At 1:28 PM -0500 6/18/01, Zack Widup wrote:
>This is probably the same SLIM that was signing VR8B ("Yvonne on Ducie
>Island") a couple years ago.  Ducie is, I believe, an uninhabited island.
>At least, I think that's what Tom Christian told me.  There is no power
>source there.

As it happens, a notice from Bernie in The Weekly DX this week says that Tom is going 
to be leading a DXpedition to Ducie in November of this year.

Application from the Pitcairn Island Amateur Radio Association to the IARU for 
membership has been accepted at Region III, and forwarded on to the IARU full 
membership for consideration. Acceptance of Pitcairn into the IARU will then make 
Ducie Island eligible for DXCC status as a separate entity.

They're probably hoping all of this is going to happen before 16 November 2001, so 
this DXpedition will result in cards that are good for more than colorful wallpaper.

I think that hoping for all of this to happen in that short a time frame is being very 
wishful, but it will be interesting to see how all of this comes out.

J o h n   B a s t i n           K 8 A J S
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