Pse note that A52OM, Ray (also G3NOM), now active from Bhutan where he is 
assisting forming a second club station in that country and teaching locals 
how to become ham radio operators, resides in Thailand.  Thus, the likely 
most direct buro QSL route to him will go via HS/G3NOM at the Thailand QSL 
Trying to send cards to Bhutan (or England) will just confuse folks or add 
I know Ray personally and also spoke to him on the 20m SEANET freq. last 
Wednesday with his A52OM call.  Pse do not call him for a DX contact when 
SEANET is in session, but he sometimes can stay afterwards for DX calls.
Look for Bhutan to be way off the "rare list" by next year as more and more 
locals get licensed... a textbook turn-around for a formerly "closed" DX 
entity that can give us all hope for those other "closed" ones.
73, Charly K4VUD, HS0ZCW, 9N7UD, A52UD, V26V, and VU3CHE (my XW1UD operation 
did not qualify for DXCC status, sri, but there is bright hope for lots of 
activity from XW within six months).

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