Hello fellows Ham
Sorry I made a mistake I did not forward F2VX email to NC1L
Please find it below:
Subject:        Re: TT8/DXCC
   Date:        Mon, 8 Oct 2001 16:10:12 +0200
  From:        "agrandissime" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    To:        "Moore, Bill, NC1L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    CC:        "Didier SENMARTIN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Pierre

    Hello Bill,

    What news ' about TT8DX and TT8JE ?

    N4MM have received the documentation for TT8DX from F5OGL. Did you
received it ?

    Antoine, F6FNU, said to me that He have send to you the
(licence and passeport) for TT8JE ?

    Any comment ?

    73's Gérard / F2VX

Now for those who have made comments please find a copy of
a part of a message I have received from F5OGL on the subjet
I am giving the original French version and for those who cannot
read French a free translation

Subject:            Re: TT8/DXCC
Date:            Mon, 8 Oct 2001 15:31:48 +0200
 From:            "Didier SENMARTIN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Organization:            REF-UNION
        To:           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        CC:            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  References:            1

Salut Pierre

J'ai envoyé à N4MM les scan's de la licence de Christian, de son
de son contrat de travail et de son laissez-passer de la région de
EN AJOUTANT QUE NC1L est en possession de ceux ci depuis 6 mois
environ.. Si
celà ne suffit pas et sachant que Christian a ré-ouvert officiellement
radioamateurisme au Tchad avec son activité TT8SA, je me demande ce
leur faut certainement un classeur pour ne pas perdre les courriers !!!

I have sent to N4mn a scan of the license of the passport, of the work
contract and of the authorization to travel to the region of Moundou
of Christian (TT8DX)
I have added  a comment stating that NC1L HAS A COPY OF
If this is not enough and knowing that Christian has re-opened
officially ham activity in Tchad using the call sign TT8SA I am
wondering WHAT IS NEEDED and if they (ARRL) need
a filling cabinet in order not to loose all the mail!

I am sorry I made the mistake of not sending the copy of F2 VX mail
but I and many of us over here cannot understand why it takes so
long to get ARRL approval when  all the needed documents have been sent
Do not fire at me I shall not answer further mail on this subject.
I just wanted the ham community to understand that there may be
a problem .....especially when documentation for 2 TT8 stations was
sent by TWO different QSL managers a long time ago and nothing has

73   Pierre F6HIZ

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