I'm sorry, but for a few seconds there I forgot it was a hobby...
Maybe to appreciate what it means to volunteer your time and effort, He needs to do some himself.
Geeezuzzz   Relax, it will come eventually... the earth isn't gonna stop turning in the meantime... and if it does, a QSL really wont matter then will it?
Bill K2NJ
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: [DXR]


I am curious as to why Phil's response would raise your blood pressure. The D68C operation made 168,000 QSO's, and Phil is one person. Although I am sure he has part-time help from others with this monumental task, he also has a life, and is doing this as a volunteer---as in "gratis".. All you or anyone else in the audience did was to work D68C, fill out cards, and mail them. Your "job" is done, while his is enormous and just beginning.

Having participated in three major DXpeditions and several minor ones, it amazes me that DXers expect prompt "service" when the service dispenser is a volunteer, and the service is a hobby. I think it is reasonable to allow a year for an operation of this magnitude to chew down the QSL mountain. And every inquiry from an impatient DXer that is courteously replied to kills ten minutes of the manager's time, during which he might have opened 50 of those unopened envelopes.

If you indeed "hounded" him, the fact that he replied at all, and courteously, speaks well of him.

The scale and scope of modern mega-DXpeditions has changed DXing. Unless and until more efficient QSLing methods, involving the Internet, are in place, QSLing will remain the longest and most tedious phase of the operation. Patience---the same quality required to bust a big pileup with less than a mega-signal---is called for here.

Garry, NI6T

P.S.: I have yet to send my cards for D68C.

Eustache E Ames wrote:

To all of us D68C QSL, hopefuls : After hounding Phil Whitechurch, (G3SWH), knowing that he is QSL MGR., for D68C (COMOROS),  he sent me an EMAIL, last week.  He explains that he is inundated with our QSL Cards, and many batches are still unopened.  Therefore he knows not, if your particular Card is in his possession, or not.Phil advises, NOT to resubmit your QSL, at this time, `til he gets this mess unraveled.Of course, this raised my blood pressure, somewhat, but decided that we would be better served, if we stay cool.So that`s all I know, and have to appreciate PHILS decency, in letting me know the story. See ya in the PILEUPS,.....ED...........W4UUU...........
160 meters-not a band but an obsession

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