Sorry for being off topic, but felt this was important.

Did anyone have any thoughts on the Presidents call
for all Americans to put in more time in public service ?

Most of us belong to ARES and have helped out in times
of need with natural disasters, and many helped
during the 9-11 attack. As will as the other man made
terror attacks in the past. Not to mention all the traffic
than has been passed to our troops over seas.

I'm sure the ARRL is looking at this, and I think there
a number of ways we can help.

The possibilities exist from the local club level to handling
of health and welfare traffic over seas.

We can all benefit by helping to keep our country safer
and proving our worth as amateurs, keeping our
bands, and increasing the numbers of new operators.

I would be interested in hearing your thoughts.


God Bless The USA

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