Anyt replies [EMAIL PROTECTED] please
Just received an email from Ray, WH6ASW/KH2. He is leaving Guam in a few days, returning to Hawaii. He asked me to pass along that regardless of any reference to a QSL Manager, he does NOT have one. His new address for QSLing is: RAMON E. FABREE - WH6ASW P. O. BOX 1693 AIEA, HAWAII 96701 Any mail sent to his previous Guam address will be forwarded. All future= QSL request should go to the address above. 73 Bill 73, Steve - KF2TI The answer to life, the universe, and everything is 42 And remember, wherever you go, there you are If it doesn't fit..force it. If it breaks, it probably needed to be replaced anyway. ------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems, etc DX-NEWS DX-CHAT: To post a message, DX NEWS items only, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives