing 100088, China
CE4TA   P.O. Box 666, Talca, Chile
DL1DBF  Manfred Wiedemann, Am Feldberg 43, D-57334 Bad Laasphe, Germany
DL3AMA  Siegmar Kleine, Albrecht-Duerer-Str. 3/78, D-99610 Soemmerda, Germany
DL7FT   Frank Turek, P.O. Box 1421, D-14004 Berlin, Germany
DL7NFK  Klaus Mohr, Am Anger 12, 95488 Eckersdorf, Germany
DL7VOX  Helmut Radach, Riesaer Strasse 93, D-12627 Berlin, Germany
DL9NDS  Uwe Scherf, Itzgrund 15, 95512 Neudrossenfeld, Germany
EA5KB   Jose F. Ardid Arlandis, Apartado 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain
GM4FDM  Thomas G. Wylie, 3 Kings Crescent, Elderslie, Renfrewshire, PA5 9AD,
         Scotland, UK
HA2SX   Peter Kalocsa, Marko, Bakonyi ut 20, H-8441 Hungary
HB9AGH  Ambrosi Fluetsch, Lerchenweg 29, CH 8046 Zurich, Switzerland
HB9AMO  Pierre Petry, 3 Hutins-des-Bois, 1225 Chene-Bourg, Switzerland
IK7WPD  Antonio Masiello, Via Coop. Casa Ridente Pal. A, 70024 Gravina in
         Puglia - BA, Italy
IT9YRE  Ferdinando Rubino, P.O. Box 30, 96012 Avola - SR, Italy
IZ8AJQ  Erminio Cioffi di Michele, Piazza Umberto 1 16, 84036 Sala Consilina
         - SA, Italy
IZ8CCW  P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy
IZ8DBJ  Mario Pesce, Via Privata Falci 2, 80070 Bacoli - NA, Italy
JA1BK   Kan Mizoguchi, 5-3 Sakuragaoka 4 Chome, Tama-City, Tokyo 206-0013,
JA1JQY  Shigeo Matsui, 2-31-10 Shimoseya, Yokohama, 246-0035 Japan
JA1NVF  Katsumi Yoshinuma, 17-6 Wakamiyadai, Yokosuka, 239-0829 Japan
JA4FHE  Akifumi Matsuda, 1-11-6 Ageicyo, Kurayoshi-city, Tottori 82-0022,
JA4GXS  Kenji Sasaki, 2-15 Ishikannon-cho, Yamaguchi-city, 753-0038 Japan
JA4PXE  Joe S. Kuwahara, 1-75 Midori, Tokuyama 745-0075, Japan
JA8MWU  Kazunori Abe, 12-5-9 Kagura 7jo, Asahikawa, 070-8007 Japan
JF6WTY  Yuichiro Hayashi, 16888, Noma, Nakatane-Town, Kumage-Gun, Kagoshima,
         891-3604, Japan
JI3DST  Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka-city, Osaka
         545-0021, Japan
JJ1LIB  Yutaka Nomura, 3-16-7 Hirato, Totsuka, Yokohama, 244-0802 Japan
JR0CGJ  Takashi Shimizu, P.O. Box 5, Tateshina Kitasaku, Nagano 384-2305,
K4WW    Shelby Summerville, 6506 Lantana Court, Louisville, KY 40229-1544,
KB5GL   Silvano Amenta, 5028 Hearst St, Metairie, LA 70001, USA
KU9C    Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054-6953, USA
LA5UKA  Bjorn Braekee, Tverrveien 5B, Moss 1525, Norway
N3SL    Steve Larson, 22 N. Hidden Acres Drive, Sioux City, Iowa 51108, USA
N4AA    Carl Smith, P.O. Box 249, Leicester, NC 28748-0249, USA
ON4ZD   Leon Donner, Rue Gaston Dubois 6, B-1428 Lillois, Belgium
PY7ZZ   Fred Souto Maior, Rua Almeida Belo 241, Apt 302, Bairro Novo, Olinda,
         PE 53030-030, Brazil 
RA3YA   Vlado Vukov, P.O.Box 73, Bryansk 241000, Russia 
RN3RQ   Jack Yatskiv, P.O.Box 30, Michurinsk 393760, Russia
RW3GW   Valery I. Sushkov, P.O. Box 3, Lipetsk - 398000, Russia
SM3TLG  Hans Nilsson, Styvje 3040, SE-826 94 Norrala, Sweden
TA3YJ   Nilay Mine Aydogmus, P.O. Box 876, 35214 Izmir, Turkey
UA9OBA  Yuri V.Zaruba, P.O.Box 1, Novosibirsk-92, 630092, Russia
UN2O    Leo V. Welikanov, P.O. Box 1, Atyrau, 465002, Kazakstan
UR7IRL  Vladimir Tretyakov, P.O. Box 41, Konstantinovka-10, Donetsk Region,
         85110, Ukraine
UT7UA   Roman A. Bratchyk, P.O.Box B-19, Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
VK4APG  P.J. Garden, 58 Minerva Court, Eatons Hill, 4037 QLD, Australia
YC8QP   Ricky J.E. Mewengkang, P.O. Box 1402, Manado 95014, Indonesia

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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425 DX News Editor

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