I apologize for going off topic, but believe that many amateur radio
operators worldwide have value systems rooted in the Judaian/Christian

In the USA we believe to the roots of our deepest held value system that
the Right to Free Speech shall be honored, subject to the one constraint
of not endangering the common good. There is a line from an old movie
that I choose to paraphrase: 'I disagree with what you have to say, but
I'll defend to my death your right to say it.' On the HF and VHF bands
US amateurs will engage in discussions that other cultures deem to be
off limits in an exercize of the right.

Pope John Paul II, the Roman Catholic Leader of the world and a
spokesman for many deeply held Christian values, has written: "...In the
name of God: Respect, Protect, Love and Serve Life...",[Evangelium Vitae
[Gospel of Life], Paragraph 5].

On 9-11-2001 people who do not honor either Life or Free Speech
conducted a pre-meditated attack against me/us and my/our value system.
That attack should not lead me/us to abandon our value system(s).

Some have written blaming the USA for the attack, effectively accusing
us of national suicide.

Some have responded vigorously defending the USA.

Some have responded condemning either or both of the above.

We, the people of the USA, through the actions of our leaders, will
respond based on principles of Law and Justice. Our response will be
measured, proportional to the harm done, and hopefully fully respectful
of innocent human life. It is in Respect for all Life, Protection of all
innocent Life, Service of Life and Love of Life and life values,
including free speech, that the USA is defined.

My friends in the USA, let us grieve together, let us pray together, let
us cry together, let us be angry together; but let us also be resolved
to respect life, people and the diversity of values, customs, ideas and
political opinions.

My friends thoughout the world, we need your support and prayers. We
respect the diversity of opinion even if we don't agree with it. We ask
you to support the USA as we seek Truth, Justice and Mercy in the
aftermath of recent events. Innocent life has been destroyed.

In the midst of this trajedy we, the amateur radio operators of the USA,
particularly those who work DX and post comments on the various DX
reflectors, have an opportunity to truly witness to the world our value

Rev. Mr. [Deacon] Dave Shrader, W1MCE
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