For the past several month, Urb, Ron (WN3VAW) and myself have 
been fine tuning a much needed resource for the subscribers of the 
NJDXA's DXR reflector.

As you are aware, going into our 3rd year of service to ther amateur 
radio DX community, we have strived, with relatively good success, 
to maintain a DX NEWS format, as opposed to an open DX 
discussion list.  Still, as of late, there seems to be a growing need to 
"discuss" things DX.

With that mind in, we are about to roll out, for the DXR subscribers, 
as offshoot "discussion" reflector call DX-CHAT, where such 
discussions as have been seen, with the possible exceptions of 
QSL'ing methods, can be calmly, rationally and above all discussed 
in a friendly manner.

It will be essentially an anything almost goes and we are working on 
the final FAQ's.  We are hoping to avoid the pitfalls of such a list as 
it seems the threads almost always boil down into a name calling 
flames fest dominated by a handful of indivduals.

Subcribing will be voluntary.  IOW, come and goe as you like.  You'll 
be able to subcribe and unsubscribe as easily as with the DXR.

If all goes well, it might be up and running as early as this coming 
weekend (Ron????  Urb??) and best off all ..I WILL HAVE 
NOTHING TO DO WITH IT as far as its operation will go.

As stated, there are some rules, just to keep things moving and 
they'll be posted here on the day DX-CHAT is operational.

Watch this space for further updates.  Just an ever growing list of 
things YOU have asked for.

Enjoy the week.  Stay indoors, take plenty of liquids


Steve - KF2TI

Economy 101 states:
A recession is when your neighbor loses his job,
A depression is when you lose yours

I married my wife for her looks...
but not the ones she's been giving me lately
Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems
To post a message, DX NEWS items only, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives available at
This is the DXR reflector sponsored by the NJDXA

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