>From time to time, I have been asked why the posts from the DXR stop, 
or why was I unsubscribed, so here are a few answers.

>From time to time, an ISP decides to go kablamm and stops forwarding 
posts to its subscribers (the main reason).  This seems to be more 
prevalent with some of the European ISP's and the arrl.org 

Each day, actually, each time I download DXR posts, I get a list of 
bounced mail (mail that was not delivered for one reason or another).
On average, over 100 per day.  The record was several months ago, 
after Sept 11 when I had to download over 3000 bounced messages.  
Remember, each post generates a bounce as do each subsequent reply to 
the list.

  There are essentially 2 types of bouncing mail..soft and hard (mind 
you tongues!!!)

A soft bounce is a message that has not been delivered and the ISP 
will continue trying.  For whatever reason, your ISP can not deliver 
the mail, but keeps trying.

The other is a hard bounce and the ISP basically does not recognize 
the e-mail address.  If a hard bounce address is found 3 days in ar 
ow, it is deleted/unsubscribed.  Usually, it's because someone has 
changed their e-mail address and not changed their forwarding account 
to recognize it, etc.

Sometimes, the ISP won't recognize the list (Urb can explain better) 
and you get bounced as soon as you subscribe.  In those cases, I drop 
you a quick line to let you know.

The last reason is that your mailbox is full.  That constitutes an 
instant unsubscribing.  Urb has provided a stress-free way to 
subscribe and unsubscribe, so there really is no reason for full 
mailboxes, although several Hokies from Va Tech, who shall remain 
nameless seem to be big offenders when school goes on break (like in 
2 weeks and where are my tickets to the Gator Bowl?? sorry, 

If you stop getting DXR posts, drop me line.  I'll look into it and 
see what happened.

Anyway, hope this answers a couple of the more popular questions.  

Enjoy the week, type you all soon
Steven - KF2TI
Systems Administrator
NJDXA DXR Reflector

outgoing mail scanned with Norton's NAV2002

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