Dear Fellow DXers,

A few days ago I posted a brief note about a book about Dxing that I feel is 
a real find.  During past few days I have received numerous e-mail responses 
loaded with questions that require answers.  Hopefully, the following will 
answer all of your questions:

The book is entitled " DXing 101x" and it is written by Rod Dinkins.  Full 
details including ordering, cost, domestic and international shipping costs, 
chapter outlines and chapter content samples can be found at URL:  (By the way, this is one great Web site and it 
is loaded with useful information and very, very well organized.)

With respect to AC6V's book...When I mentioned that it was comb bound, I 
meant that the pages are held together with a plastic spiral comb.  AC6V had 
a great idea when he used this binding method.  Since there is new 
information coming out every day, AC6V's book is always current since it is 
updated on a weekly basis.  In short when you order a book, you receive a new 
current edition.  Up to the day changes are posted on his Web you 
can constantly update your book.  (Naturally, using this method, you cannot 
get a more definitive up-to-date book on the subject of DXing.)

As for the information contained in the book.  I really don't know where to 
start, except to say that I was completely amazed with the thoroughness and 
sophistication of the content.  There is just about everything you can 
imagine in this book.  No, I am not kidding!  The book is extremely well 
organized and written.  (Mr. Dinkins is a former technical writer.)

The book does cover a wide variety of subjects, for example I had never heard 
of a Cricket or Pulser for tuning a linear amplifier. Briefly, it is a duty 
cycle method of tuning an amplifier which reduces component stress, 
overheating and excessive power supply loading.

Another example of subject variety is when QSLing a country known for its 
poor return rate -- have a friend of a friend address it in the native 
language e.g., Iran's language is Farsi. This worked for me.

Yet another example is tracking the operating habits of an operator in a 
fairly rare country and being all tuned up and snagging em on the first call.

In addition the book contains a prefix list (250+) all on one sheet of paper. 
Also has CQ and ITU zone maps.

Unlike older DX books, this guide has frequent reference (with URL's) to 
access the latest DX news, on-line logs, online callbooks and lots of DX 
software. Perfect for the experienced DXer new to the Internet. DX telnet and 
international DX spotting
networks are also discussed.

Although there is a money back guarantee I can't imagine anyone giving this 
book up.

My guess is that even if you have been a ham for decades, you will find this 
book to be a real treasure.  I have ordered two more books for ham friends.  
One of my pals has already received his copy and loves it and the other 
friend has not yet received his copy but I am sure he will say, "It's great!" 
 (Both of my ham pals have been licensed since the early 60's.)

Mr. Dinkins, the author of this fine work, is a member of the ARRL DXCC Honor 
Roll and when/if you ever talk to this gentleman you will quickly ascertain 
why he has been so successful in making contacts.  In short, he just know the 
hobby through and through.  If you have occasion to chat with him, get ready 
for a real treat!

I hope this answers all of your questions.  

Very 73 and Good DX.

Courtney L. Flatau,   A J 6 Z

Post Office Box 2050
Yucca Valley, CA 92286-2050

Telephone:   (760) 365-1017
Facsimile:   (760) 365-7059
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